【 CREATE ACCOUNT in HABBO 】▷ Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Several years ago, in August of the year 2000 to be exact, appeared in finland a social platform that was beginning to make a name for itself on the internet. A team of two developers gave birth to Habbo Hotel, a proposal that mixed the chat systems that were sneaking so much among network users with a visual proposal that seemed to be taken from a game. This game halfway between the social simulator and the chat, I would arrive in Spain around the year 2003.

As its own name indicated, it was divided into communities called hotels in which users of more than 150 different countries. Over time, evolved into Habbo. With a average age of players between 13 and 18 years approximatelyIn 2012, when the platform was at its peak, the usage figures skyrocketed.

This experiment had already taken shape and those recreated rooms with isometric view They witnessed all kinds of conversations, new friendships, anger, parties and collective challenges. The phenomenon had taken an enormous shape, to the point of having more than 273 million registered users and an average of 5 million visitors unique per month There are multiple game platforms, one for each language or territory, but we will focus on Hispanic accounts, both from habbo.com like the new fantasy.li.

Steps to register an account in Habbo Hotel or Habbo.es

To this day, though the “official” version has lost a lot of strength, it has an alternative that is also gaining popularity: Habbo Fantasy. It inherits the same formulas as this Finnish classic, but it improves them with a completely free environment and greater openness. Its system is so interesting that more and more players want to know how to create and register a new account in Habbo Fantasy for free and this guide is dedicated to all of them. If you want to know the steps to follow, here we explain them all so you can play from now on!

This is the Spanish-speaking official website of this fantastic game, and that is that for each country/language, Habbo has its own domain, so that users from different regions can access the correct website without problems. It is true that parallel websites to the official one have emerged and that in some cases, certain users opt for the latter to learn about the latest news and alternatives that they offer us, but if you are one of those who prefer the “original versions” I teach you how to enter step by step to play from now!.

1 – Access Habbo.es

As always, the first step is to enter the corresponding website, in this case, open your favorite browser and type https://www.habbo.es and click to go directly. Once you access, you will find yourself at point 0 to generate a new user account.

2 – We start with the registration

Once you are on the main page of the platform, a huge and almost impossible to see green button will appear on the screen that tells us “JOIN UP!“, we click on it and it will automatically take us to the new step to fill in more data.

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3 – Fill in the account creation form

Now we will have 2 alternatives to create our new account, the first and fastest, but less recommended is access from our Facebook account or profile, and why is it less recommended? among many other things, because if we ever close our FB account, we will also automatically delete our Habbo.es user and all game progress.

A second option and that is recommended, it is by email, be it Gmail, Hotmail, Outlook, Yahoo, or any other, as long as we have access to it, it will work for us. To do this we begin to introduce field by field our truthful data, first the email, then the password which must have at least 6 characters, including at least 1 letter, 1 number and a special character of the type (@#€&). Repeat the password to match both.

Then we introduce our date of birth (over 13 years old), we mark the acceptance of privacy policyand if we want we can also indicate the option to receive news from Habbo in our mail. We solve the Captcha clicking on the white box that appears and that’s it, now we are going to the green button to put “DONE! LET’S CREATE AN AVATAR!and we move on to the next step.

4 – Install Adobe Flash Player

To have a total experience in Habbo Hotelit is necessary to have the latest version of the program installed on our computer Adobe Flash PlayerDon’t worry, it’s very simple, just do and follow the installation steps.

If you already had this software running on your computer or you have already installed it successfully, you must go to the same step above and click on “CLICK HERE“Then a popup will appear at the top of the screen asking you if you allow the use of Flash, click on “Allow” and magically we will be on the creation screen of our avatar! 😉

5 – Customize your avatar

Perfect, now it’s time to get our most creative part, in order to have our unique and special avatar we will have several customization options at our disposal, including different hairstyles, faces, clothing and footwear, and skin coloryou must also enter a name or nick (must be unique) and the gender of your character. If you don’t want to complicate too much, you can give the button that a dice appears so that the game automatically creates a random avatar for you. Although this is only the beginning, since when you are in the middle of the game, new configuration and customization alternatives for your character will appear, the options are endless.

6 – Choose your game room

More customization, and it is that what characterizes Habbo Hotel is the enormous degree of options that it has, in this step we will have to choose our game room, in the first place we will be able to select between “gleaming home home“for the homeliest,”Penthouse in twilight” for the party-goers or “sunny room“If you like retro. And we click on the green button”Choose“.

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7 – Activate your account You’re almost in!

If you accessed the platform via email, visit your email account and look for an email belonging to Habbo, it will ask you to confirm ownership of the email and click on the green button where it says “Click here to activate your account now“and finish with the account creation process, now if you are fully guaranteed inside! If you do not see this email, look in your Spam folder, sometimes they arrive there.

Congratulations, you have just created a new account on Habbo Hoteland from now on you will be able to discover and investigate the life that takes place there, at first do not be discouraged if you do not understand the dynamics of the game, since in a very short time you will know all the tricks that it hides and you will have hours and hours of fun !

*Note: You can also download the apps for Android and iOS, this is an option if you want to play from your smartphone or tablet It is from the official Habbo application for Android and iOS devices, below we leave you the 100% secure download links.

Register a Habbo Fantasy account via email

This is one alternative and new version to the originaland that in recent times it is gaining many followers, if you are interested in trying it, keep reading. There are two ways to register a new Habbo account and create your profile to play online: through user registration by mail or Facebook. We are going to explain the two options step by step so that you can do it as you wish. First, we are going to start with the most traditional route, through e-mail and registration form.

1 – Enter the Habbo Fantasy website

If you want start using Habbo Fantasy on your PCThe first thing you have to do is enter the official page of this social game. Open your trusted web browser and, in the address bar at the top, enter the URL to enter the Fantasy online portal: http://fantasy.li/

Once the address is entered, press the enter key so that your browser takes you directly to the page and you can start creating your new account.

2 – Start the registration process

Obviously, to have a new user you must first register it. For this, in the fantasy home pagelook for the green button with the text “Sign up!” and click on it. It is enough to see it as soon as you enter the page.

3 – Enter your user data

This is when the whole thing really begins. creating a new account in Habbo Fantasy. In this section, you have to fill in various fields with the data requested by the game team. First, you must enter a username that must be unique, with a maximum of 15 characters and without symbols of any kind (except 5 that are shown). You can check if no one else has it by clicking on “Validate”.

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After this, you must continue entering your email account. Choose only the one that you want to link and that has not been used before, since by clicking on the “Validate” will confirm if it is the first time it is used here or not.

Afterwards, you must type the password twice (once to enter it and once to confirm that there are no errors). It’s important that it be Personal and non-transferable and that it is complex enough to thwart possible phishing attempts. For this, it is best to mix numbers and letters, both uppercase and lowercase.

To finish filling in the data, the last thing you should do is enter your full date of birth (day, month and year) to complete the construction of your identity in Habbo Fantasy. After this, check the box of “I am not a robot”.

Once you have finished the entire form, confirmed that your name and email are unused and that your password is secure enough, click on “Create Account” to be able to finish the whole procedure.

From there, You can click on login with your user profile by clicking on “Login” through the main page of Habbo Fantasy and entering both your username and the password that you established during the registration process.

Open a new Habbo Fantasy account with Facebook

However, as we have indicated before, there is another way to open an account in this very popular social game: using a . The procedure using this option is as simple as or even simpler than the previous one. So that you can do it without problems, we are going to explain how to register a new habbo fantasy account via facebook.

1 – Enter the Habbo Fantasy portal

As we indicated in the previous process, open your web browser and enter the URL in the address bar to access the home page of this game. You must copy the following and paste it in said bar: http://fantasy.li/.

2 – The Facebook option

Now, by entering it and pressing the Enter key, you will be on the main page of Fantasy. Once in it, you will see in the central part two fields to fill in with the user and…

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