What is the purchase decision process? learn with examples

If you’re wondering about the purchase decision process, it is because it constitutes a fundamental component of the study of consumer behavior. This is because it encompasses internal and external aspects that drive someone to buy.

Doing that exercise of imagination and empathy and walking that path from the perspective of the consumer will help you understand sales processes from another point of view. Surely you are interested, so keep reading! Here we will help you to know this process with details and examples, so that you obtain the best results.

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What is the consumer purchase decision process?

It is about the journey that a person during your route as a buyer. The stages of the purchase decision process they cover before, during and after their purchase, and refer to how a complete stranger, looking for information, can end up being your customer.

Thanks to this avatar, you will visualize what your client feels and needs during the process, taking into account the stage in which it is found.

Why should you know the phases of the purchase decision process?

To be able to analyze it from end to end. Here are some of the reasons that stand out:

1. You will provide better care

If you do not identify in which of the phases of the purchase decision process is found a , you will not be able to provide personalized attention. Everyone has different needs and preferences that you should know.

By offering a good accompaniment in the consumer purchase decision process, you will give the necessary information at the right times. That content marketing will attract more leads than using paid advertising.

2. You will get more discounts

meet the will undoubtedly help you to be easier to meet your needs and meet your expectations.

As a result, you will guide your leads to buy your products or pay for your services. Which will naturally translate into more sales and for your business.

3. You will achieve greater loyalty

For your business to be successful, it is not enough to and get them to buy what you offer once. The key is to retain them so that they continually choose your brand before others.

Precisely this loyalty is among the benefits that are perceived by following purchase decision process models. So it is still a reason to get to know this process well and take advantage of it strategically.

What are the 5 stages of the consumer purchase decision process?

There is a method that experts use to not only identify, but also track the purchase decision process. It consists of 5 stages.

1. Recognition of need

Recognizing what is the need that consumers have is the first thing in the purchase decision process diagram. Later, you will be able to know what kind of product is going to satisfy or cover that particular need.

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Considering this aspect is crucial, since if consumers do not know how to identify their needs, they will not know which product to buy. The need can be activated by external or internal influences:

  • External influences include advertising and word of mouth.
  • Internal influences relate to a personal perception experienced by consumers, such as hunger or thirst.

2. Search for information

Find information in the purchase decision process, is essential once the need is recognized. When looking for information (external or internal) consumers have a notion of the value of a certain service or product.

So it is at this stage that a consumer is most clearly aware of the options available to them. Usually, this search in the purchase decision process models It is usually also classified as external and internal:

  • External search: It occurs when the individual does not have prior knowledge about the product or service. Therefore, that leads you to look for information in:
  • Public resources, for example, online forums or reports that are presented about consumption.
  • Personal sources, such as word of mouth and comments from family and friends.
  • Sources where dominates , such as broadcast advertising and vendors. These sources are especially sought after by having limited or inefficient consumption experiences.
  • Internal search: it is based on the consumer’s perception of a product, which is activated by their personal experience. When this is part of consumption habits, it is easier to generate the purchase.

3. Evaluation of alternatives

within the phases of the purchase decision process There is the evaluation of alternatives, where consumers must evaluate all the options presented by products or brands.

Thus they consider on a certain scale if the product or service can give them the benefit they seek. When comparing or evaluating the alternatives, they find the best way in relation to the resolution of your needs.

During this stage, consumers may be left influence by the attitude or degree of fidelity staff they have had. Whether with a specific product, the general category or the brand.

The buyers who have low fidelity they tend to make frequent and habitual searches. They use little discrimination between brands, see simple promotions and develop little attachment to the brand.

However, there who has high fidelity in their purchases, perceiving several differences between products. His investigation is much more detail oriented and behavior is more complex.

4. Purchase decision

At this point, consumers are already on the verge of making the purchase. what they will buy and where they will buy it, and they are prepared to invest money.

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It is understood that at this stage of the purchase decision process the person already has the intention of making a purchase. Since he has evaluated his alternatives, he knows the product and the brand.

In this way, it identified the type of value that each product or service will report individually. However, you must be careful because still you can lose customers during this stage.

Generally, these 2 factors can disturb a good ending:

  • The presence of some situation that was not anticipated, for example, the loss of a job or the closing of the doors of a store.
  • The negative feedback.

5. Post-purchase behavior

Once consumers buy, they analyze whether the investment they made was really a good one.

In addition, they reflect on the possibility of buying that brand again or whether to recommend it to their relatives, acquaintances or friends. So it is clear that this part of the buying decision process outline is essential.

At this point, you have to , to ensure a satisfying experience from start to finish. that’s going to increase the consumer with your brand.

Remember that customers who become regulars form an important part of all the income of your business, so… Take care of them!

So that you have it clearer and see how it works in practice, we share two examples of the consumer’s purchase decision process:

Example of the AliExpress purchase decision process

AliExpress is a Marketplace with multiple products and brands, whose headquarters are located in China. This platform has managed to detect what marketing purchase decision process Follow your customers.

See how they have benefited from that knowledge to optimize this process.

1. Recognition of need

This is a normally fast stage in AliExpress, because the users already know what they want to enter. However, the platform encourages them to recognize your needs by showing you a wide variety of offers.

These are oriented to what each client potentially requires and options related to the search they make are displayed.

2. Search for information

During this phase of purchase decision process diagramthe user probably does his search right there.

will review the specific characteristics that the product has and the reviews of those who have already bought it.

That’s why AliExpress reveals product details and there are star ratings and comments of users.

3. Evaluation of alternatives

AliExpress presents different options of the same product or those that are associated with that range. In this way, it makes it easier for online visitors to perceive that they have several alternatives, and to evaluate them before comparing them.

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4. Purchase decision

To know what is the purchase decision process, it’s easy to identify when customers move into this phase. In AliExpress, it happens when the lead has already chosen the products he wants and has them in his cart.

In order to give the necessary motivation to finish the process, the platform allows you to add coupons with discounts. In addition, it offers different payment methods so that people can choose the most convenient one.

5. Post-purchase behavior

AliExpress does not neglect its customers once they make their purchase, as it continues to provide them with attention. For example, allows them to track the package to know where it is going and estimate when it will arrive.

It also receives comments to know how to continue improving the service it provides and recommends other complementary products. Even offers the possibility of making returns in certain cases.

In such an efficient way, this Marketplace takes advantage of the purchase decision process of the industrial consumer. For this reason it is one of the Examples of the marketing purchase decision process.

McDonald’s Consumer Purchase Decision Process Example

The renowned McDonald’s franchise is another of the purchase decision process examples. Surely reading it will make it easier for you to take advantage of them.

Because of this, we will again explain the stages one by one. We will also show how the brand intervenes positively in all of them.

1. Recognition of need

by offering various meals and dessertsMcDonald’s fills a need that tops the taking advantage of both internal stimuli and advertising.

Her different types of advertisements make people consider her an option when feeling hungry or want to spend free time.

2. Search for information

Since it is a very famous franchise, which has been running for many years, the search is more internal. Clients rely on their own experience when eating at McDonald’s to decide if they will go again.

That is one of the main reasons why the brand strives to provide good products and services.

3. Evaluation of alternatives

McDonald’s offers a delicious variety in its menu so that customers enjoy the freedom to choose. There are breakfasts, lunches, dinners and desserts that are according to different tastes and preferences.

4. Purchase decision

McDonald’s offers more and more customization options to drive the purchase decision. Besides, has attentive staff that guides its clients and motivates them to finish their…

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