【 Install Tails from Live-USB 】 Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Privacy and security in it is becoming more and more important for most of the users, especially nowadays when they are more and more frequent cyber attacks. It’s like a way of trying to reduce all kinds of risk is by using Tails in any computer operating system.

In the case of Tails it’s a linux operating system which has been primarily designed to help improve both security and privacy when using an OS on a computer. That is how Tails it’s a live operating systemwhich means that you can run on any computer without requiring an installation, just have a external storage medium where you can have it copied and ready to be executed.

That is how USB memories and DVDs have become the best ally for this, since to make use of this SO will undoubtedly provide you with greater security when browsing the net. That is why here we are going to teach you how to create a Tais Live-USB for any operating systemTo do this, simply follow everything that we will explain below in the post.

What are the system requirements to be able to use Tails?

Tails or also known as The Amnesic Incognito Live system, is a free software through which users can obtain a greater privacy and anonymity when browsing the Internetso that your security is much more protected. It is based on Debian GNU/Linux, with a direct connection to Tor, but luckily for the users it is not requires an installation but it can be booted from a CD or USB.

However, in order to use this Linux privacy and security tool, it is necessary to have some system requirements for it to work correctly and which we will show you below:

  • It will be necessary to use a pen drive where you can store the program. The capacity of the flash drive must be greater than the size of the file to be copied.
  • It is also necessary to have a system installation disk bootable operating system or an ISO file contained in the usb stick. In the case of the iso image must contain the files to be saved.
  • If for some reason you do not have the installation disk, then it will be necessary use a drive virtualizer to burn the ISO image.
  • You must have a Windows or Mac computer.

What are the benefits of using Tails on my computer? How does it improve my privacy?

You have to remember that all this system was launched recentlyat the time it was not considered so important for what it was computer world, But currently the opposite happenssince it is considered as a vital tool to help improve user privacy.

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This is how making use of this Linux OS will give you certain advantages while you browse the Internet and which we are going to show you below:

  • The main advantage of all this is that it can be booted in Live CD or USB mode, so it will not require a installation on the hard drive of the computer.
  • It is currently considered the only operating system able to keep the user information away from espionage.
  • When using a LiveUSB at the time of turn off the computerthe same will not leave any kind of trace of the activities what you have done on it.
  • Tails is currently the best alternative to surf anonymously on the Internet and keep a complete Privacy & Security at all times.

Learn step by step how to create a Live-USB to install Tails quickly and easily

Currently you can find different programs available to create a bootable USB memory, in this case we are going to teach you how to carry out this procedure through the Live USB Install program.

To do this, it will be necessary to carry out each of the steps that we are going to teach you below:

  • The first thing you should do is Download this Live USB program from its official page or from this post.

  • The following will be to download the latest version of the Tails operating system.

  • When you have so much the program as the ISO of the installed operating system, the following will be run Live USB Install and after updating all repositories to the latest version A window like the following will appear:
  • Once you have reached this point you must click on the section “ISO Image” and then you must find operating system image which has been previously downloaded from his official sitein this way it will be possible to indicate that this is the one that you want to copy to USB.
  • Now you must select linux distribution located at the bottom of the window. In this case Live Usb Install count with one configuration support for a wide distribution listso that Tails will appear in it. This means that you must look for said disposition.distribution and select ityou must choose the most up-to-date version that appears in the list, on the screen you will see something similar to the following:
  • There you must click on the option “OKAY” to finish the process and start the copy procedure.
  • Please note that this procedure can be take several minutesThis will mainly depend on the capacity of your computer and the USB memory that you have entered into the computer.
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after a few How many minutes will the copy process have finished, after this you can remove the USB stick from the computerit already contains the Tails operating system installedso you just have to insert said storage unit in the computer you want Y run said OS to start browsing safely through it.

Find out how to install Tails from a removable disk on any operating system

Another way to install this Linux operating system on your Windows or Mac computer is through a removable disk, these are considered to be much more safe and reliable than USB flash drivesthat is why here we are going to teach you how to how to install Tails both ways.

Therefore, follow the steps that we are going to indicate below to carry out the installation from a removable disk.

  • To start with this procedure you must download the last Tail’s version.
  • from there you can download the image in ISO format through a direct download O well either through torrent but, in either of these two cases, you will be offered a digital signature encrypted via OpenPGP So you can verify file integrity that has been downloaded, thus verifying that it has not suffered any manipulation by third parties.
  • After carrying out what is ISO downloadthe next thing will be to record it in a removable discso the recording will be made in a DVD taking into account that it is much more secure since it does not allow subsequent modifications and the process is very simple.
  • It’s important to put attention on Tails is a Live Distroso it can be executed either through a DVD or from a USB stick, without the need for power Install it on your computer’s hard drive. It must be borne in mind that the goal of this linux operating system It is not its installation on the hard disk but on an external disk or memoryso it can be used on any team easily.
  • When it’s done recorded on the dvdthen the next step is start the computer from these external supports and in that way to be able run the Live Distro.
  • One of the most critical points for this is the boot from USB drive or removable diskso this boot procedure requires a access to the team in order to be able to modify what is the boot sequencesince by default boots from the hard drive.
  • It should also be mentioned that some computers allow you to modify what the boot sequence is without the need to directly access the BIOS optionsso it is very important to pay attention to the indications that the driver gives you. system during computer startup, since the configurations will also depend on the motherboard of the computer.
  • For access BIOS it will be through a specific keyboard key that also it will depend on the motherboard. This key is displayed on the screen during the first moments of booting, so you must be very aware, in some cases it is used F2, F1 or the “Delete” key these being the most common for these cases.
  • After start Tails, A message will appear alerting you about two aspects, one of them will ask for an administrator password so that you can perform system administration taskssince by default this option is disabled for user safety. The other aspect that it offers you Tails is camouflage mode, which is will be responsible for modifying the appearance of the graphical environment of the user for him to take a Windows-like look so that it can go unnoticed if another person is watching you.
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In this way you can carry out what is installing Tails from a removable drive on your computer, This will allow you to have a much more private operating system that will allow you to browse anonymouslythus offering greater security at all times.

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