How to give private classes online and earn money?

You should already know that the job market is going through countless changes. With that, we notice that some professions are losing space, but at the same time, several others are emerging.

In this context, we realize that the Internet has become one of the greatest products of the technological revolution, and has served as a stage for new professionals to show off their talent.

, wherever and whenever you want, has ceased to be just a dream and has become a reality. Thousands of people are already taking advantage of the benefits of remote and borderless work. It is possible to work from home, from a cafe, from another city or even from the other side of the world.

Among the main new professions in this market is , the youtuber and the instagrammer. But it is not only the typically digital professions that are on the rise.

Did you know that a good part of traditional jobs can be adapted to the virtual environment?

One of those traditional professions that adapts very well to the online world is that of a teacher. The tutoring and other forms of distance learning are at the top of the list of online professions, and the demand for tutoring is increasing.

This happens because people are constantly looking for more knowledge, in addition to the fact that the new generations are not content with just traditional classes. They pursue information and are interested in alternative ways of teaching.

That is why online private classes figure prominently when it comes to ways of working on the Internet.

If you are a teacher or master a subject and want to share it with other people, private online classes are a great option.

In this article, we will talk about the advantages of being a private teacher, in addition to giving several tips to start acting in this field.

What are the advantages of giving private classes online?

The modern market is showing itself to be increasingly conducive to the development of ideas that can be managed virtually. With that, there are several advantages of giving private classes online.

We offer you below a list of the main advantages that you can take advantage of by giving private classes online:

1. Work without having to leave home

Online private classes can be without the need to rent a space just for that purpose.

When we talk about working without leaving home, we are not saying that you can teach your classes at the same time that you do domestic activities. It is even advisable that you define an environment in your home to be able to record or transmit your classes.

What we are saying here is that you will be able to take advantage of the comfort that you will have, because you do not need to leave the house to carry out an activity. And that is one of the biggest advantages of virtual work.

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Online private classes can be offered on demand and with a schedule defined by the professional. In this way it is possible to reconcile work and daily activities.

2. Save travel time

This is an advantage both for the professional who gives private online classes and for the students who opt for this form of teaching.

Studying online represents a great advantage mainly for those who live in large urban centers, where traveling from one point of the city to another is expensive and long.

The tutor also benefits, since he does not need to travel to work. With that, all that time can be used to carry out other activities, such as preparing for classes or even to dedicate to personal things.

In a world where time is money, earning a few hours a day is a great opportunity!

3. Save the money of transportation and food

And economically speaking, since there would be no need to travel, it is possible to save.

It may not seem like much, but one of the biggest expenses of people is precisely with travel to the workplace and also with food.

Online private classes, because they are taught from anywhere – even from the home environment – allow the professional to save the monthly value that they would spend on gasoline or public transport and food away from home.

4. Being able to teach students from anywhere

One of the biggest limitations faced by professionals who give private lessons in physical environments is the geographic issue. It is hardly possible to serve people from different cities, much less from different states or countries.

This limitation does not exist when we are talking about online classes. It is possible to give classes to anyone, regardless of where they are.

The material is available on the Internet, so it can be accessed by the student whenever and wherever he wants. This is one of the great differentials of online private classes.

5. Being able to work while traveling

One of the biggest modern dreams is to combine work and travel. The professionals who work and travel at the same time, are there to show us that this dream can become a reality.

Most traditional jobs can be adapted to the remote environment, and this is the case with private classes, which can be taught online, from anywhere in the world.

for who wants being an online private teacher may be the best option.

What subjects can be taught on the Internet?

All subjects can be taught in the online environment. Some of them, however, are better adapted to the virtual context.

Check out the main ones here:

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The language course remains one of the most sought after on the market. There are several reasons that lead people to learn a new language, such as the need to improve their curriculum, be able to converse with foreign friends or even do a cultural exchange.

Tutoring support (math, physics, biology, writing, Spanish, etc.)

Private online classes for school reinforcement are one of the greatest annual demands. In basic, intermediate or higher level courses, there are always people who need tutoring – and are willing to pay for it.

Preparation for university tests.

Every year, hundreds of editions of contests are opened and thousands of other vacancies are available for admission in institutions that carry out qualifying tests to choose their workers. It happens that students are increasingly unprepared to take tests and evaluations, so they look for online preparatory courses. This is one of the main markets for private teachers.


The number of people interested in arts does not stop growing. They are people who want to learn to enrich their cultural background or even to work in some artistic area.


Music courses are a great option for those who want to give private lessons online. In addition to the existing demand in handling instruments, there are people looking for professionals who teach music theory or even instrument maintenance.


TV is full of cooking shows. The explanation is simple: that continues to be one of the great human pleasures. For this reason, online private cooking classes, especially those that teach recipes, tend to be very well received by consumers.


In Brazil, most public and private schools do not teach finance to students. The result of this is a population that lacks technical knowledge about expense management.

The search for online finance classes starts from the most varied social groups, from mothers who want to do economics, to entrepreneurs who need to better manage their resources.

How to give private classes online?

Now that you have realized the advantages of being an online teacher and you know that any subject can be taught on the Internet, we are going to talk about what you need to give private classes online.

1. Choose an issue to address

It may seem silly, but the first point you need to define very well is the topic that you will address in your private online classes.

If you are already a teacher of a subject, you can choose it and create courses that delve deeper into the topics you already teach. But if you don’t teach yet, think of something you do very well that you can teach other people.

The important is and, from that, think about the types of content that you can offer to your students.

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2. Specialize in some subject

In addition to choosing the topic that you will address in the private online classes, it is essential that the professional knows well the subject that is being taught.

Here we are not necessarily talking about superior training in the area. Online private classes can be provided both by teachers with a diploma and by people with great knowledge in a specific area.

Even self-taught people, who have never been through a class, can give private lessons, as long as they know well the subject to be taught.

3. Define the format of your online classes

After choosing the topic you will talk about, it is already possible to think about the format of your online private classes.

The Internet enables various types of content. But when thinking about private classes, video courses are the most common and attract more attention, mainly because this modality allows you to explain everything with more clarity and ease of understanding.

Of course, you can complete your material with ebooks, podcasts, infographics and other types of materials. But always think about the best way to teach your audience and transmit your knowledge.

4. Have a good internet connection

Internet is the main work tool of the private teacher who works virtually. Therefore, it is essential to have a secure Internet plan, without interruptions and with considerable speed.

It is important to install good communication software, such as Skype and, above all, to have a complete.

Without these tools, it is practically impossible to offer private classes online.

5. Be communicative, organized and responsible

Regardless of the level of training of the professional, it is essential that you have good communication and be organized and responsible in carrying out your work.

Even if it is an online job, there needs to be commitment. After all, the professional will be making money for it.

How to get students to teach online?

There are several ways to get new students and expand the business.

In this Tips Ramón offers you some tips so you can learn to sell your classes online:

Promote classes “word of mouth”

Word of mouth is one of the most traditional ways of getting customers. Someone hears about an idea, tells someone else, who in turn tells someone else, and then several people already know about your new venture.

Have a blog about your niche

A valuable suggestion to those who want to give private lessons online is to share rich material with your students and potential students.

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