【 POSTCARDWARE 】 What is it and what is it for? + Examples ▷ 2022

The postcardware is closely related to the and the . It’s not very popular, so you probably haven’t heard of it. However, we will show you everything you need to know about what it is, how it works, advantages and more details.

Remember that the world of computing is vastso there are a large number of terms that very few users are familiar with.

Once you meet them, your life may be easier since you will have knowledge about the programs you use, and much more Pay attention and keep reading so you know everything about postcardware!

What is Postcardware and how does this type of program work?

Postcardware is one of the many types of licenses available. It is very similar to freeware, so many people who do not know the differences of each one tend to confuse them. The particularity of this is that the author is the one who makes the request to the user that send a postcard in order to proceed with the use of the program.

The postcard fulfills the function of confirming for the manufacturer, the use of the program that he designed. However, this is not a rule that is strictly followed. Many times is usually optional that the client send said postcard.

As with other licences, postcardware may or may not be subject to certain restrictions. Everything will depend on the manufacturer and the type of program.

What are the main advantages of Postcardware?

In simple terms, postcardware seems like just another license from the crowd. However, it has a series of advantages that can be mentioned, both for the developer and for the end user.

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Here we talk about them:

For the developer

  • By sending the postcard, the developer can establish some kind of database to communicate in the future with users.
  • Because its download is free, its installation may be subject to certain conditions such as the inclusion of advertising.

For the end user

  • The download is free.
  • It generally has no restrictions on its use.
  • Easy installation.
  • There are many programs with this license.

List of the best-known Postcardware that you can get for free on your computer

Despite the fact that postcardware is little known by users, on the Internet you can get Different programs that have this license. In the following list, you will be able to know the main ones:

  • Emulate
  • Gamebox
  • Live Player
  • messenger skinner
  • spyware

Postcardware vs Freeware Which is better and how are they different?

The terms postcardware and freeware are often confused because in both cases the download of the program is given free of charge. However, the main difference between them is that in those that are postcardware, users are asked send a postcard to confirm the use of the program.

This means that there is a small payment present, which is the cost of sending said postcard. However, it is usually something optional. In this way, the developer has a kind of record of who uses it. Also, It can be very useful when establishing a user database.

Regarding which is better, It will depend on the final needs of the person. But broadly speaking, freeware is the best option because it is 100% free in terms of its use and there is a wide range of programs with this license.

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