What is a copywriter and what does he do in the field of marketing? find out

On the Internet, content is King. That is why it is very important that you develop your writing skills. After all, you will need to create texts that not only attract the attention of users but, above all, are transformed into sales.

It requires practice and there is a professional entirely dedicated to the task: the copywriter.

Don’t you know what we’re talking about? So, read this post till the end to find out. And in addition, you will know 15 tips to be a good writer.

VIDEO | Copywriting: How to write to sell? | Live Experts

What is a copywriter?

In free translation, copywriter means editor, that is, a person who specializes in writing content.

But already in the digital market, the copywriter is the professional who writes short texts always oriented to conversion, such as emails and ad texts.

Basically, its function is to think and develop texts that attract the attention of potential clients, generally with the aim of making a sale.

For this reason, the copywriter needs to understand very well what audience the texts they produce should reach. At the end of the day, it is in this way that he will be able to think about aspects that go from the style of language to the words that he should use to attract the attention of said people.

Thus, the copywriter is not only someone who writes content, but also a complete professional, who understands digital marketing and manages to analyze the results of their copy, which is the final product achieved using copywriting techniques.

Sound confusing? Don’t worry, now we explain these two terms so that you understand them better.

What is the definition of copywriting?

The is a set of writing techniques that you can use to create persuasive texts.

The main objective of these techniques is that the final product, the copy (we are still going to talk about that), leads the reader to perform some action, such as buying a product, accessing a website or downloading a material.

In short, copywriting techniques range from research to understand the needs of buyers to the analysis of the results of the texts through metrics, to see what is already working and what can still be improved when writing the texts.

Why is copy important in a marketing strategy?

The copy, as you can already imagine, is the final result of copywriting, that is, the text itself.

Do you know those emails you receive offering you a product that you didn’t even imagine you needed but after reading them you end up convinced that you need to buy it?

That is the copy, a text that manages to convince you to make a decision that, in this case, is to buy.

Saying it like that seems a bit invasive, mainly because when we refer to the is usually given a negative connotation.

However, instead of manipulating, good copy manages to show the potential client something advantageous and uses logical and rational resources to convince him to make a good decision for him.

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So, in short: the copy is the result of the union of the copywriter (editor) with copywriting (writing techniques).

Types of texts written by a copywriter

A copywriter can write several types of texts, but there are 3 that are the most common and we are going to quickly talk about each one of them:

1. Ads

do you know those that appear in the feeds of your social networks, in your stories or in the first result of Google when you write something ?

All of them are advertisements with the objective of inducing the reader to some action (which, generally, is to buy).

The texts that appear in these ads are created by copywriters, editors who think not only about attracting the attention of those who are reading, but mainly about conversion.

2. Emails

The it is still a communication channel with great acceptance by the public and with high conversion rates.

This happens because if a person gave you their email contact, they did so because they are interested in what you are offering. So, with good copy, you can lead this potential buyer to the next step, which is to buy.

But the copywriter does not act only selling. In email marketing, this professional can build a whole day to direct people to buy, according to the moment of each potential client.

3. Landing pages

The They are pages that offer all the details of a certain product.

But, unlike a website, these pages are created to carry out specific marketing campaigns, that is, they are completely independent of other customer relationship channels.

It is very important that this type of page successfully summarizes the benefits of the product offered, in addition to refuting all the possible objections of the buyer. Therefore, nothing better than a copywriter to create it, since he is a specialist in developing texts that sell.

4.Blog posts

The copywriting for blog posts is very different from the examples previously seen, this type of copy must have a greater number of characters in the text, it is recommended that they be between 1,500 and 3,000 words, it is also important to comply with the good SEO practices.

The reason is very simple, unlike the previous ones, these contents are created to appear in the first results of search engines, because that is the way in which greater traffic to websites is achieved and consequently a greater conversion. and subsequent sale.

5. Video scripts

In the case of video scripts, the copywriting has to be friendly with the main video platform, YouTube, which also has special features to rank the best videos, so if you are looking to have good results on YouTube, a copywriter specialized in scripts may be your best alternative.

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Unlike the previous formats, these copywriters prioritize the ability to keep the audience interested for several minutes, they are also specialists in creating very attractive titles.

15 tips for working as a copywriter

If you have come this far, you have already understood that to be a copywriter you need to study a lot. However, more than that, you need to develop the proper writing techniques.

Since not everyone is born a writer, you may think that this is not a role you would be able to perform, but with a lot of practice and some techniques up your sleeve, you will surely be able to write texts that convert.

Learn below the 15 techniques that will help you be a good copywriter:

1. Read a lot

You have probably already heard that he who reads a lot manages to write better. But have you stopped to think why that phrase makes sense?

The more you read, the more new words you learn. This is important to increase not only your vocabulary, but also your repertoire of arguments.

And do not think that we are here telling you to only read ads and email marketing from people who are references in copywriting. It is important to read many books to have a well-diversified vocabulary.

Do you want help getting started? Read our post with which is what we are going to deal with in the next topic.

2. Study about mental triggers

We do most of our daily activities without much thought. For example, you don’t need to think before you start blinking, it’s a natural human activity.

But did you know that certain automatic actions can be triggered in people when you tell them the right thing at the right time?

The they are textual stimuli that the copywriter can send to a potential buyer, which were previously in the recipient’s memory and can be subconsciously absorbed. Thus, when reading a text that uses these triggers, the customer ends up opting for one product instead of another.

Basically, you will study what makes a person make a decision and you will use arguments to help them opt for the product you are offering.

To understand more about mental triggers, download our free ebook with 23 triggers that you can start using right now.

3. Learn to use your power of persuasion

Who has converses directly using mental triggers. But don’t confuse persuading with manipulating (we’ve already talked about this a bit here).

What a good copywriter needs to learn is to positively influence people, that is, to use the copy to offer something that brings advantages to those who are reading.

That being the case, use your texts to show your audience that they have a problem and that you (and your product) can help them solve that pain.

4. Always tell the truth

It is no use creating ads, emails and sales pages promising thousands of things if your product does not deliver value to those who buy it.

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Therefore, whenever you write copy, be sincere.

Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and never promise what you cannot fulfill.

5. Think about the public

Do you remember that at the beginning of the post we said that the copywriter not only writes, but mainly studies and thinks about the public in order to find the perfect tone and language for their texts?

You need to focus all the time on the audience you want to reach, only then will you be able to think of the right words that produce the right stimuli for people to buy from your texts.

Therefore, even if you are not the main person responsible for the always study the public that your texts they intend to achieve.

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6. Write directly

The goal of copy is always to lead the reader to a specific action. So, when you develop the texts, be as direct as possible.

Of course you can (and should, we’ll talk about that later) create stories to engage your reader. But be careful not to go around too much, as this could divert it from the greater purpose of your text, which is conversion.

7. Understand the purpose of the copy

To be direct you need to understand the main purpose of the copy you are creating.

So, before writing random words, understand well what you are writing for.

A text made to convince someone to download a it is completely different from a text for a landing page or an advertisement for the sale of a product, for example.

Only after knowing the final objective will you be able to decide what is the best way to communicate it to your audience.

8. Offer proof of what you say

Despite the fact that we work a lot with the Internet, most people feel the need to be part of a group. And that is why the term has increasingly emerged as a digital market trend.

Do you want to attract new customers? Use social proof, that is, testimonials from people who have already bought a product of yours and liked it.

Social proof helps to show that there are real people who bought what you offered and also stimulate the desire for belonging and identification in your potential customers.

9. Make a scannable text

Nobody likes huge blocks of text. In addition to tiring, they can prevent the person…

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