【 Create a Chatbot with Python 】 Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Chatbots are little bots that are programmed with the intention of giving answers to the questions of the users. Although it seems that its functionality is basic, it is not, since it can provide a lots of benefits for your brand in terms of customer service.

Normally, small companies or brands use this technology to be able to provide more attention when there is a large flow of questions and increase your audience in the digital world. It is also used for and increase your recognition, although specific strategies are required.

create a chatbot it is not a very simple taskbut with the python help and guide you will be able to make the most suitable bot for your company.

What are the benefits of using a Chatbot for my digital company?

The chatbots They are very important for the business sector.not only because it strengthens sales, but also for other benefits that allow us to evolve in this digital age.

Next, we will show you the benefits you get when using this technology:

Access to a large audience

Thanks to chatbots, you can work together with different social networksthey offer great attention to the messaging of your digital market.

They are implemented on different platforms such as:

Not only does it allow you to serve your audience faster, It also provides advantages by making it easier to reach a larger number of customers.. High engagement is another possibility with low-cost bots.

Monitoring consumer data and obtaining statistics

The use of chatbots can contribute to data collection, since on many occasions consumers do not provide much information from them. Just like it allows you to find the reason for your withdrawal on your website. Even, can be used to analyze the flow of your consumers and obtain optimized statistics according to the conversion of the audience you want to reach. At this point, the analysis of the low traffic of your page is included.

chatbots can redirect the visitor, whenever they want to unsubscribe from your digital company to collect information about why they decide to unsubscribe. This data that can be collected allows you to adapt more to the needs of your target audience. Although it is not limited there, because helps organize the different sales that have been made from your site. Intelligent management allows for better results and more accurate decision-making.

personalized attention

If you wish increase sales of your products, first you must increase the number of consumers and this is one of the features that chatbots fully offer. Chatbots can be programmed to offer personalized search and experiences, benefit that fits perfectly with the needs of your customers. comply with this, It is key to increase engagement.

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Enhance your business brand with minimal effort

Due to the great competition that exists today in the digital world, attracting more customers has become a somewhat complicated task, especially if it is a new company. For this reason, bots are usually an effective solution to problemssince it allows us to offer people the necessary information for their comfort. Increase experience and remove obstacles For the search or purchase of our clients, it is essential for them to classify your company as one of their favorites.

They fit the needs of the business

chatbots can adapt to the different current needs of your company, allowing to manage sales, establish indicators or answer questions automatically, opening opportunities for expansion. All this thanks to its adjustment and programming modality that allow you to get the most out of your digital business.

What tasks of my sales funnel can a chatbot perform?

In general, chatbots can help manage potential customers and monitor all stages of a funnel. These can develop tasks that allow you to guide customers within the digital company, so that you can get the products and prices you best suit your needs.

The instant messaging service collect all the information what customers need. On the other hand, they fulfill their basic function, which is programmed responses, whose characteristic increase engagement. Whether digital or physical, customers they always seek fair attentionand based on this point it can be ensured that chatbots they specialize in it.

The main idea is to seek comfort in consumers, and the objective is met when:

  • Products of interest are offered
  • Personalized attention is generated
  • There are suggested searches
  • Consumer needs are met
  • The most important your time is valued!

In the latter there must be a greater emphasis, because in the digital world, where everything goes very fast, offer quick sales to new and old customers is essential so that their next purchases are made with your brand. For that reason, chatbots are very importantsince they are the ones that provide that personalized attention that consumers need so much, although their task may only last a few seconds.

Why use Python to create my chatbot? Main advantages

The great programming experts prefer use python for the development of your projects, for its varied benefits.

There are many advantages that you can obtain when using this language:

Simplified and fast

Python allows us adapt to a programming mode according to what we are looking forin this case, program a chatbot, so using the patterns of this, we can create our chat bot with a scripting language. For this reason, it is considered that part of the great advantages that Python offers usis its simplicity and speed in all the chat bot programming processes.

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elegant and flexible

Both are essential features of Python. This language has a large number of tools for programming meet the objectives of the customer service strategy. You don’t have to worry so much about repeating encodings since this language suggest the ones that apply so that the algorithm is fulfilled perfectly, and with a minimum of error.

Healthy and productive programming

Programming based on Python turns out to be very productivenot only for the details mentioned above, but also for its great ease when making our programming comply with the applicable rules for the proper function. In other words, learning in Python it is extremely simple because its intelligence allows for high-quality programming in operations, in the shortest possible time.


This language is totally portable, allowing programming from your Mac, Linux or Windows. In any of the systems where it is used, its perfection and quality is the same, including that the installation of plugins or third parties is not required to complete the projects or programming.

Steps to create a chatbot for my company from scratch with Python

Next, we show you a series of steps and requirements necessary for you to create a chatbot from scratch useful for your company.

It is advisable to pay close attention, because if your experience in this matter is very low, you will have to repeat the process on a few occasions:

Previous requirements

The most important requirement before you can program with Python is to know the key concepts of NLTK, Scikit and NLP. If you do not have the slightest idea of ​​what we are mentioning, we invite you to read the concepts that correspond to each of them.


The Natural Language Processing, or also known as NLP, refers to the interaction that exists between the human language processor with that of computers. In other words, it is the intermediary or process translator.


The Natural Language Toolkit platform is one of the most recognized when programming with Python. It is suitable for writing in a human language, providing flexible and easy-to-use interfaces. In her you can find different libraries processes ideal for classification, tokenization, derivation, labeling, analysis, and semantic reasoning, working in conjunction with NLP.


This is the machine learning library and it is characterized by offering a complete guide to programming algorithms in pythonso that you can perfectly master different details that are highly valuable during the development of the chatbot.

Downloading and installing NLTK

There are hundreds of websites that allow you to do a quick download of this program. Once you have the installer, the file is executed after downloading it, with the following code: pip install nltk.

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Go for it:

  • Afterwards, test installation is performed by running Pythonyou should type: import nltk.
  • Note: if you want more information about NLYK, visit their website https://www.nltk.org/install.html

Installing NLTK packages

Now we import and run NLTK with the command nltk.download(). The previous code will open the software that is responsible for downloading the platform, allowing you to choose the corpus or models that you want to attach.

Text reprocessing with NLTK

Text reprocessing with NLTK It is very important before doing any NLP projectbecause the main problem with these texts is that they are presented in the form of strings.

The reprocessing, in a basic way, includes within its tasks the following:

  • transform and convert the texts that are in upper or lower case, as appropriate so that the algorithm can be correctly interpreted in the different steps.
  • Convert the text strings in token list, whose process is known as tokenization. Among the different utilities that can be given to this process, is search for words in strings.
  • Dispel the noise, it’s all about remove letters or numbers that are in standard.
  • If it exists within the programming commonly used words, but that cause a lot of relevance, they are eliminated, categorizing them as Stop Wordstotally excluding them from the documents being written.
  • referrals are processes where the number of words with inflection is reduced, from their root or root. In other words, they eliminate those synonyms that lead to the same act or fact.
  • Unlike the previous one, the lemmatization is the existence in the programming of real words, which are not derivatives and are called as mottos.

Bag of Words

After reprocessing, it is necessary that the words or matrix of numbers be converted or transformed into a representation of texts. This process is known as bag of wordswhich its objective is to describe the spectrum of words inside a document.

TF-IDF approach

Some of the problems that arise when coding, is the focus of the bag of words. This consists of grouping words that are very frequent among themselves, but with little value in programming, so it will make our documents have more weight, for more functions…

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