【 Earn Money on eBay 】 Step by Step Guide 2022

The virtual markets have become the main way of do business online and project, globally, small businessmen and large transnationals. The best thing is that trading can prosper even if you don’t have enough experience at first.

One of the first platforms that made its appearance to do which allows buy and sell either with the mobile application or from the web browserwith robust security policies that protect both sellers and buyers.

If you want to start working with eBay, here is a complete guide for you to earn money quickly. Starting with the requirements to create a store, what are the sales commissions, the steps you must take to set up your profile and the different ways that exist to do business online.

How much money can you earn on Ebay?

with eBay selling new or second hand items. The company eBay also has an affiliate program in which You can receive from 10 to 24 Euros for each user who registers with your link. Another option you have is to import products, bringing them from one country to another, earning good sales commissions. Nevertheless, the final fee you can earn on eBay will depend on the items you sell on the platform.

You must work consistently learn from mistakes and create a different strategy for each sale, because there are thousands of products posted on the site. You have to earn a good reputation, as you level up, the options for generating money are greater. In the low category you can earn up to 3,000 euros per month and in the highest the figure goes up a lot, which is the one used by large companies and recognized entrepreneurs who have been in business for years.

Requirements to create an official store on Ebay

The 10 million visitors per month and the thousands of transactions that are carried out every day make eBay one of the leaders in online sales.

If you want to know how to create a store to start selling on this platform, here are the requirements that you must meet:

  • Sign up on the eBay page signup.ebay.com.
  • Have a bank account linked to receive payments from buyers or a .
  • Choose an account type based on your needs and products that you want to offer.
  • Customize the store giving it a custom look with the best marketing tools.

eBay Fees How do your fees work?

this platform suits all types of vendorseither professionals or individuals.

Of course, each one has a fee as far as commissions are concerned:

  • Private sales: a total of 10% of each completed transaction.
  • By announcements: the first 50 of each month are free, then you must pay 0.35 euros.
  • basic store: a monthly payment of 19.95 euros is made with a maximum of 100 free ads per month. From that amount onwards, 0.35 euros are canceled at auction and 0.15 euros for conventional sales.
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Learn how to make money on Ebay step by step

If you have no experience with e-commerce, but want to get started with it, here are the steps you must take to create your account on Ebay and leave it fully configured to start earning money as quickly as possible.

Go for it:


The initial step to start selling is for which you must have an email, but also you can do it with a .

In both cases the procedure is as follows:

  • Enter the page registration signup.ebay.com and enter the first name, last name, email address and password.
  • You accept the conditions of service and finally click on “Sign up”.
  • On the right side of the registration page, you have the option to continue with Google, Facebook or Apple.
  • If you choose any of these three optionsyou have to authorize eBay to access your public profile.
  • confirm the account that you are going to use and at the end click on “Register”.

configure profile

If you want make any changes to the created account or update your profileyou can do it at any time.

To do this, do the following:

  • After logging in, go to the upper left corner where your name appears
  • Clicking on the down arrow brings up the option “Account settings”.
  • A window opens in which you must search for the data that you want to modify or add to your profile.
  • The section appears “Personal data and security” in which you can edit what you consider pertinent.
  • If you wish change password, it is also possible to do it from there.

set up payments

One of the goals for which you created the eBay account, is to receive payments for the products you manage to sell. For this, you must make the respective configuration in your profile.

It is as simple as doing the following:

  • After enter your profilelook in the upper left corner for “Account settings”.
  • In the new tab, look for the section “Payment Information”.
  • You have two alternatives, “Payments” and “PayPal Account”.
  • In “Payment options” You are going to add a bank account.

Publish your first products

After created and configured the account with all the options, the time has come to put it to use. you must have the product or products that you are going to offer together with the price that you will set.

Then focus on those steps:

  • Within your account, in the upper right corner look for the function “Sell”.
  • When clicked, the option appears “Sell an item.”
  • Select a categorywhich will allow your ad to become more visible in searches.
  • You can modify this category later by clicking on “Change”.
  • To finish, click on “Create ad” and so you will have your first publication ready.
  • In the ad, you must insert an appropriate title and make use of the keywords related to it.
  • Attach a photograph and provides data on the conditions of the product, as well as whether it is new or used.
  • You must also specify if you will make a sale or an auctionalthough you can do a combination of both.
  • Later, you will select the type of shipment and the payment method.
  • Before finishing, Check that your ad looks good and that you like its design.
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All the ways to make money on eBay

Surely, You already want to know what are the possibilities of earning money that you have on Ebay to start taking advantage of the account as quickly as possible.

The following list contains five recommendations for you to make your sales, with or without capital:

With Dropshipping

If the expression does not sound familiar to you, Consider the following definition: , so you offer the merchandise and when an interested party acquires it, the order goes directly to the other company who makes the proper dispatch. Thus, you immediately have a profit for the transaction made.

It can be done both nationally and internationally. Maybe you know of small businesses, factories or artisans who do not have an eBay profile but produce high quality items. It’s just a matter of getting in touch and agreeing on a commission. your homework is sell the product without mentioning the company name. In neither case do you need capital to work.

Selling your own products

Yes there are items you produce yourself and want the world to know about, the best option is to place them in your eBay online store. These can include craft designs, courses, tutorials, e-books, clothing, goldsmithing and many other things. Place a price that is consistent and competitive to display them on the web. Also, It is advisable to know what are the products and categories that people are looking for the most on eBayso you know what level of interest your post will arouse.

affiliate marketing

The affiliate program allows you to earn passive money by attracting visitors to your website and earn commissions for the purchases they make by clicking on your links. The main thing is submit a request to the eBay Partner Network, using your account on the platform. There you must select what type of partner you are going to be, with the option of marking several options at the same time.

You will make the choice taking into account the theme of your website so that it works properly. To obtain the income, you must configure the payment information and accumulate ten coins of the format you have chosen. Your commissions will arrive the first 10 days of each month.

selling energy

The sellers of energy or power are an elite group of eBay vendors who get special privileges. Among the requirements that must be met are having sales equal to or greater than €3,000 for 12 months, 9 months affiliated with the platform and that at least 98% of the comments received are positive.

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SoeBay will give you a special logo that will be reflected in your profile, which will give you a greater reputation and confidence in front of potential clients. In addition, you will have the right to special discounts, protection against non-cancelled items, final price reductions at the time of purchase and customer service.

eBay Consultant

There are people that they have no knowledge of how eBay works, but they want to sell their products themselves, without an intermediary. If you have enough experience in managing the platform, you can charge for teaching a course or teach how to make the first sale and create ads that are attractive to the type of market you want to attack.

This is how you will become an eBay consultant, generating income independently for each person you manage to train. You may promote your services on social media, on your website or on a third-party blogso whoever is interested will contact you.

Learn how to manage a sale on eBay

Already you posted your ad on eBay, the description and photos that you used caught the attention of a user so he gave him the option to buy. What are the steps to take to manage your first sale on eBay?

Here is the procedure that you must follow to start earning reputation and receive your first income:

Contact your buyer

Either you have made an auction or through direct purchase It is important that you contact your buyer as quickly as possible. When activating the function “Place order online” the other person will receive your contact details.

You need to confirm the final pricethe taxes to be paid if applicable, the type of shipment and the costs involved, the estimated date on which the product will arrive, the means of payment that you have available and the tracking number to know the status of your purchase. While the more you streamline the process, the reputation you’ll gain for being a good salesperson It will help you establish yourself on eBay.

Check the payment

Before shipping your product, It is important that you confirm in your bank account that you received the payment from your buyer. In most cases these arrive on time, as users know that their ratings will be spot on if they stick to their end of the deal. If it takes time to arrive, it is…

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