The future of artificial intelligence has already arrived

Data has been a crucial element for a market that could reach 98,000 million dollars in 2023 and exceed 169,000 million in 2025. 64% of banking services executives believe that artificial intelligence (AI) will transform the sector in a maximum of two years. What’s more, the use of technology could generate $140 billion in additional profits due to productivity gains and cost savings. When applied to all sectors, AI is expected to generate a $2.9 trillion business in 2021 alone.

That growth is now being fueled by the coronavirus pandemic, with . AI is now being combined with new automation approaches, called intelligent automation or hyper-automation, allowing them to do much more with less.

COVID-19 has shown that it lacks the necessary data to be able to predict possible results. But for many companies their reality is that they need solutions to their daily problems and -although artificial intelligence and automation can be that solution- technology requires hiring specialists, engineers and data scientists. All of this can hinder that they may not have the necessary resources to achieve optimal results. But there is a way around this.

No programming required = No barrier to entry

There is a high demand for professionals who understand how to bring AI-based applications to the enterprise, which has produced in the job market. But now, companies can benefit from no-code AI platforms, which allow business leaders to use this technology without the need for a team of AI specialists.

The combination of requires less data and allows smaller companies to use this technology, opening a door for SMEs to compete with even the world’s largest dotcom giants.

The days of relying on generic robotic process automation (RPA) are over: RPA bots have not proven effective in solving complex end-to-end back-office tasks, especially those with unstructured data entry or security requirements. automation in real time.

This is where a more advanced form of automation comes into play, known as hyper-automation, which acts in real time and uses artificial intelligence to manage unstructured information, allowing the number of potential automation use cases to increase exponentially.

Instead of just automating simple tasks based on spreadsheet data, hyperautomation can perform tasks based on real-time conversations with employees and customers. It can also analyze voice messages using natural language understanding to determine what was requested and follow through with the correct action on its own, allowing human employees to work on higher value-added tasks.

AI without code and hyperautomation are the two tools that are already allowing the democratization of the use of AI, which will give a real start to the fourth industrial revolution that we have been hearing about for some time.

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