What is Twitter for? Basic guide to use it in your business

In the middle of 2022, many people are still wondering what is twitter for and how it can be used to boost a business. Although the social network has had ups and downs, it is a platform that you should not lose sight of if you are looking to give visibility to your product or service using educational and informative content.

Social networks are fundamental pillars for the communication and marketing strategy of any business. It does not matter the size or the product you sell: if you do not have a presence in them, you practically do not exist for people.

Be careful, that does not mean that you should open a profile in each one and leave it in oblivion. It is about choosing the one that best suits your brand and designing a publication plan designed to share the advantages you offer and the characteristics that differentiate you from your competitors.

if you wonder what is twitter for and how this platform can help you sell more, the following guide will help you clear your doubts and lay the foundations to use it as a professional

Here begins a journey full of tweets, hashtags Y trending topics! 🚀

What is Twitter?

According to the section of , Twitter is a free social network that helps friends, family, and co-workers stay in constant communication through quick messages of up to 280 characters.

These messages, called tweets, can contain photos, videos, website links and, of course, text. They are sent to your followers and, in case you decide to have a public profile, they have the potential to be read by people all over the world.

According to , in January 2022 there were 436 million users worldwide, making one thing clear: this social network refuses to disappear despite the arrival of other contenders like .

What is the main function of Twitter?

Over the years, many people believe that this platform is just a showcase to complain or show dissatisfaction about life. But it’s not like that.

The main function of Twitter is share opinions –positive and negative– on any subject, while staying informed of current events and staying in contact with people who are close to you or who share your interests.

This combination will help you have conversations with anyone on the planet from the comfort of your computer, smartphone either tablets.

What is Twitter for?

Imagine Twitter as an amusement parkin which people over 13 years of age – the minimum age to create an account – have a range of options to have fun, learn and create new connections based on common interests.

Although the social network was founded in 2006, in the middle of 2022 there are still many who wonder what is twitter for and how they can take advantage of it for a brand or professionally.

Next, I will share 10 of the most common uses of this social network, so that you can take the plunge and start tweet like an expert.

  1. Check news.
  2. Join conversations on current affairs.
  3. Make professional connections.
  4. Create communities.
  5. Create publicity for your brand.
  6. Share knowledge.
  7. Sell ​​your products.
  8. Analyze your competition.
  9. Meet potential brand ambassadors.
  10. Share your activity on other social networks.
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1. Check news

One of the most common uses of Twitter is to find out the latest news from a city, country and the world. Although it was not the main objective when it was created, for several years users have been turning to the platform to find out about any topic, even faster than other traditional media, such as television.

2. Join conversations on current affairs

Current affairs generate conversations and with that exchange of views is where Twitter users win and they make it a paradise to learn new things.

Be careful, here you will find from the hater who is satisfied with nothing, to experts who provide useful information. In short: everyone enjoys sharing opinions.

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3. Make professional connections

On Twitter you will find entrepreneurs, company directors and even politicians. If you are looking to meet people with professional interests similar to yours, this is a great place to do it and it will be the first step to making a networking successful for your business.

4. Create communities

Brands, media and influencers they can create communities to be in close contact with their followers and talk about specific topics, such as sports or digital marketing.

This feature is relatively new and you’ll be able to get to it from the Twitter home page. Here’s an image for you to identify it easier:

5. Create publicity for your brand

As in Target, Twitter has an option to create advertising campaigns called Twitter Ads.

with this function you can make your business known to new people, make a video have more views, attract visitors to your online store, gain followers and make a tweet generate more interactions.

6. Share knowledge

Are you an expert on a topic and want to share it with the world? Twitter gives you the opportunity to do it. If you do it consistently and respectfully, you will be able to exchange opinions with others and even gain thousands of followers who will turn to you as a source of knowledge.

7. Sell your products

It is not so common to see this on Twitter, but it is also worth doing it. For example, if you have an irresistible offer for or Buen Fin, taking advantage of these trends can give you the opportunity to capture potential customers and increase your sales.

8. Analyze your competition

Among the main functions of Twitter is the opportunity to benchmark and analyze your competition. With a few clicks you will know what they are doing to sell more, what their new products are and even know what their customers think about them.

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9. Meet potential brand ambassadors

Brand ambassadors or spokespersons are a great alternative to make your company grow. How? Thanks to the recommendations and reviews they make about your products.

If you want to identify profiles that make sense of what you sell, Use the Twitter search engine to find out who is talking about articles similar to yours, how many followers they have and what content they generate.

10. Share your activity on other social networks

Do you stream on Twitch? Do you have a Facebook Live? Do you want them to follow you on Instagram? Twitter gives you the opportunity to share your profiles on other social networks so that your followers know that they can follow you on other platforms.

Can you edit messages on Twitter?

This feature is one of the most desired by users, but unfortunately it is not yet available.

To the pleasure of many –and the displeasure of the longest-serving on the social network–, Twitter announced that it is working on this function and that it could reach the platform in the coming weeks.

How would the option to edit messages work? According to some, The “Edit Tweet” button will serve to add, delete or redraft the message during the 30 minutes following publication.

With this update, new users are expected to approach Twitter, a tool recently acquired by Elon Musk.

What should you not do on Twitter?

In addition to being disrespectful to other users or sharing false information, there are several things you should not do on Twitterwhich are:

  1. Have an incomplete profile.
  2. Forgetting to reply to all your messages or mentions.
  3. Do not follow anyone.
  4. Do not retweet interesting topics for your brand.
  5. Ask “follow by follow”.
  6. Not be constant.

1. Have an incomplete profile

There is nothing worse for generating distrust than having a profile without a profile picture or description. If you want to create a good first impression, fill in all the information in your bio. It is your letter of introduction to the world of Twitter

2. Forgetting to reply to all your messages or mentions

Twitter’s main function is to keep people in touch, so You should never stop answering the messages or mentions that come to you if you want to have future interactions.

3. Do not follow anyone

Following the media, public figures or people close to you is one of the first steps when opening an account. It doesn’t matter if you use it to share news about your business, I recommend you follow experts in your market to stay up to date.

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4. Do not retweet interesting topics for your brand

The famous retweets are messages you forward from other people to your followers. This is a great opportunity to attract the attention of users who don’t know you and to share useful information.

5. Ask “follow by follow”

This strategy to grow followers has become a common practice on Twitter, but I must tell you that it does not work. While your number of people who can see your updates increases, it is proven that they will have little interaction with you since they are not 100% interested in your content.

6. Not being constant

If you share updates every time you have time or when you remember you have an account, you will not achieve good results. Work on a content strategy that includes valuable information and review daily trends to identify areas of opportunity for your business.

How to use Twitter for your brand?

The time has come to talk about Twitter as a social network to publicize a business. Although some business owners do not take it into account, The following tips will help you identify if it is a tool that you can fully exploit to increase your sales. Here we go!

  1. Choose an easy-to-remember username.
  2. Use your brand logo.
  3. Write an eye-catching biography.
  4. Work on a content strategy.
  5. Take advantage of the threads.
  6. Don’t miss out on trends.
  7. Create conversations with other people.
  8. Pay attention to Twitter Analytics.
  9. Create newsletters.

1. Choose an easy-to-remember username

The simpler the name, the better. Avoid combinations of numbers or many words since this will make it difficult for your clients to remember you and you can lose seriousness in front of your competition.

2. Use your brand logo

Profile picture is very important and that is where your logo should be the protagonist. Take advantage of this showcase to show it off and, if you have a good idea or photograph, the cover image can be another great alternative to give it visibility in a creative way.

3. Write an eye-catching bio

It is always important to make a good first impression on Twitter users and you can achieve this with a biography that explains very well what you do and what you sell.

Do not forget to add the link of your online store and whenever you can, Lean on phrases like “shipping to all of Mexico” or “limited time promotions”.

Learn something new!


4. Work on a content strategy

On Twitter, educational content is very important to grow. I recommend working on short messages that…

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