【 BEST PROGRAMS and APPs 】▷ To Edit Videos ▷ 2022

Editing videos is becoming a essential skill for anyone who wants to start a brand on the internet. The world continues to evolve and over the years, this format is positioned higher and higher in terms of content. If we say that content is king, video is undoubtedly the best way to share it.

Currently we see how search engines are constantly updated giving more importance to videos, which is why more and more searches have a result in this format as a suggested click. Beyond that, there is a clear preference on the part of users to consume it over texts and even images, you just have to see the excessive growth that they are having platforms like YouTube or Vimeo.

If you want to learn how to exploit this format, the first thing you should do is learn how to edit it. Therefore, in this guide we will teach you what are the best online and download software and platforms for video editing. You will know which are the most sophisticated to produce professional-level content and the most basic so that you can start taking your first steps in this complex world that is audiovisual production.

Complete list of the best video editing apps and tools:

Uses and advantages of editing our videos professionally

Investing in video production is something that sooner or later all companies will have to do if they want to be competitive in different markets.. This is not something new, since the emergence of television advertising, the big brands have allocated large sums of money to the development of television campaigns that bring them closer to their target.

This has been the key to the success of brands like Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Adidas, Nike And a long etcetera. And it is that the advantages of the production and assembly of professional level audiovisual content there are many.

Increased engagement

The increase in engagement of video content is infinitely higher than that of written or image content. That is why the traffic generated by a website can exceed that of a consolidated website that has been online for years in a few months.

This is due to a natural and almost biological factor related to attention. It is easier for a person to attend to a video than to read a text since in doing so it has to involve many more senses (sight and hearing). Similarly, it will be easier for you to remember the information you receive this way.

Improve brand recognition

Recognition is that faculty that brands have to make their content is intuitively identified by its target without the need for your name to be written on it. This is achieved with many other factors, but video marketing It is one of the most effective ways to do it.

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Establishing such recognition takes time, but as people listen to a message repeatedly, they will associate it with a brand. This is what differentiates a company from the competition.

The message is conveyed better

In a survey conducted by Geodilab it was discovered that more than 85% of online shoppers acknowledged buying more on websites that used audiovisual content to present their products since in this way they better understood their usefulness and need. Undoubtedly joining moving images with audio is the best way to convey any message.

Improve search engine positioning

SEO also begins to lean towards video content. According to Forrester, more than 80% of the first organic search results contain use video to support their content.

The preference of the SERPs towards video content is increasingly evident. It is because of that Various APIs are being developed that allow search robots to analyze and interpret audiovisual material to make their positioning easier.

Improve Dwell Time

The Dwel Time is the permanence time that your content has. It refers to the period that passes from when a person enters your website until they close it or leave it to go to another. This is one of the biggest headaches for webmasters since it is a clear indication of the user experience and influences positioning.

Audiovisual content is a winning card in this regard since the permanence time of the users is higher in relation to the images and the text. That is why many programmers add videos to their posts to increase the dwell time.

Improve relevance

All of the above advantages will result in an evident increase in the relevance of your company over the competition. Additionally, video is a great way to differentiate yourself and create a brand personality that is more engaging with your audience and significantly improves your metrics.

List of professional video editing programs

Professional video editing programs are the most complete currently available, but they are also usually the most expensive. Nevertheless, the investment is worth it since with them you can produce much more dynamic and attractive audiovisuals for the user. Below we present the best options you have in this type of software.

adobe premiere pro

East editing program developed by Adobe It is one of the most complete and possibly the best. It has a wide variety of functions that will allow you to create very high-quality videos for your projects, among which Its multiple effects, filters and options stand out to clean the audio and improve the image, being able to retouch its brightness, contrast and sharpness. He is a professional editor in every sense of the word.

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As it was expected, It has tools that will allow you to correct recording errors, such as the image stabilizer that will be very useful if you do not have professional filming equipment. Plus, you’ll be able to navigate and expand the timeline to apply changes as precisely as possible.

Premiere Pro has support for edit videos in 4K quality and export them without affecting it. In addition, you will be able to render everything you produce in a wide variety of formats so that you don’t have to worry when sharing them on the various playback platforms.

Adobe After Effects

An excellent tool that serves as plugin for the above program. In it you can apply professional-level special effects to the videos you want. Although it is not an editing program as such, but rather an enhancer, it is useful to learn how to use it to considerably improve the quality of the audiovisuals you produce on other platforms.

Here you will have a wide library of special effects already designed that you will simply have to apply or create your own effects if you have the necessary knowledge for it. Like Premiere Pro, youIt has support for editing videos in 4K quality and rendering in multiple formats.

sony vegas pro

This is another professional video editor that will let you produce high-quality audiovisuals. In addition to the advanced functions that it obviously contains, it has effects that can identify and correct localized errors, so you don’t have to do it manually scene by scene. This greatly streamlines the editing process and allows you to focus on tweaking other aspects.

It has tools to clean and improve audio with remarkable accessibility, allowing you to do it practically with a couple of actions. In addition, it has its own image bank and copyright-free soundtrack, so you don’t have to worry about copywriting when sharing the content on platforms like YouTube.

As expected, it has support for editing material in 4K quality and exporting everything produced in various formats, including MP4, AVI and others stand out. Although you may find drawbacks in its price of 599$USD/525€EUR to be able to use it freely without restrictions.

Avid Media Composer

not a publisher very popular among fans of audiovisual editing, but in regards to the profession of post-production of television series or cinematographic works, it is highly valued. The functions of it are very powerful, but what stands out the most is its accessibilitywhich allows you to make clean edits quickly.

Among its virtues is its wide variety of visual effects and tools to clean and improve the audio quality of each video. With support for editing material in the highest resolutions and exporting it in multiple formats, this is undoubtedly one of the best professional editing software available today.

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DaVinci Resolve

This program has evolved a lot from its first version, when it was just a simple image editor, to the amazing and powerful video editor that is now, used by professionals in the American television and film industry. Its wide variety of powerful features puts it right up there with all the programs on this list, with the ability to mount videos in 4K quality and render in all existing formats.

Among its most outstanding functions are its multiple effects, the easy handle and a wide range of tools that will allow you to automatically identify and correct localized errors so you don’t have to do it manually. The professionals are not lying when they say that this is one of their favorite editors despite not being as popular as others.

List of tools to create and edit videos with photos and music on our PC

While the aforementioned software are available for computers running Windows and MacOSthere are other alternatives for editing that may not be professional but meet the objective of editing quality audiovisuals.

for windows

Windows offers the largest number of options as far as video editors are concerned since, being the most used operating system, practically all programs have been developed to work on it. The best are undoubtedly:


This editor has so advanced features it might as well be on par with one of the professional programs above. It is a software that to fully exploit it will be necessary to have some experience editing. In it you can apply interesting effects, edit each frame to improve the quality of imagesclean up and improve audio, add text and other elements on top of the image, work with videos in 1080 FHD quality and export in basically all available video formats.


Another advanced level software with powerful enough features to let you edit and create high-quality videos. Besides multiple filters and effects, it has an easy recognition function so you can add all kinds of elements on the faces of the characters in your video without having to edit everything frame by frame. Not forgetting that everything you produce can be exported in multiple formats and with 1080 FHD quality.

Movie Maker

This is the editing program for…

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