【 Windows 8 Recycle Bin 】 What is it? + Uses ▷ 2022

A tool very useful and little used is the recycle bin . This feature allows you to quickly find all the ones you have deletedbut they were not removed from the computer.

You should know that To make correct use of this function and ensure that it does not take up a storage space in it, you will have to know some tips that we will show you. in this post.

But this is not all, we will also explain how to use the trash like a real professional and restore all the documents you want in a few steps. Check out.

What is the recycle bin and what are the benefits of using it?

The Recycle Bin is a native tool Windows, which you can find through a shortcut in the . Usually, she is represented by an icon of a trash can. Its function is to store all the elements that you have deletedallowing to return to restore them if you made a mistake or regretted deleting them of the computer.

you can find videos, images, folders, documents Y programs, among other elements. This tool is very useful because for delete its content you will have to do it manuallyso the decision to remove an item from your computer is always yours and not that of any program.

Is it necessary to empty the trash regularly in Windows 8?

Many people do not regularly empty the trash, this generates that the elements that are hosted in this tool take up space on the disk. Therefore, the storage capacity decreases, slows down the speed of the and processor. For this reason, it is always convenient to empty the trash to improve the performance of the PC. In addition, in this tool you can hosting spyware or other types of malware that will continue to work if you do not delete them permanently.

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Learn step by step how to use the Windows 8 recycle bin

To make the most of the use of the Windows 8 recycle bin you will have to do this step by step:

open trash

Whenever you want open recycle bin and know all the elements that are stored in it, you must do double click on the icon which is on the desk Windows 8. This will allow you to get a complete list with the name, file type and date of deletion.

restore a document

If what you are looking for is restore a document you will have to open the trash, according to the step that we showed you before, choose the file that you want to restore and right click on it. Then, you must choose the option .

Empty the trash

You can empty the recycle bin in 2 different ways. One is to do it manually. selecting each of the elements that you have in it, for this you must right click on the file you want to delete and then click on Remove. Instead, if you want to empty completely the trash can you will have to right click on its icon. Next, you must click on Empty the trash.

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