What is Lifestyle and how to achieve it with your online business?

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Do you think it is possible to be an entrepreneur, have the desired lifestyle or lifestyle and be in charge of an online business?

Nowadays, current technologies allow us all this and much more: to be free, masters of our time, to be able to work from anywhere in the world and, most importantly, to feel satisfaction, fulfillment (personal and professional) and freedom.

And these are precisely the objectives that are hidden behind the idea of ​​starting your own business on the Internet to achieve that desired lifestyle.

Today I will talk to you about:

  • Really work on what you like.
  • Decide your schedule.
  • From wherever you want.
  • Generate enough income to live better.
  • Gain freedom, flexibility and time to invest in yourself, in your family or in whatever you consider.

Emilio Duró already said it in this apt sentence:

“Only by developing ourselves professionally and personally in what we are passionate about can we be happy and successful.”

Being a digital entrepreneur implies in itself a different way of life.

However, the movement of lifestyle entrepreneurs goes further and has little to do with the image they sell us about becoming a successful person, whose main purpose is to earn a large income.

Therefore, before going on to give you some tips to turn your profession into an online business that supports the lifestyle you long for, it is convenient that we review what the “lifestyle” is and the definition of this concept.

What is lifestyle?

This term refers to the way of life that a particular person or a group of people leads, that is, the way in which they decide to live their lives.

Associated with digital entrepreneurs, it is about building an online business around that desired lifestyle, based mainly on having more freedom, more flexibility and more time.

The goal is to design your ideal lifestyle and build a business that supports that lifestyle.

The great difference with traditional entrepreneurship lies in the fact that this new revolution of entrepreneurs arises from a philosophy that is based on knowing oneself well, on wanting to change the world by adding value to others and aligning the professional with the lifestyle. what is sought

The boom of digital businesses and lifestyle

The labor paradigm that we know is already obsolete. You know the current situation well and everything, therefore, is changing by leaps and bounds.

In addition, we have the great advantage of being immersed in a , in which the Internet and new technologies offer us the opportunity to cover a market of millions of people with the same effort as if we were doing it locally.

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Perhaps this has been the impetus for many professionals to choose to have their own business and start online services.

I remember how in 2014, when I launched my business, I began to talk in my articles about digital entrepreneurs and lifestyle, terms that are the order of the day today, but that back then caused mistrust and rejection.

I seemed to be telling everyone…

“Come on, you can also live in fantasy land like me”

Fortunately, we have left behind that stage of evangelization and it is no longer necessary to convince anyone that digital businesses are a reality and that, in addition to a way of life for many people, they are a way to create a freer lifestyle and done.

However, in my opinion, although things are happening that were unthinkable years ago, what we see now is only a preview of everything that is to come.

Entrepreneurship on the Internet is a guarantee of success?

The boom in online business has not really exploded yet.

So with all these factors in our favour, now is undoubtedly a great time to make the leap from being a professional, blogger or freelancer who is visible on the internet to one who supports the lifestyle you want.

I am sure that great professionals come to mind who have been able to take advantage of this movement and have become influential leaders in their sectors, leading digital empires with which they obtain a continuously growing flow of sales and already enjoy their long-awaited lifestyle.

But let’s be realistic, we have the preconceived idea that starting an Internet business and being in charge of an online business always works… and it doesn’t.

According to Forbes, Huffington Post or Spain Startup, among others: 9 out of 10 online businesses are not even 4 months old.

That is why when making decisions it is essential to build a solid and defined base to be successful with your current or future projects on the Internet.

5 Keys to building an online business that supports the Lifestyle you want

I am going to share with you the 5 key points that helped me to undertake and be able to create an online business with solid foundations so that, as it grows, it does not falter.

You will see that they are simple but revealing points:

#1. Talent, passion and market need

We all have something that we are really good at, we are excited to do and that we can also use to help others achieve their purpose.

Although a priori it may seem like a simplistic idea of ​​approaching a business, imagine that you have experience in something specific, you love what you do, but there is no market that demands it.

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Will someone pay for it? Probably not.

It will just become a hobby to spend your time on.

On the other hand, you may have the talent, there may be people willing to pay for it, but you don’t like it.

What will happen then? Chances are that over time, you will feel unhappy and end up giving up.

And lastly, you may be passionate about it, excited about it, and your market is growing, but you’re not particularly good at doing it.

Don’t you think that this last factor can negatively affect your results? Probably yes.

It’s the union between what you’re passionate about doing, what you’re really good at, and what people are willing to spend their money on that determines a successful start.

#two. Who are you going to address?

This is one of the most important parts of an online business and the one that will help you the most to the final success.

Once you are clear about which market you are going to target, you need to investigate your potential customers to discover what their real problems and needs are:

  1. what are they struggling with
  2. What do they really want.
  3. What do you think is stopping you from getting what you want?

In short, knowing them better than they know themselves.

Only when you are clear about the people you want to attract and you know their needs perfectly, when the solution you can offer them is perfectly adapted to what they are looking for.

#3. Choose the solution your client needs

What services or products will you offer?

The objective here is to create an offer that solves a real problem for the people you want to help, to cover the need that exists in your market and for which your potential client is willing to pay.

The key is to find a way to align what you can offer with what your target audience is looking for.

“The best marketing you can do for your business is to offer a product that people need.”

This is a concept that I learned many years ago, but that many entrepreneurs forget when creating their businesses.

They focus on the WHAT (they do), instead of in the WHY (they do).

#4. Determine how you will generate profits

Once all of the above has been decided, the time has come to think about what shape you are going to give it, that is, what you are going to sell.

Possibilities…there are thousands.

And since there is no formula that says what is best for each one, I am going to give you examples of sources of income with which you can start to obtain benefits with your business on the Internet:

  • Books
  • workbooks
  • workshops
  • Consulting
  • Memberships
  • events
  • Work groups
  • video courses
  • Templates
  • Seminars
  • webinars
  • apps
  • Advertising
  • affiliates
  • physical products
  • Etc.
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Once you have decided on the format, establish how you are going to sell the services or products you have chosen.

To do this, you must know and understand the path that your potential customers follow until they buy from you (sales process).

Based on this path that the customer follows, we can define 4 basic stages within the process (attract, capture, convert and retain), which will determine which strategies are best adapted to each of these stages.

#5. Draw up a plan so that everything starts to work

To achieve that lifestyle that you have in mind through your business, it is necessary to have specific goals that act as a springboard towards what you want to achieve. However, achieving it not only depends on having goals and objectives to achieve, it is necessary know how to reach them.

Make a plan with goals, to get all the digital machinery up and running a year from now, and then break those goals down into smaller actions over the 12 months.

Having a plan in place will allow you to stay focused on any goal, decide what is important, and be aware that your daily actions have a common long-term goal.

By planning, you prioritize what is important and eliminate everything that diverts you from your final goal at a stroke.


As you can see, the Internet offers you the possibility of multiplying and scaling the results that you already obtain with your work.

And, at the same time, being in charge of online business gives you the enormous possibility of achieving the lifestyle you want.

And you, do you join the digital business boom?

Do you think it can be your vehicle to achieve the lifestyle or lifestyle you want?

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Marketing Consultant specializing in Online Business.

I help digital entrepreneurs, freelancers and independent professionals concerned about their lack of online sales to plan and implement more effective strategies and systems that help them get new customers, stabilize their income and thus be able to enjoy their time and freedom.

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