【 Broadcast as a Couple on Facebook Live 】 Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

In April 2020, Facebook announced that its It was going to allow transmissions with other users. This opens a very valuable door for collaborations between content creators of any niche, who can invite other influencers to participate in their lives.

Undoubtedly, all the experts agree that collaborations are crucial to growing quickly in social networksand in the world of streaming even more due to the extreme competitiveness that exists in niches such as coaching or gaming.

In this article we will teach you in detail everything you need to know about this new feature and how to make your first live broadcast with other people. In this way you can take advantage of all the benefits of this type of collaboration for your.

What are the benefits of making partner videos with other FB Live streamers?

The world of Social networks have become very competitive for several yearsso collaborations are positioned as one of the best ways to grow in any niche.

Among the main advantages of doing them we can highlight the following:

  • You increase your reach: despite the fact that your collaborator may have the same number of followers as you, it is possible that they are not the same people, so by making collaborations of this type you will be increasing the reach of your brand since you will show yourself directly to a new audience .
  • you grow faster: By collaborating and exposing your pitch to a new audience, you are exponentially increasing your chances of growth.
  • You gain relevance and authority: collaborating with other profiles, especially those that are highly relevant in their respective niche, generates a positive image of your brand, which will make it gain relevance and authority in the eyes of your followers and those of your collaborator.
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Learn step by step how to use the “Live With” feature to make videos with 2 people on Facebook Live

Now we will teach you use this feature of Facebook Live so that you can take advantage of all the benefits mentioned above, so that you boost the chances of success of your personal brand to the clouds. But before starting, you should know two things about these broadcasts: the first is that if you broadcast from your fanpage you can invite other users, but never to other pages.

And the second is that you can expel your guest from the conference at any time, in the same way that he can leave it and even reject the invitation.. Also, to save yourself trouble, you should know that these broadcasts are subject to Facebook’s community rules, so you must be careful with the topics and content you share in them.

Let’s see next:

on mobile

Making a transmission with a company on FB Live is quite simple, you just have to follow the steps that we are going to explain precisely below:

  • What you should do is start a normal streamthis is done by touching the button “Live” found on your home page.
  • This will take you to the Facebook Live Producer, where you will have to configure your transmission. Once there, select the option “With a friend”.
  • You will now be directed to a screen where you must invite the friends you want to participate in your transmissionyou send it, and wait for it to accept it.
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In the computer

The process for carry out the stream session with company from the computer It is basically the same as from your mobile.

What you should do is the following:

  • You must go to the home of Facebook and select the option “Stream Live” to start your live. After that you will be taken to the Live Producer to set up your stream.
  • Once here you must select “Go live with other people”, and then in “Set Up Live Streaming.”
  • Now you will have to configure transmissionfirst putting Name and then select friends that you want them to participate in it. Once you select them, click on “Clever”.
  • Now you just have to wait for your friends connect to the broadcast and start your interview, discussion or whatever content you have planned together.

Tips to improve the quality of your Facebook Live broadcasts and grow your brand

The live broadcasts are a great opportunity to grow your brand like nobody else.

For this reason we are going to give you a short list of valuable tips that will help you improve the quality of them and in turn make your brand grow at the speed of light:

  • Plan your transmissions well: many think that live broadcasts are mostly improvised, but this is not entirely true. It is important that you plan and draw up a roadmap of the topics that will be discussed during it. Remember that all your content, including direct ones, must have a clear purpose that is to add value to your community.
  • Reward your followers: A live broadcast means that people have to allocate a specific time of day to watch your content, so to motivate them to do it always try to reward them with something different from your recorded videos. This does not necessarily have to be something material, making a different and more valuable content may be enough. For example, if you dedicate yourself to the entrepreneurship and business niche, during your live shows you can tell your followers that you will be answering specific questions and doubts about their businesses. You can also raffle a free consultation among those users who are online during your transmissions.
  • Promote your streams: Make sure to promote your live both on your social networks and in your recorded videos. This must be done in advance so that your followers can make space in their day to enjoy
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