【 Create Automatic Replies on Skype 】 Step by Step Guide 2022

is one of the most popular and useful communication toolscreditor of several million users thanks to the variety of tools and functions that it offers us.

Among these functions, skype You have the possibility of communicating through audio and video calls, and in this calls section, We can activate the option to respond to these automatically.

In this note, we will teach you everything you need to know about the Skype call auto answer feature. From its use, advantages and how to use it, to the Detailed steps on how to activate this feature on all your devices.

What are the benefits of setting up automatic replies on your Skype account?

The use of this tool in the desktop version of Skype It makes it easier for us to work. by saving us the time it would take us to suspend the activity we are doing to answer a call manually.

Besides this, automating call responses allows us to improve our work performance, in addition to increasing the speed and efficiency of interactions with both potential clients and other members of the work team. The biggest benefits of this feature Focus on productivity and efficiency in addition to the ease of interaction and the possibility of not disturbing the user’s work rhythm, in case he is doing another job.

Learn step by step how to set up automatic replies in your Skype account from scratch like an expert

Automatic call answering function is very easily accessible on all versions of Skypeon all devices for which it is available.

Yes ok the most recommended course of action is to activate this tool on the computer versionsits feature is also available for the Skype mobile app on any operating system.

Let’s see next:

on android

Turn on auto reply of calls in Android It doesn’t have any kind of complication. In fact, it’s even easier than on the desktop version.

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In this case, you just need to quickly access the settings and guide yourself through these steps:

  • On the main Skype screen, Click on your profile photo.
  • Accede to “Setting”.
  • enter to the section of “Calls”.
  • active the option “Answer incoming calls automatically.”

To the Activate this configuration, you are authorizing the application to answer future incoming calls without user intervention. It should be noted that calls will be answered with the video image disabled, unless you also activate the option “Start my video automatically”

on iOS

The mobile version of skype can be obtained for the operating system iOS from the AppStoreand includes universal functions regardless of the operating system on which it is used.

With this in mind, we can activate the automatic call answer function with this procedure:

  • Start Skype in you iphone either iPad.
  • Choose your profile picture.
  • enter to the section of “Settings”.
  • Access to the settings of “Call”.
  • Choose the option “Answer incoming calls automatically.”
  • For activate the video automaticallyalso activate the option “Start my video automatically.”

on macOS

being one of the most efficient operating systems in the teleworking area, is also one of the most selected to perform a wide variety of tasks. This great versatility, added to the number of tasks that usually must be carried out in the work areamake the automatic call answer function a very useful tool to keep up with work.

Go for it:

  • Sign in to Skype with your user credentials.
  • On the main screen, click “Options”.
  • Choose the section of “Calls”.
  • Choose “Set calls”.
  • Click on “Show more advanced options”.
  • Brand the box labeled “Answer incoming calls automatically.”
  • click in “Save”.

on windows

windows he is considered like the most used operating system in the world. It is for this reason that it is always convenient to know how to get the most out of the programs available for it.

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In the case of Skype, we will see how to activate the automated call response to save us the effort of responding when we receive a voice or video call request:

  • enter in option “Calls”.
  • Click on “Set calls”.
  • Choose “Show more advanced options”.
  • Locate the box “Answer incoming calls automatically” and mark it for activate it.
  • Choose “Save” to apply the changes.

We teach you the best tricks to improve the quality of video conferences on Skype

Yes ok auto reply function of calls has the potential to greatly improve the quality of the experience of Skype, It is not the only action we can take to improve the productivity and quality of our meetings.

Next. Here are a number of steps you can take to optimize your Skype meetings:

Have the best possible connection quality

The determining factor for connection quality in Skype callswhether audio or voice, is to perform them under a stable and continuous network connection.

The settings required to achieve the best call quality are as follows:

  • voice calls: 100kbps/100kbps
  • Video calls: 300kbps/300kbps
  • High-quality video chat: 500kbps/500kbps
  • HD video call: 1.5Mbps/1.5Mbps
  • Group video calls (+7 people): 8Mbps/512kbps

Make sure the network is not saturated

When making a video conference, make sure you have as much bandwidth as possible, that is, you have to verify that there are no other users hanging on the network that are saturating the bandwidth. If there are no other users, Verify that there are no programs or computers using the network at the time. This includes mobile phones, computers, video game consoles and decoders.

Use front lighting

This simple action can make a significant difference in image quality in Skype video conferences. For this purpose, the best items to have within reach are lamps, or natural lighting provided by a window. Lack of lighting or low quality lighting can greatly distort the image, and having too strong lighting in the background will darken the face and reduce image quality.

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Minimizes background movement

The problem with not taking background movement into account when making a video call comes from the fact that if there is too much, your device will be forced to scramble it to send it over the call, thus blurring the items you want to transmit.

To avoid this, make sure you are not making the call in front of a crowded place, if you do it from a mobile device. For desktop versions, the best setting for the call is a deserted room, with as little movement as possible.

Use the latest version of Skype

Each new Skype update brings with it improvements that allow users to enjoy a better quality of their services, so, To get the best calling experience Skype has to offer, you’ll need to download the latest version. Not keeping the app up to date can bring more disadvantages than just decreased audio and video quality.

It can also lead to compatibility problems and vulnerability of user data.so it is not recommended to work with outdated versions.

Use headphones

An audio output device is essential when making Skype calls, however, there are peripherals that offer more advantages than others. While a speaker/microphone combination is a viable option, ambient noise can reduce audio quality.

With this in mind, the most recommended alternative to obtain the best call experience are headphones. These devices now include a built-in microphone and noise cancellation, making sure that all you have to hear is the person on the other end of the line.

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