【 +30 Projects in Arduino and Raspberry Pi 】 List ▷ 2022

While it is true, is defined as an electronics creation platform that offers both free software and free hardware and thanks to this, anyone can make use of its functionalities and adapt them to what they need. Taking into account that it is possible extend these functionalities by the different types of boards, accessories and applications compatible with Arduino.

For his part, consists in a single board computer that exhibits great power to simplify the learning of the users and allow them to carry out basic tasks. Taking into account that its main objective is based on teach computer science in a versatile way. It also offers the possibility of compile programs to run on it.

now so much Arduino What Raspberry Pi are categorized as some very peculiar boards in the world of programming that support the development of software in order to be able to implement great ideas without the need for advanced knowledge. For this reason, in this post, we want to emphasize the best projects to program with Arduino and Raspberry that exist so far.

Learn about the best projects to program with Arduino on your own

Fortunately, Arduino boards count with all the essential elements to be able to connect peripherals to the inputs and outputs of a microcontroller. In this sense, it has the necessary components to be able to connect with a computer via serial communication. Added to this, thanks to the fact that it supports different accessories and compatible applications, Arduino is characterized by its versatility by providing various uses.

Among them, the most relevant of all, are the following: Creation of integrated environments, programming apps, projects based on the Internet of Things, software development and . Thus, fans of the maker world and DIY culture have decided to take advantage of the notable assets of Arduino to implement actions that are of great interest in the world of electronics, mechanics, robotics, home automation, etc..

Therefore, nowadays, there are different attractive projects that can be programmed with the help of Arduino and here, we mention the best 15 of them:

Radar to detect objects

It is classified as one of the most suggestive projects of Arduino, Until now. Which basically refers to a radar that has the ability to detect the presence of objects by means of an ultrasonic sensor that has a coverage or turn of 180 degrees and a range of up to 4 meters. Said sensor, is based on an HC-SR04 and can be had for a low price.

Added to this, the project requires an Arduino board, the , a servo motor, a breadboard and jump leads. Once you have the required materials at hand, you must use a cardboard support to proceed to connect the ultrasonic sensor to the servomotor that will be linked with a screw. In addition, you have to secure said servo motor to the board using a rubber band.

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A smart traffic light

As far as Arduino projects are concerned, one of the most representative is the intelligent traffic light. Thus, a traffic light that, unlike the other common ones, offers the possibility of control two traffic lights at the same time, depending on whether there is any car waiting to pass or not. Thus, the objective of the project is based on Simulate an intersection with traffic lights that detect the presence of cars in order to activate or deactivate in a timely manner.

Therefore, in an initial state, a traffic light lit with the green light can be observed. So, as long as there are no cars at the other light, it will also stay green. But, once a new car comes to the red light, the latter will be placed in green and it will close the other traffic light after a few seconds have elapsed. In such a way, will alternate with each other always.

Now, when building this project with Arduino, users will have to use an Arduino board. with ATMega328P microcontroller. Additionally, it is necessary to have 6 resistors of 200 Ohm, 2 resistors of 10 K Ohm, a total of 6 LEDs (or even more), just like 2 buttons and a lot of imagination on the part of the amateur maker.

Robotic arm

In this case, Arduino is openly linked to the world of robotics. Well, it is an arm specially designed to take any object with the help of tweezers and, at the same time, manages to avoid collisions with obstacles. In this way, it is based on a robotic arm project that has the ability to move any small element from point A to point Bdetecting any existing obstacle between both positions.

In this sense, in case of encountering any obstacle during the journey, the robot will make sure get an alternate path to avoid crashing and when it stops detecting the object crossed, it will fix itself in the indicated position to be able to resume movement to point B.

For this, basically, the programming is implemented making use of the concept of Finite State Machine (FSM) and with them, use the advantage of showing speed. Well, with these, the main cycle will conclude in a matter of milliseconds. Apart from that, each WSF may evaluate current inputs to provide the correct outputs so that the program appears asynchronous and can perform multiple tasks simultaneously.

Added to that, in terms of hardware, the following materials or components are required to be able to create the robotic arm:

  • .
  • a robotic arm type 6 DOF.
  • An HR-SR04 ultrasonic sensor (it will be located on the right side of the extremity of the arm).
  • 6 servos MG995 or MG998.
  • a resistance of 1K Ohms.
  • a power supply DC 15A.
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The automatic opening trash can

This is another of the most interesting projects that can be programmed through Arduino. Which, it’s an automatic garbage robot that, without the need to receive a command directly, manages to open its lid when it detects garbage nearby and once it is inserted into it, the trash can will close after a few seconds. That is, it has the ability to spot when someone puts their hand close to throw away garbage and thus, it opens automatically.

On the other hand, regarding the software, only requires using the Arduino IDE. While, its hardware components are as follows: An Arduino UNO board, a servo motor (Tower Pro MG996R), the servo arms, an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor (can be generic), a UTSOURCE kit of electronic parts, a garbage container (whatever you want) and a cardboard piece.

Among other details, it is worth noting that the code to compile this project from Arduino, focuses on a range of 50 cm so that the trash can be opened once it detects any element in that distance. Also, the servo it has to be 50 degrees to hit the top lid of the container in order for it to open and when three seconds of time are up, will make a 160 degree turn so that the same closing lid.

Voice controlled blinds

They refer to blinds controlled by Bluetooth that have voice response functions. This means that they work like a voice-controlled system via Bluetooth and thus, it is possible both to open and close them on demand. In this way, it is possible to automate this element of the home that is extremely practical.

Fortunately, it is a project Arduino very cheap where only the following components are required to perform it: , a motor controller, an HC-06 Bluetooth module, two 220 Ohm resistors, two pushbuttons, two geared motors and an LED. Aside from that, you also need to have cables, a soldering iron and soldering iron, box cutter, hot glue gun, and said glue, as well as cardstock.

electric dice

It is one of the projects to program with Arduino that it turns out more funamong many alternatives. Since, in this case, the creators are committed to providing optimal solutions dedicated to the recreational world, given that is based on the simulation of a 6-sided dice that allows you to get a random number, automatically, with just press a button. Being so, a digit that will be represented by a screen or 7-segment display.

Therefore, to build this project, it is necessary to have at hand a 7-segment display, a pulser, a 220 Ohm resistor and a 10k resistor (pull down) and an Arduino Uno board. Now, when programming with Arduino, It is important be very careful with random numbers because, if it’s not done correctly, it’s likely that always get the same sequence or the same number.

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An object picker by color

This is a kind of machine that has the ability to organize the number of items you need, specifically according to its color. Thus, this Arduino-based project consists of creating a color sorter with the help of an Arduino Nano board, a pair of servo motors, a color sensorseveral jump cables, a power outlet, and the relevant programming from the Arduino IDE.

With this, initially, the machine will be able to hold the colored objects that you want to segment on its platform attached to the upper servomotor. Next, the servomotor starts to rotate and is in charge of transporting the bolus towards the color sensor so that it this component can detect the tone. Subsequently, the lower servo motor rotates to the particular position, while the top one spins back until the pin lands on the corresponding rail.

light tracker

This is characterized by being one of the most appropriate projects for the most novice. As, requires little time to develop plus the components you need they are simple. Well, apart from the Arduino board to use, you only have to buy a servomotor, two 470 Ohm resistors, two photoresistors and some cables to build the circuit.

From these, to create the light tracker, people will have to start by placing the two photoresistors on one of the servomotors that will be divided by the plate that segments the fields of view. Added to this, the resistors will be in charge of measure incident light at regular intervalsrotating horizontally thanks to the used servomotor.

Additionally, you should also use the Arduino IDE to enter the source code system. Said source code will be the one that deals with determine that the servo rotates as long as there is a greater incidence of light on one of the resistors, so that the sensors register the same light. Thus, the structure based on Arduino will be able to follow the light trail of a flashlight and will show it as if it were a magic trick.

automatic spray gun

It is a project of Arduino very attractive for fans of the maker world, since they will have the challenge of converting a spray gun into an automatic model that has a motion sensor. Through this, beyond its practical uses, people will be able to acquire a…

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