【 Put Superscript in Microsoft Word 】 Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

When you need to expose numbers raised to a certain power in your work, or you have to write symbols like Registered Trademark in the text, you will have to use the superscript function.

this tool will allow you to have a perfect job and you will make it easy for your readers to understand what you wanted to say.

If you want to know how you should do to handle the Microsoft Word superscript, continue reading this article because we will show you the step by step so that you do not make mistakes and you can write everything you want without wasting time.

What is a superscript and how is it different from a classical index?

Both the superscript and the are a symbol, a letter, a number and even a phrase that is displayed with a smaller size than the letter used in the text. This indicates that there is a different function and that it must be read differently.

Superscript is placed above the text or number, while subscript is below.

The difference between the superscript and an index is that the latter is related to mathematical functionswhile the first is made up of all those signs such as the Copyright, ©; Registered Trademark, ® and many others. Therefore, every time you need to display a superscript in a Microsoft Word text, you will have to follow the steps that we will indicate in the following paragraph.

Steps to create superscripts in a Word document easily and quickly

You will need to follow this guide to create superscripts:

  • In the functions ribbon look for the tab “Start”.
  • go to the group “Font”.
  • You will find the function “Superscript” represented by an X raised to the square, “x2”.
  • Select what you want to display as superscript.
  • Click on the function that we indicate.
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You must bear in mind that this function will continue to be active, so when you finish your task you will have to deactivate it. Otherwise you will continue writing as superscript.

Another way All you have to do is select the word you want to display as superscript and press the key “Ctrl” and 2 times the sign “+” at the same time.

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