【 GPIO Pins on Raspberry Pi 】What are they? + Features ▷ 2022

One of the most useful points, and at the same time most underrated of the Raspberry Pi modules, are but By knowing how to use them, the possibilities are almost endless.

The GPIO ports are included in all models of the Raspberry Pi, although with differences in each one. Its presence greatly expands the functionality of this versatile board.

Useful both for programming projects in Python and other languagesas for the inclusion of HATs in your, knowing how to use these ports will allow you to squeeze the full potential of your mini computerand right now we are going to explain everything you need to know to work with GPIO pins like a pro.

What are the Raspberry Pi pins and what are they for on my mini computer board?

GPIO is the acronym for “General Purpose Input/Output”and it’s basically a general purpose input and output system, presented as a series of ports on the Raspberry Pi board, and intended for various uses. These uses may vary depending on the project you have in mind, either as a simple breakout board, to complex robotics projects.

Its main function is to make a connection between your Raspberry Pi and any device you need add for the elaboration of a project, from an LED light, to much more complex purposes.

What are the main functions of the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins and how do they vary by model?

GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi they give you capabilities similar to those that Arduino can havesince they elevate it from the condition of a simple accessible mini-computer and allow you to receive connections for a wide variety of electronic projects. Different models of the Raspberry Pi have a different number of GPIO connectors depending on the version of each model.

The original versions of the Raspberry Pi included 26 pins arranged in 2×13 columns, they were really designed to function as input and output. Later models add a considerable expansion of the number of pins, increasing from 26 to 40 pins.among which we can find nine new GPIO pins. The compatibility is total, because the function of the first 26 pins does not change at all.

The utility of the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi can be summed up like this:

  • have values out of writting and reading.
  • They can read signals of absence or presence of voltage as binary data.
  • Are controllable by codewhich allows you to raise or lower its voltage level.
  • GPIO pins are easy to configure individually for entry and exit.
  • They have a maximum voltage capacity that you should know to avoid altering its functionality.
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Pin utility What can I connect and program with them on a Raspberry Pi single board?

The great versatility of the Raspberry Pi is the reason why there are a large number of add-ons designed to be coupled with it and extend its capabilitiesthese receive the acronym HATs (Hardware Attached on Top) and are intended to be attached to the Raspberry Pi via the GPIO ports. There are countless developers who have designed a wide range of HATs to expand the functionality of the Pi.and these range from sensors, touch screens and LCDs, to motors and audio devices.

Now, we present a small list of HATs to start your path in the use of GPIO ports:

  • traffic hat: integrates a set of LED lights that work with the GPIO pins that will allow you to learn their functions in a simple and basic way.
  • MotoZero: is a control module for direct current (DC) motors, very useful when integrating robotics projects to your Raspberry Pi.
  • Sky Writer Hat: is a gestural control panel for your Raspberry Pi designed to detect simple 3D gestures and positions. Easily controllable without peripherals using the Python API.
  • PianoHat: It is a mini sound synthesizer with 16 piano keys and 18 sensitive buttons to start small musical projects.

Raspberry Pi Pins vs. Arduino Pins How do these components differ from both development boards?

Raspberry Pi and Arduino are two products that are essentially made up of a board that can be used as a base for all kinds of electronics and robotics projects, but These are two completely different products. Making an exact comparison between the two units is a complex task because they are two boards intended for very different purposes.. But they share a common attribute, and this is their great utility for electronics projects.

Both projects are very even with each other since both have their pros and cons. Arduino is specifically designed to be a base concept for almost any project.which has a large number of both analog and digital inputs for the installation of a wide variety of add-ons. Raspberry Pi was designed as a mini computer.so while it is not as versatile in the field of electronics projects as Arduino, compensates for this lack with greater computing power.

A plus point for the Raspberry Pi is its native ability to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi or Ethernet cable. Although Arduino can integrate these capabilities through expansion boards, doing so would occupy part of their connectionsas well as spending a little more to get the expansions.

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On the other hand, Arduino has dedicated software for electronic projects that executes the action programmed on the board when it is turned on.unlike the Raspberry Pi, which requires the installation of an operating system to be able to perform the actions we requirewhich ends up having a negative impact on many projects.

Raspberry Pi Programming Pins What languages ​​are used to program when developing hardware with GPIOs?

The way of control the GPIO ports of the Raspberry Pi and use them to get the most out of it for your projects, is through programming language. The Raspberry Pi’s versatility gives it compatibility to read a wide range of programming languages.

Next, we present the most used and useful when using the GPIO pins of your Pi:


It is a language designed for the early teaching of programming languages. Being segmented into blocks, it is easy to focus on the logic of the programming language without getting involved in the usual morphology and syntax (periods, commas, hyphens, parentheses, etc.) Raspberry Pi OS includes a window with a variety of programming languages ​​among which is Scrath. All you have to do is follow the steps to install the extension and you can start programming the GPIO pins.


It is one of the most widely used programming languages ​​today. is a dynamically typed interpreted language which allows you to program a very wide variety of purposes for the GPIO ports. Python is one of the programming languages ​​included in the Raspberry Pi OS operating system.so most of the time it will be necessary to have it installed to be able to start our project with GPIO.


Each of these programming languages ​​is an improved variant of the previous one and intended for a slightly different purpose:

  • C in a typed language medium level that allows you to create low/medium level software and applications.
  • C++ was created as an extension to enhance the capabilities of the C language, making it a hybrid language, since it is oriented both to the creation of software and to the manipulation of objects.
  • C# (pronounced “C Sharp”) It is a standardized language that derives from the C/C++ syntax and is aimed at developing software on the .NET API, as well as handling objects.
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Although these three languages ​​are derivatives and have slightly different functions from each other, all are usable for programming the GPIO ports of the Raspberry Pi. Mastering all three languages ​​will allow you to expand its functions in virtually unlimited ways.


It is a programming and development language based on java and oriented to the development of audiovisual and multimedia projects, so it’s a great option for digital artists with relatively limited knowledge of programming. Thus they unleash their creativity through the use of programmable add-ons through the GPIO pins.

List of the best projects that you can do yourself with the pins of your Raspberry Pi.

When you have basic programming knowledge and know the limitations of your Raspberry Pi, you can get to do the following projects:

LED alarm with Raspberry Pi

It consists of an LED light attached to the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi that syncs with and issues notifications lights that work as a reminder for scheduled events. With the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi and a Unicorn HAT programmed and adapted with Python, you can make an alarm that is synchronized with all your virtual agenda and prevent you from being late for a meeting again.

motor controller

The Raspberry Pi Board works as the perfect motherboard for the installation of a direct current motor that will serve for your electronics and robotics projects. With a few external components and some Python code, you can connect a DC motor to the GPIO pins of your Raspberry Pi and use it as a power supply. This project is particularly useful for understanding the electrical operation of the GPIO portsvery useful information for any project that requires using a Raspberry Pi module as a breakout board.

Motion Sensor for LED Light

For this Proyect, we will use a passive infrared (PIR) motion sensor. This attachment plugs into the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi, and provides a sensitive detector that senses human body heat at a range of twenty to twenty feet. One of the most common companions to the PIR sensor is an LED light, which is also attached to the GPIOs and allows us to create a motion detection LED alarm.

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