View a redirected domain in search engines

Hi Karen, I don’t quite understand when you tell me to add content to the domain and then redirect it. As I understand it, if the domain is redirected from the hosting (some rules are applied in .httacces) the call to the redirected url simply opens the destination url and therefore I understand that what was previously in the domain folder is left unused. Is it so?

Or on the contrary, if I add a page even in basic html (without a WP installation) as the home page of the domain, even if it is the redirected domain, Google robots index the content of that page and show the url of the domino as a search result. Do you mean this when you tell me to add content?

I had also thought, instead of redirecting, to create a basic home page that is an iframe of the destination page, so the domain would be operational and would show exactly the same as the destination page and any link would already take you to the destination web . Is this possible?

I appreciate if you can help me with any idea or example of how to index these domains that the idea when buying them has been to use them as keywords in services we offer.

I await your instructions.

Thank you very much,


Answered: 08/02/2021 10:21 am

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