【 +101 MS Visual Studio Tricks 】Secrets that will change your Life ▷ 2022

Microsoft Visual Studio is the programming environment where Microsoft has framed all the tools for designing websites and applications. for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac and the Azure cloud. In it we will be able to use a wide variety of programming languages ​​such as C++, Java, Visual Basic, among others.

Its integrated development environment can be used to edit, debug, and create code. In particular, it includes compilers, code completion tools, graphic design programs and other functions that will facilitate the process when executing tasks in it.

If you want to increase your productivity and become an expert in this program, Next we will leave you some tricks that can help you optimize the work. Well, maybe there are features that you don’t know about, such as using the keyboard through an attack and thus getting to it faster.

Visual Studio vs Atom Which is the best software development center?

Visual Studio and Atom usually have a few things in common, as they were profiled to draw desktop presentations with the use of “JavaScript” and “HTML”, this with the intention of being able to expand them over time when executing “Node.js”. However, Atom began to develop with GitHub, in 2014, Unlike Visual Studio Code that was created by Microsoft in the year 2015; however, in 2018 Microsoft acquired GitHub.

These code editors are based on Electron which is owned by Microsoft. It is because of that Atom through time has carried a good symmetry, since it has had new adaptations constantly, its development track is not clearly governed by Microsoft, which is why it is a program that is recommended for users who do not feel comfortable with Visual Studio.

Atom was designed with the intention of being hackable, as well as adaptable for the user, in order that he could use several of its functions where Git/GitHub composition and editing stand out, as well as carrying out activities with tabs and blank areas.

Unlike Atom, Visual Studio was built with many more features out of the box, where Git can be used in an efficient and immediate way as a fundamental part of this editor. However, it can also expand various types of plugins.

Although Visual Studio’s native Git composition is sparse, third-party Git installation is required such as GitLens, with the intention that a better job can be done.

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List of the best Microsoft Visual Studio tricks to get the most out of it

In order to develop and carry out a project with software, it is essential to obtain and obtain instruments to increase productivity. at the time of “elbowing”, and avoid any type of delay that may be had. That is why we give you some tips below so that you can get the most out of it when using visualstudio.

no doubt this is one of the best options developers can use when they are coding a language, as it has incredible options.

Comment and uncomment at once

Code managers often log on and off several times in order to be able to search for entire chunks of code. A quick and easy way to do this is by selecting the lines and clicking “Ctrl+K”. This causes VS to wait for what you will do next. You can comment on them by pressing “Ctrl+C” either “Ctrl+U” to uncomment them.

Remove trailing tabs and spaces

One of the easiest, simplest, fastest and most effective tricks that you can apply to eliminate spaces, tabs or blank lines that are generally unnecessary, is by pressing the keys “Ctrl+E” or “Ctrl+º”. This will prevent you from having to press the key over and over again. “del” to delete them.

Likewise, you can combine and use keys such as: “Ctrl+E, S” to be able to verify and visualize if there are blank spaces where there are codes; what you will achieve with this is to replace these spaces with points.

Prepare a comment above the current line

When writing codes, you must write comments or generally a text on the line where it is located, and to avoid what most do is press the “Arrow up” and then “Enter”, or failing that “Start” + “Enter” + “Arrow up”.

So to make it easier to do, you can form a line above it, place the pointer on it and then press “Ctrl+Enter”.

Copy the entire current line

If you want to go to the first character of a code and you always press “Home”+ “Shift” + “End” to select the entire line and “Ctrl+C” in order to copy it, you find yourself working double. Well, you can do this in a simpler way by placing the cursor over the line that you are going to copy and clicking on “Ctrl+C” without having to select anything. This will help you copy the entire line.

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Go to definition F12

If you click on a method or class of code and then press F12, this makes you go to the definition of whatever is under the cursor. To explain better, if you have the name of a class, when you press that key, it directs you to the source code it has. On the contrary, if it is a method you will see the code of it.

If you need to select many lines vertically, you must place the cursor at the starting point that is in the first line, and then press the key “Alt” and proceed to drag down, to be able to choose the text or incorporate the cursor and thus start writing.

Collapse all code

To collapse all the code you must give it “Ctrl+M and O”which will allow you to verify the signature without the execution interfering.

Execute command with macros

Performing a command line operation is easy, the same it is commonly used with macros found in the tools menu. That is why you must go to that menu to be able to incorporate an element and be able to configure the command using macros that are available through the button located next to the text.

You can also place parameters by requesting tests and thus assign an output to the visual output window command.

Master the command palette in VS Code

Like all programs, this one comes with a command palette that allows easy access to certain menus by simply pressing the combination “Ctrl+Shift+P” and write what you want to do; for instance “To close”. This will prevent you from having to scroll through different options until you find the one you need.

Search in many files

How many times have you not wondered how to find a sentence in many files because you don’t know where it is? Well, this will no longer be a problem, since you will only have to press “Ctrl+F” to find what you want within the files you have. “Ctrl+Shift+F” It makes it easy for you to search within all the files, including subfolders of the project you are working on.

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To do this you can place FOR + TAB + TAB here the screen will show you an example with a loop structure. You can also establish the symbols by degree, in order to obtain code graphs in a specified way and thus easily obtain any type of rule. For that you must execute the combination: (CTRL + K) + (CTRL + D).

Collapse or expand a code snippet

Here you just have to type “Ctrl++M+M” to expand or collapse. It should be noted that you can hide a code if you collapse a region of it so that it appears under a sign “+”. Similarly, it can be collapsed by double-clicking on a line in the region. Now if you want to see the content done, you just have to place the mouse over it to display the information.

Get value of an environment constant – Visual Basic Script

Through this option you can obtain the variability values ​​that the system has to be able to execute any type of code. Therefore, it must be copied to a file and placed in a “vbs” extension. A double click is required for it to be automatically saved. It can be used on operating systems like “Windows XP”, “Windows Vista”, “Windows 2000 Server”, “Windows Server 2003”, “Windows Server 2008”.

Function that returns a long date from a short one – Visual Basic

With this type of function, the date can be replaced in a long format when required for any type of activity.

Create runtime components in VB.Net runtime

Through this code you can create any type of properties through components that have been created to carry out any activity.

Put only digits in a string – Visual Basic

Here a string is passed as a measure to later return it to numbers and points, so the characters it has must be removed, such as letters or signs, and only numbers and points are left.
With this type of function you can format any type of string and thus be able to work with numbers.

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