What are 200 response codes? –

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Every time we make a request to a from our browser, it will respond to that request with a code.

response codes to the different requests from a server are made up of 3 digits. The first of them indicates the type of response we are facing and can be a number from 1 to 5.

Depending on the first number of the response that it shows, we can see if this request has been accepted correctly or if there has been any and how to solve it.

In case the first number is a 2 (for example a code 200), would indicate that the request has been received correctly and that it has been understood and accepted by the server.

Within the 200 codes, we have several types that we will see in more detail below.

What types of 200 codes are there?

Status code 200: OK

This would be the standard response to indicate that everything is correct. The request was received and processed successfully.

The information to be returned will depend on the type of method used to make the request (GET, HEAD, POST…).

Status code 201: Created

This response indicates that the request has been completed and one or more new resources have been created as a result.

The 201 status code is typically used for PUT requests, although it might also be seen on some specific types of POST requests.

Status code 202: Accepted

This code tells us that the request was accepted for processing but it has not yet been completed.

The purpose of this code is to be able to allow the server to accept requests for some other process without the need for the connection to the user to be permanently open until the whole process is complete.

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It is important to bear in mind that this status code does not imply that the requested action has finally taken place, since it can be canceled by any subsequent request until the process is completely completed.

Status code 203: Non-Authoritative Information

The request has been made correctly but the content of the request has not been obtained from the original source to which it was requested, but could come from a different source.

This response is used, for example, by HTTP Proxies. This would have received a 200 OK code from the server but, before sending the response to the browser, it modifies it and that is why it would look like a 203 and not directly like a 200.

Status code 204: No content

Code 204 indicates that the request was successful but the response is empty because you do not need to return any content in response to that request.

Status code 205: Reset Content

Like 204, this code indicates that the request was received correctly and the response contains no content. The difference is that this response tells the browser to reload the page from which the request was made.

This response code is very common, for example, in cases where the request was made from a web form. Receiving this response after submitting the form from a browser will reload the page and display the form again without content.

Status code 206: Partial Content

In this case, it tells us that the response only includes part of the requested content.

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It is used, for example, to split a download into several parts and process those parts simultaneously or to continue a previously interrupted download.

Status code 207: Multi Status

It tells us that the body of the response being sent is an XML message. This message may contain different response codes depending on the number of requests the client has made.

Code 208: Already Reported or pending report

This response code is related to WebDav (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning). WebDav is an HTTP extension that allows web developers to remotely update content from a client.

What it indicates is that the list of DAV elements was previously notified, so it will not be listed again.

How to see the response codes?

We can see the response codes that our website or some of its elements are giving in several ways. The simplest thing is to consult them using the browser developer tools.

The way to consult them changes depending on the browser we use. Next we will indicate how they would be reviewed from Firefox and from Chrome.

How to check response codes in Firefox

To open the browser console go to tools > browser tools > Tools for web developers.

You can also enter by clicking on the icon of the three horizontal stripes that you will see in the upper right part of the browser. Then you would have to enter more toolsand lastly, in developer tools.

Once inside you will have to go to the tab net and reload the website or enter it if you are not yet on the website you want to review. When it finishes loading, all the elements it loads will be displayed and, on the left, we will see the response code that each of them gives.

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If we click on the one we want to analyze, the headers of the request will be shown to us and in them we will also be able to see the code it gives, as I indicate in the following screenshot.

How to check response codes in Chrome

To enter the Chrome browser console, right-click on the browser and then choose the inspect option.

On the next screen that opens, go to the tab network and reload the web page or go to the web you want to review if you haven’t already done so.

A list will be displayed with the files loaded by the web and in the column Status the response code given by the server to the request will be indicated.


After reading this article you will already have an idea of ​​what a code 200 is and what types there are. You will also know how you can check what response codes your website is returning from the browser.

We encourage you to read our articles on and to continue discovering the different types of response codes that you can find on your website.

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