【 Earn Money as an Influencer 】 Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Being an engineer, a surgeon, were some of the professions chosen by children not long ago, when this century began. 20 years later, the scenario has completely changed, and becoming an influencer is the profession that almost everyone in the world does, regardless of our age..

The idea of ​​living from our passion is very seductive for anyone, and it is one of the easiest ways to achieve it because in essence, they are people who monetize their knowledge of a subjector many times sharing simple experiences of their days.

Nevertheless, It is something that you can perfectly learn, and in this article we are going to teach you step by step everything you have to do to become an influencer.

What is an influencer and what are the most important requirements to be one?

It is about a person who becomes famous in Internet, to such an extent that their opinions become influential within their audience. This tends to be simplified by claiming that anyone with more than 10,000 followers can be considered one, but this is far from the truth.. The main value of an influencer is his influence, this person must have a certain charisma that not only generates debate in relation to the topics he touches on.

But it can also have weight in the opinions of others, and that is where its importance for brands lies.. In addition to this, we must say that the concept of influencer as such is nothing new, despite the fact that it has become popular with the appearance of social networks. But the truth is that, if we think about it, the influencer is nothing more than a celebrity, only in this case anyone can be without having to be an actor, musician or have any other talent..

To be an influencer you need 2 essential things; a niche of expertise, that is, a topic that you master from which you can create valuable content, and an audience that is not only broad, but above all loyal and in which. It is then when what really interests companies happens, that at least 1% of the 50,000 followers who look at you feel attracted to buy a product because his either instagramer favorite recommended it.

Types of influencers on the Internet What are all the ones that exist so far and how to decide the ideal one for me?

The truth is that there is no standard classification to define the types of influencers. The one that most is based on the number of followers of a person.

Thus, there are the following categories:

  • Micro: an influencer with an audience of between 1,000 and 10,000 followers across all of their social networks.
  • Middle: those with an audience between 10,000 and 100,000 followers on any social network.
  • Macro: users with an audience between 100,000 and 500,000 followers.
  • Celebrities: influencers with great fame that exceed numbers of 1 million followers and up.

Nevertheless, this is not the only way to classify these professionals. Another way is according to the type of content that they usually share. In this case we have two very well defined types; Opinion influencers, who are those who focus on giving their point of view on any subject, coming to generate sympathy with their audience more than anything for their ideals. And the informative influencer, who is the one who bases his content on sharing only documentary informative material on a subject of his expertise..

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And finally we can classify the influencers according to their niche. This opens up a fairly wide range since we have characters like fashionistas; those lovers of fashion and good dress. The healthy fitness; who are those users who love to exercise and help others with their advice to achieve goals faster.

Or also the so-called traveler; who spend the whole year traveling and showing their audience all her adventures. But these are only a few since each specific niche has its own particular demonym In this sense, there are also supermommies or cooks.

Learn step by step how to become an influencer on all social networks to be famous on the Internet

Being an influencer is one of the “jobs” most comfortable and best paid in the world. Nevertheless, We are not going to fool you, it is difficult to teach everything that being a celebrity entails in in one video.

Despite this, we are going to show you a roadmap that you must follow to make your dreams come true:

keep it real

The first thing an influencer must put between eyebrows is that It is not easy to get hundreds of thousands of followers. It is a process that takes many months and even years. Germán Garmendia, one of the most successful youtubers of all time, recounts that when he started, he did it just as a hobby, it was not until after 1 year that he was able to get monetization from his channel, and It wasn’t until a year later that he started earning enough to consider making videos full time..

Therefore, do not think that it will only be making a great video and waiting for it to go viral. Behind every influencer there is a lot of effort and hours of work behind. This is very important since according to several important pollsters More than 70% of potential influencers give up after 3 months, and only 2% of those who continue end up being successful..

So If you really want to be an authoritative voice on the Internet, you must be clear that the path you are about to start is long.but we assure you that if you do things well and with the necessary affection, you will have guaranteed success, because of the above data, only 2% really work hardThat’s why they are the only ones who end up winning.

Choose a niche or type of influencer

The first thing is to define the niche in which you are going to be present, or if you are a multitalker you can choose several of them, although it is always best to focus first on a single topic and then start with the others. This choice is not so easy for many potential influencers who feel that they cannot find the place where they belong, that theme that will make them stand out..

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If you focus on the economic aspect, the niches that They are investments, tourism, health, marketing, Gaming and entertainment, but this does not mean that by being in one of them you will earn a lot of money. There are influencers in very small niches with a CPAs tiny enough that they still make succulent profits every month.

That is why our advice is to do something that you are truly passionate about. If yours is sport, do not hesitate to start a social profile to share your analysis, chronicles and important news every day. This will make you enjoy the first months much more and you will not end up abandoning the project.

Be a true expert

Although there are niches in which you do not need to know anything in particular, those of the so-called “empty Influencers” who do not really contribute anything, The vast majority of topics require knowledge and, above all, responsibility. Especially if you are going to specialize in sectors as delicate as health, nutritionentrepreneurship and a long etcetera.

If you really want to be influential you will have to be a true expert. The world is in constant evolution and Internet users are increasingly demanding with the quality of the content they consume, since otherwise they will go with another that offers them what they wantand you can be sure that they will find it outside of your profiles.

choose your platform

Yes ok It is important to have profiles on various social networksthere will always be one in which the largest number of your audience is concentrated, which will surely be the first time you start working.

To choose you must take into account 2 factors:

  • The type of content: Each social network has a preference for a certain type of content. YouTube and are the favorites for videos, while and They are more than images. Although FB also has a section for videos, it is not as easy to navigate as the first two we mentioned. But that, the format of the material that you are going to share should be an important factor in choosing the ideal platform.
  • The type of public: You must analyze your target audience and learn data such as their average ages and preferences. Social networks such as Facebook or YouTube are for leisure, which is why most users look for information and entertainment on them. But if you want to make a personal brand to be an influencer in, for example, your work sector, LinkedIn is the social network where you will find the best opportunities to grow.

Organize an action plan

In this point You will understand that if you really want to succeed it is important that you are well planned. That is why the first thing you should do is an action plan on the first steps you are going to take.

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The most important aspects that you should take into account are:

  • publication regularity: define how many times a week you will share content with your audience, they should not be fixed days but it is important that you stay active every week with at least a couple of videos.
  • Keywords to attack: keywords are those that people search to find a specific content. You must carry out a study of keywords to find out which are the most searched for in your sector, and define which ones you will attack first. The general rule is that you focus first on those with the least searches, since they are also the ones with the least competition and where you have the best chance of appearing.
  • dissemination strategy: although it is not a guarantee of success, investing in advertising to disseminate your content will be a good ally to give you the push you need to take off. Determine an investment capital in ads and execute it every month. It shouldn’t be too much, with €50 you can get a lot of profit.

Collaborate with other influencers

The collaborations are the real key to growing in any social network, since you take advantage of the audience that another user already has to make it yours and be able to attract followers more easily. There are two ways to collaborate with other influencers; The first is when both have the same number of followers or are very even and both create content together or mention each other in posts..

The second it is paying a user who has much more audience than you and you offer him money to make a video with you for his channel, so that his audience gets acquainted with you. According to expert studies, the growth rate of accounts that collaborate with each other is much higher than that of those that pay for classic advertising or that simply never collaborate.

We teach you all the ways in which an influencer can earn money on the Internet and live from his passion

A mistake than many “newbies” They commit, and it is the main reason why they do not find profitability, is to believe that money can only be made through content distribution platforms. In fact, many of you who are reading this are sure what you really think is “I want to earn money making YouTube videos”.

But right now we will show you that there is much more money outside of the platforms, because what an influencer is really worth is their personal brand:

digital advertising revenue

This is the classic form, the one that until you read the…

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