Where do I buy the best honey in Spain? The OCU chooses among the most popular supermarkets

Honey has become one of the most demanded products in the supermarket. Perfect to combine with any type of food, its healthy properties are the greatest incentive for its purchase. For this reason, from the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) they have decided to take out one that can be purchased in the most trusted establishments.

Based on milflores honey, the most classic variety and the one most consumed by Spaniards, the OCU has decided to test to assess which one has the best flavor, in line with its properties, price and place of origin.

One last important point is that from this 2021, the law demands to know which is the country where the product arrives. In addition, as the analysis determines, in the case of honey, those that have been manufactured in Spain are the most expensive given their category of Protected Designation of Origin or Geographical Indication, such as honey from La Alcarria or Galicia.

Given its price and quality, the OCU considers El Corte Inglés honey a Master Purchase… but not the best

Regarding the rest of the factors analyzed, the OCU has affected that seven of the 18 had a lack of freshness. A problem exacerbated by the fact that these foods are heated to keep them liquid or because they are old honey. Thus, although it is 100% natural, it entails a loss of flavor and antibacterial properties.

With all this, and finally guided by labeling, the institution considers that there is good or very good quality honey in Spanish supermarkets and at a very remarkable price. For this reason, it has highlighted the Master Purchase, given that it is 100% Spanish and that it costs 3.35 euros for a 500-gram pot.

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The best in Alcampo

However, this is not the honey that the OCU categorizes as “the best” among supermarkets. A position that corresponds to Alcampo thanks to the . With a rating of 88 out of 100, the only deficiency that this product presents is its labeling, which could be improved. Even so, the tasting notes, botanical origin and freshness give this chain the highest prize in terms of honey, with a price of 5.95 euros for a 500-gram pot.

After this, Carrefour achieved the second rank with the . An article, whose labeling is also the great deficit but which shows an 85 out of 100 thanks to the other aspects, as well as its price of 6.65 euros per half kilo. Same score as Eroski although in third place overall, despite having a better label. With the , the Basque chain gets the approval of the OCU in a food that costs 6.25 euros in 500 grams.

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