What to put in the Instagram biography? Learn 7 creative tricks

Currently, Instagram is an important channel for businesses that want to grow in the digital market, as it helps capture new leads, conquer new customers and improve brand positioning.

Who and want to create a trading account with good results you need to pay attention to various aspects that go beyond a well organized.

Knowing what to put in the Instagram biography is one of these relevant points and that is what we will talk about in this post. Do not go!

What is Instagram bio?

The Instagram biography or Instagram bio is a brief description of each profile present on this social network. It is like a business card, because it is the first thing that users see when entering an account.

Despite being brief, it is made up of various elements, such as a photo, name, profile category, description, links and CTAs. Each one of them plays a fundamental role in guaranteeing its effectiveness.

These elements can vary between a personal and a professional account. The first is simpler, while the second is more complete and has buttons for action, contact and information relevant to a brand.

Why is it important to have a good bio on Instagram?

A well-done Instagram bio, containing all the necessary information and engaging communication, will make a good first impression of your business.

This will also be an incentive for users to seek to know more about your brand, improve the on Instagram, become and, in the future, in new clients.

Here are all the benefits that a good bio can bring to an account:

Help identify your brand

People who can’t get access to your business information lose interest and end up unfollowing your profile. Therefore, the biography is a powerful tool of .

Your photo and description can be so captivating that users remember your business only from what they read in your bio, which is also just a gateway for them to learn more about your brand and consider it a market authority.

Improve user experience

On Instagram, as well as on the Internet, time is money and your biography can contribute to the delivering what you need quickly.

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The time between one click and another is more than enough time for someone to go in and out of a profile. Therefore, the data and contact information of your brand must be accessible to attract users in a few seconds.

Get people’s attention

A strategic biography grabs people’s attention and, more than that, captivates them. So make an effort to arouse their interest and curiosity to learn more about the products and services you offer with an easy and attractive language.

You don’t need to put a lot of information in your Instagram bio to gain new followers. You can convey your message in a small sentence that causes impact and take the opportunity to test your power of persuasion.

Help generate leads

In professional profiles, Instagram offers the option of putting buttons in the biography that help in the conversion of leads. For example, you can include some that allow you to make a reservation or order food.

These buttons help to make conversions quickly and directly. Another important point here is the space to insert a link. You can take your potential customers to your website, sales page or a newsletter.

How to edit Instagram biography?

To edit your Instagram biography, just follow these steps:

Go to your profile and click on the “Edit profile” option, below the description of your brand.

On this screen you will see all the information regarding your biography. You can change the name of your account and user, put the address of a website and modify the description of your profile.

Below, you can see other possibilities, such as the option to connect with a Facebook page, select a category for the account, insert contact options, action buttons or decide if these information will be publicly displayed on Instagram.

7 Creative Tricks for Your Business Instagram Bio

But, at the end of the day, what to put in your Instagram biography so that it generates good results for your business? We have prepared a list with 7 practical tips to help you improve yours. Do not miss it!

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1. Describe yourself or your business

If people don’t know who you are or what your business is, they won’t trust your profile. You need to introduce yourself to users because, as we said before, the bio is the first thing people see on an Instagram account.

Briefly explain what you do or what your brand offers, that is, what is the purpose of your business. Take advantage of this stage to write your presentation in a way that impacts who is reading it and use a word or short phrase to highlight the essence of your brand.

2. Use keywords related to your niche

As the space of the bio is small, it is necessary to use keywords that better define your brand and its niche.

It’s also a good idea to select a that represents your business and that you put it in the description.

3. Share your contact information

Your potential client needs to have easy access to your brand’s contact details. Share your email, your phone or whatsapp and a website so that the user has several options when they need attention.

4. Includes call to action buttons

A very important element that you should put in your Instagram bio is the call to action button.

The app offers three types of buttons, book, book now and order food, which you can link to other online services and tools that are related to your business.

Selecting the button type will bring up a list of booking or dining websites and apps for you to link to your account.

5. Make a list of your interests

Take advantage of the description space to make your list of interests and professional goals. Thus, the public will know exactly where your brand operates and if it meets the needs of users.

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6. Include links in your profile

Instagram only offers a fixed space to put an external URL, but, fortunately, there are already tools that direct this link to an exclusive page with all the ones you consider important (website, WhatsApp, sales page, other social networks, etc.) .

Linktree is one of the handy tools that organize all your links on one customizable page. You can make it more attractive by changing colors, fonts, or using a logo.

It is important to note that putting the links of your profile on Instagram increases the traffic and conversions of these pages, in addition to allowing everything to be more accessible to users.

7. Create highlights with the most relevant Stories

The highlights of they are a great complement to your Instagram bio.

Use them wisely, grouping the most relevant information for the audience into categories and clarifying the main doubts, as in a Frequently Asked Questions section.

Do a “cleanup” whenever necessary and put more current stories.

The biography is your business card on Instagram

As we have said so far, having a professional Instagram account is much more than actively participating in this social network. You have to develop a strategy that engages new visitors, so that they want to follow your content and buy your products.

Remember that putting your business information, featured goal, contact details, and keywords in your Instagram bio is very important. If you want to increase the engagement of your audience, do not forget to highlight your stories, clarifying doubts of the public and telling them why it is worth following you.

Want more tips to improve your profile performance? So, don’t miss our post about .

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