【 LOG IN to MICROSOFT 】▷ Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Account systems have become mainstream both in the network of networks and in computing environments. Large companies, given the increase in users who use their services, have found it necessary to introduce these systems in order to better control their public, as well as to be able to offer them something unified and that allows them to take their information from one device to another.

Everyone who has used a smartphone knows that, if it is androidhas to and, if it is Apple, you have to do the same with the ID of this system. But we are not going to talk about either of these two environments, but about the one that covers the majority of computers on the planet: windows. This operating system also has its user system, thanks to Microsoft accountsone of the most widespread currently.

In this guide we are going to help you so you know how to sign in to Microsoft from your computer and through two different ways. A process that is not too complicated, but that we are going to explain step by step so that you can do it no problems of any kind and so that there is no room for confusion. Following our directions, You can log in and understand each part and step to follow without getting lost.

Steps to sign in to my Microsoft account

On the other hand, for those who have been using this system for some time, we also include a section dedicated to explain how to solve the problem of forgetting the access password. If, for whatever reason, you do not remember the password with which to access, the last section of this guide explains everything you have to do to establish a new and recover Microsoft login. Something quite useful and that is reduced to some simple guidelines.

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Microsoft account login is something that can be done on different platforms that currently exist. This time, we are going to focus on the login both via the web from the PC as in Windows 10the operating system into which these accounts have been fully integrated.

In both cases, the procedure to follow is quite different, although it is still simple. You can do it in just a matter of seconds if there is no inconvenience, as you will be able to see in the following sections.

Enter the web from your computer or PC

To enter the Microsoft website to enter the account from the computer or PC, you have to follow these steps that we indicate below:

  • Open your web browser usual. Inside it, go to the top and type the following URL into the address bar there: https://www.microsoft.com/.
  • you are inside the Microsoft home pagefrom which you can access all the services you currently have, look at the option “Log in” It is located in the upper right corner and click on it.
  • Now, on this new screen, start by write your phone number, Skype account or Microsoft account email. Then click on “Following”.
  • On the next page, you have to repeat the process, only this time entering your password. You can check the boxStay signed in” so you don’t have to do all this every time you want to access. When you finish typing, press “Log in”.
  • You are done with the login in your user profile within the Microsoft website from PC.

Sign in to Windows 10

If what you want is to connect with your account in Windows 10, the process is quite different. You will still need one previously, but the procedure, as you will see now, is quite different from the previous one:

  • Within the operating system, press the Start button located in the lower left corner and, when the corresponding menu opens, click on the option “Setting” (gear icon on the left).
  • In the new window, go to the section “Accounts” clicking on it.
  • Now, in the menu on the left, enter the section “Email accounts and applications”.
  • Since you will have logged in with a local account, in the section with your username, look for the option “Instead, sign in with a Microsoft account” either “Add a Microsoft account” and click on it.
  • Enter your email nowphone or Skype account from your Microsoft profile and click on “Following”.
  • Then repeat entering your password and click on “Log in”.
  • You’re done, your Microsoft account is signed in to Windows 10 and it will be synchronized with the system automatically.
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I forgot my password. How do I recover my Microsoft account password?

Among the users it is frequent that problems with the login for having forgotten the password. Due to an oversight, or due to a change that is not remembered, not knowing what the access code is is a situation that usually happens much more than we think, and that makes it impossible to connect with the user profile.

If you want to recover your Microsoft account password, you should know that there is no way to recover it; but to establish a completely new one in its place. We are going to explain what steps you have to follow to make this change and be able to enter this Windows parent account system again.

  • Open your PC’s web browser and Go to the Microsoft online portal. you just have to enter the following URL in the address bar to get it: https://www.microsoft.com/.
  • When you are inside, go to the section “Log in” and click on it as if you were going to login as usual.
  • start with write the emailSkype or the telephone number of your profile and click on “Following”.
  • Now, click on the option below, on “I forgot my password”.
  • check the first box: “I forgot my password”. Click on “Following”.
  • Check that the email that appears is correct and Write in the field below what appears in the image.
  • Request to send a message on the phone. You will have to write its last four digits before continuing and clicking on “Send code”.
  • Your mobile will now receive an SMS with a 7-digit password that you have to enter in the corresponding field that has appeared on your PC. Do it so you can move forward.
  • Now is the time to enter the new password. Remember that they are case sensitive and that, in addition, the extension minimum is 8 characters.
  • When finished, you will be prompted have you recovered the account and the password has changed. Press the button “Following”.
  • You’re done. You can sign in again using that key you just entered and continue using your Microsoft account as normal.
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*Note: If the problem persists, try repeating the procedure, and if you still can’t log in, contact the Microsoft team.

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