【 Get More Views on YouTube 】 Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

the streaming platform becomes more and more important to humans, because little by little it has become a fundamental part for everyone. where each of its users have the possibility to look at the publications of other members, as well as with all of them.

An essential part when upload some playback is to achieve a great number of views for it. This is due to several factors, either because the platform is used at strategic level for any brand or company, oh for.

Therefore, success in this video portal It’s in get the highest number of views for your channel, if this is not achieved simply it will be failing. According to this, here we are going to teach you the best strategies so that you can increase the visits to your channel For this, follow in detail everything that we will teach you in the post.

Learn step by step the best strategies to get many views on YouTube

Bearing in mind that success on this platform can only be achieved achieving each of your videosIt is vital to be able to know the best strategies that will help you achieve it. Keep in mind that The more people see your reproductions, the more people will know about your brand, company or personal message..

Which will undoubtedly help you generate more income. Surely you will wonder how those users who they post a video and it gets millions and millions of views in a very short timebecause all this is due to a series of strategies which is very important to take into account.

Which we will show you below:

Offer valuable content

if you want to have success in this or any other social network it is very important that you dedicate yourself to post valuable contentotherwise it will cost you too much power reach the success you are looking for within the portal. And it is that thanks to all the popularity of this social network it has been verified that nine out of ten people enter the platform daily to watch videos of other users, where they usually spend a time approximately 40 minutes the vast majority of them.

This means that while the more value your content has and the more interesting it is for the public, possibly a more people want to see them. Post content that is trending and really interesting to everyone.

Create a very catchy title

You could say that this is one of the most key points to achieve success in the social network. Well, the objective of all this is to achieve draw public attention with each of your videos, so the title of it plays a very important role there. Keep in mind that surely topic of the reproduction that you upload will see thousands of reproductions more, reason why the spectators will look for the one that has a most striking name.

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In this type of case it is recommended to place names like kind of news or entertainment magazine, because in both areas they are experts for put catchy titles. Use multiple words let them know your video is the bestthe most interesting and really worth looking at.

a good description

Although you may think that this point is not so important, the truth is that it is, many of platform users take the time to read the description of each of the social network posts, depending on them they can decide if they want to see its content or not. This means that you can have the best video of all on your channelbut yes you do not accompany it with a good text or you do not add a description will surely make it lose interest.

In this way, you must keep in mind that most people want read a very good review and thus know a little what they are going to see. It is important that in said text include at least 2 or 4 times your keyword since this will help you improve the positioning of your video. Also, you must have word combinations so that users can find more easily when look for topics related to your post.

Create very good visuals

The image that show to the public is critical to your successthis is something that should be applied at all times of life, because a good image of you will make a greater number of people is interested in you. Therefore, dedicate yourself to placing best thumbnail photo you can, especially since it’s always going to come out as preview in your video.

A good image there you can do that the other members of the network are interested in youso a simple click on it can make them enter directly to your channel and review each of your postsso you can get a most views for all your content.

Collaborate with other youtubers

It is not a secret to anyone that several years ago a large percentage of the population wants to be this with the aim of have a source of employment that allows you generate income through social network. This means that there are millions of people all over the world. the world trying to do the same as you, so the competition is quite big.

Bearing this in mind, the most advisable thing for everyone is that teamworkso that interaction between channels is very important to help each other get to know each other. You should consider entering channels of people who have a very good number of visits, There you can leave comments, links to your best videos so that they can enter your channel.

If you can have a communication with some of them it would be very good if they recommend between both. It is important that this type of activities do not do it so often, since otherwise you you can see as a desperate youtuber and surely the results you can get they will not be the best.

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Cross media and SEO

If you are doing a very good digital marketing strategy for your channelly you are beginning to see the results of it, then you should consider doing crossmedia. For this case it is very important that start sharing each of your videos on other social networks and thus make users able to Go to your YouTube platform.

Currently you can post on social media as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, share in Telegram groups, WhatsApp, among many other options available. Keep in mind that the competition is too much, so it is very important to be able to apply a very good web positioning strategy within the links, which will be a very good choice for you.

Post content very frequently

Another fundamental point to achieve the desired success in this social network it is upload content very frequentlyfor this you can take advantage of all current technological devices such as tablets and smartphones, since these will allow you to be more committed to each of your followers. It is also important that you take great care the length of your videosas it is recommended that these do not exceed three minutes.

It has been verified through several studies carried out by professionals that after After 3 minutes, the visibility of the reproductions drops considerably, because long videos tend to become boring and tedious. Because of this it is recommended that be direct enough in each of them, if it tries to how to make a pastethen go straight to it and avoid wasting time on other things that are out of context.

In addition to all this, it is very important the amount of content you upload daily, as well as the frequency with which you will do it. For this, it is important that you set yourself a kind of goal, either going up content every day, two or three times a week, every fortnight, among others. Keep in mind that it is key to get greater visibility on your channel.

Encourage your community, friends and family to support you

Just like it should be done in the other social networksIt is very important that you talk to people in your community, friends and family so they can go through your channel and subscribe, as well as leave comments on each one of them. your posts. In addition, it is essential that at the time of end playback leave any questions that may interest viewers.

Keep in mind that as much the number of comments, views, the frequency of posts, all of them have a direct impact on the rating of your videos for the platform. Take full advantage of the web at all times.

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Create a very good profile for your channel

The profile in any social network is like your cover letter, this means that it is very important that all the information that is there is really interesting. To do this add the links of your other websites, other social networks, blog, add an interesting avatar photo, as well as a cover photo.

Customize everything you can your channel so that you can generate a very good impression to all those users who want to see your content. In case you have a video you like and you want it to be like your cover letter then you can highlight itthis will allow it to be the most viewed by the other members of the portal.

Link other videos

One of the advantages that Youtube is that it allows users to be able to annotate links of other videos in yours. In this way, you can start make the most of all this, since that way you can get to get more views for your other videos.

It also allows you so you can create those that are of the same thematic for the public that is interested in the subject. Doing all this will allow when When some of your videos finish playing, another of yours will automatically start. This is widely used for those users who upload content from novels, series or chapters that require a sequence.

Disseminate your videos through blog, email or social networks

Once you have uploaded your reproduction to the platform The next thing will be to start sharing it, since this will be what allows you to achieve that it can be viewed by other people. For this, it is essential that you begin to spread it through social networks, email, instant messaging groups, blog, websiteand any other means of communication available.

Collaborative networks. The new infallible strategy to grow on YouTube?

Finally, we present to you what has become YouTube’s new strategy to grow within the platform. As previously mentioned, today it is essential to be able to collaborate between youtubers, that is why all this tool has been called collaborative networks.

As already mentioned, it is not a secret to anyone that a large part of the population has started working as youtuberssince ordinary people to artists and celebrities, all this in order to be able make money through social network.

For this, these people dedicate themselves to publish content of all kinds, andespecially content created by themselves. Nevertheless,…

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