【 Megabit (Mb) and Megabyte (MB) 】 Differences ▷ 2022

One of the most important factors that must be taken into account when browsing the Internet is the speed of browsing or download speed, but, with respect to this there are many users who are really unaware at what speed they are accessing the network.

On the one hand, it is the people themselves who are to blame for not knowing the units of measurement of the information. Secondly, the telephone operators have it who take advantage of this ignorance, not to the point of scamming, but to create a little mind game in their advertising campaigns to make believe that they offer high-speed navigation.

If you don’t want to belong to this group of people and fall into the corporate trap, then you need to understand the difference between Mb and MB, so we invite you to read this entry made especially for you.

Mb and MB What are they and how are they different?

Both the megabyte and the megabit are in our electronic devices, these along with the kilobyte are the most common ways to measure data transfer. The two are written differently, being the “B” capital letter of MB for him megabyte and the “b” lowercase of mb for him megabit. But, the real difference is not there, but is found in the storage capacities that these two units present.

The smallest unit of information in electronic devices is the bit., so this is the unit that we will take as a reference point to know how a megabyte differs from a megabit. Do you want to know how many bits are in a megabit? In a megabit we have the equivalent to 1000 kilobits and in a kilobit we have an equivalent to 1000 bits.

  • 1Mb = 1000KB
  • 1KB = 1000 bits
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So if we apply a mathematical conversion by multiplying 1000 kilobits per 1000 bits, we obtain that 1 megabit is equal to a million bits Now how many bits are in a megabyte?

In a megabyte there are 1024 kilobytes and in a kilobyte there are 1024 bytes. But what does a byte represent? Nothing more and nothing less than 8 bits.

  • 1MB = 1024KB
  • 1KB = 1024 Bytes
  • 1 Byte = 8 Bit

So if we multiply 1024 kilobytes times 1024 bytes we get the number of 1,048,576 Bytes, and if we multiply this amount by 8 bits, we find that a megabyte is equal to 8,388,608 bits. With these simple calculations we realize that a MB is 8 times larger than a Mb.

Is the speed offered by Internet operators megabits or megabytes?

Sadly for us users, the browsing speeds offered by Internet operators They are measured in megabits and these are expressed in Megabits per second (Mbps). Due to the similarity of the terms, Mb is often confused with what is colloquially called “megas” (MB).

This is how users believe that they are contracting a 20 MBps service, when actually what the operator offers is 20 Mbps, And as is evident, the client is disappointed when it comes to downloading movies, videos and songs, since the speed is not as expected.

How to calculate my actual internet speed in megabytes to know how fast I can download files?

Perhaps after understanding everything developed in this article, you are interested in really knowing what your download speed is in megabytes. But for that first you need to know the actual browsing speed in Mbps, and for this it is necessary that you carry out a Finally, we are going to apply the following mathematical operations to the result obtained to convert it.

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Assuming that the test gives us a speed of 30 Mbps, the first thing we must do is convert the Mb to bits.

  • 30Mb x 1000Kb x 1000 Bits = 30,000,000 or 30 million bits.

Successively we have to convert those bits to MB.

  • 30,000,000 bits / 8 Bytes = 3,750,000 Bytes / 1024 KB = 3,662.10 KB / 1024 MB = 3.57MB.

So if you have a 30 Mbps service, the download speed in “Megas” is 3.57 MBps.

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