Types of PowerPoint presentations

When working with PowerPoint, it is important to know what slide style to use. Therefore, you should know that there are numerous options to choose from.

Next, we will show you the different types of presentations that this program offers, as well as tips to consider when choosing a template.

According to the style

These PowerPoint elements can vary according to the style, and it is possible to find the following options:

  • Educational: ideal for teachers or speakers looking to provide learning to the audience. They even take place when selling a product or service.
  • Of narration: they provide a sequence in which it is possible to tell a story, highlighting the most important elements of it and providing examples at the same time.
  • Visual: They can be used in various speeches when pointing out a main concept, being the one indicated for making presentations of all kinds.
  • Interactive: is aimed at those speakers who constantly seek answers from the audience.
  • From coach: allows you to use different visual elements to convince the audience about an idea in particular. This, without going into many details regarding the topic discussed.

For professionals

This kind of presentation is Aimed at professionals who have a specialization in a given area, in order to promote their services independently. The same, stands out for having a work contexta market with specific clients and different visible strategies to obtain favorable results.

According to the format

There are numerous types of PowerPoint presentations according to their format, including:

  • PPT: is common when using the program, which usually counts slides that they advance automatically.
  • PDF: is one of the most common, which stores each sheet as a page so that anyone can read it easily and manually.
  • Html: applies to web pages to allow the user to easily view the presentation from the browser.
  • from movie: occurs when the slides are stored in video format, which can be uploaded to YouTube or other platforms.
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Brand image

Is based on the exhibition of visual aspects, in order to attract the attention of users. Generally, they must count with a historical overview of the branda corporate identity manual with relevant information that has added value compared to the competition.

With AutoCAD-Project

It takes place with innovative presentations, which implement new elements and combine various designs within the slides. As a result, it can be applied in creating marketing strategies and SWOT analyses, as in other areas of study, such as engineering and medicine.

For business plans

Business plan presentations, They are used to solve all kinds of questions or doubts that investors may have during meetings. Therefore, they are made up of aesthetic elements, based on goal descriptions, financial analysis, profitability and more.

Tips when choosing a presentation

There are multiple tips to take into account when choosing a PowerPoint presentation, which are the following:

  • It’s fundamental give a good introduction and conclusion of the presentation, which must be related to the main topic.
  • One has to choose the appropriate type of presentationaccording to the type of presentation to be given, which meets the needs of the public and adapts to the information to be given.
  • You should opt for models that don’t overwhelm the audience with textsince it prevents understanding of the topic.
  • It is important to have high quality visuals. Therefore, if images are used, they must be sharp and in excellent resolution.
  • It’s essential maintain typography and color palette throughout the entire presentation. Likewise, the size of the font must be taken into account.
  • Do not use numerous transitions and animations, as they tend to confuse the user when they are overloaded with these elements.
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Knowing the types of PowerPoint presentations is important, since it will allow you to use the appropriate template for the presentation to be given.

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