WPML error, it does not redirect me to the page in English

Hello, I have the default language in Spanish and I have translated the web into English with WPML but when I go to the domain.com/en it redirects me back to .com, which is where I have the content in Spanish.

If I hit the flag in English the same thing happens to me.

I have looked at WPML and I get the attached error.

In believe in a ticket and they told me the following:
We have been carrying out checks based on the error that WPML offers:

– We have checked that the permissions of your WordPress files are correct
– We have verified that the .htaccess configuration allows the redirection that the plugin needs.
– We check that there are no rules in the firewall of the server that affect the plugin.

In short, I don’t know what to do.
I’m waiting, thank you very much.

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Answered : 06/09/2019 7:56 pm

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