These are the requirements to access the baby check of 14,500 euros from the Community of Madrid

The aid for mothers and families in Madrid continues, with access to the baby check of 14,500 euros. The measure, although it was presented last year, in the midst of the investiture debate of the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, came into force in January 2022 and many families have already accessed the benefit. However, there are still doubts about the requirements, profile and service request dates.

“The family is the basic institution on which our model of coexistence is based. Policies to support parents and boost the birth rate are a priority for him”, can be read on the Community’s website.

The aid will be aimed at mothers under 30 years of age with incomes of less than 30,000 euros. They will be able to receive 500 euros per month from the fifth month of pregnancy until the child turns 2 years old. The total sum that the mother and the family can receive will be up to 14,500 euros.

The regional government, as stated on its website, aims to boost the “birth rate” and prevent the “lack” of economic possibilities from “hindering” the formation of a family project in the region.

Who can receive the help?

People under 30 years of age who -at the date of submitting the application- are in any of the following situations may be beneficiaries of this aid:

– Pregnant women from week 21 of pregnancy, from January 1, 2022.

– Mothers who have had a child or more children in the event of a multiple birth, as of January 1, 2022.

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– People who have adopted a minor, as of January 1, 2022.

What requirements are nedeed to fulfill?

The beneficiaries must meet the following requirements at the time of submitting the application:

– Be Spanish or foreigner or with legal residence in Spain. Foreigners residing in the Community of Madrid may benefit from this benefit provided they meet the requirements established in this regulation.

– Be 30 years old or younger.

– Reside and be registered uninterruptedly in the Community of Madrid for at least 5 years immediately prior to the date of submission of the application and maintain their residence in the Community of Madrid while receiving the aid. For the purposes of calculating the required term, all the municipalities of the Community of Madrid in which the applicant has been registered will be taken into account.

– Do not exceed 30,000 euros per year of income in individual taxation or 36,200 euros per year of income in joint taxation in the personal income tax return for the last tax period with a deadline for filing at the time of submitting the aid application. For these purposes, the concept of family unit is what defines the regulations applicable to Personal Income Tax.

– Not be involved in any of the prohibitions to receive aid according to the rules established in article 13 of Law 38/2003, of November 17.

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