【+25 Free Cloud Storage Services】List ▷ 2022

Cloud storage has become a great tool for managing folders, documents and files of all kinds more easily and with remarkable security. Therefore, today this is essential for many users.

In this sense, such storage is very useful for the freelance worker which stores number of projects for different clients. As for the companies who work with a large flow of shared folders and also for individual Internet users, who benefit from these services to save a backup of your personal documents.

For all this, in this post we will indicate the most important characteristics of cloud storage, including its advantages and disadvantages. Thus, we will also detail the best online services, programs and apps that exist to save files in the cloud.

What is a cloud storage service and what is it for?

Although it is true, cloud storage is based on a tool that offers you the ease of saving and accessing different data and programs through the Internet. In other words, it is a data storage model based on computer networkswhere the data is hoarded in storage spaces virtualized by third parties, usually.

Thus, it is worth noting that since it does all this with the use of the Internet, it does not use a computer’s hard drive at all. Thus, to know and understand how cloud storage works, you should completely forget about the hard drive. Since, when you store files and run programs from it, you are simply using local storage.

When we talk about local storage, we mean that type of storage where everything you need is close to you, physically. This, in order that you can enter all your data very easily and quickly. Because computing has been running and working from the hard drive for many years, this system is superior to cloud storage, still.

However, it is necessary to note that the cloud storage system focuses on store data over the Internet or at least, that said data is synchronized with other information through the web. as far as the cloud it does not consist of having a hardware dedicated to the storage attached to the network or NAS.

Why save my documents in the cloud? Advantages and risks

Once the operation of the services, programs and applications that simplify cloud storage is understood, it is relevant to know what they are. the biggest advantages and disadvantages that entail making use of them to store all your important documents and information there.


Given that cloud storage has become one of the main tools for managing data and information of all kinds, both personally and professionally; There are several benefits that these services provide.. Which, we detail below:

  • One of the best advantages is the immediate availability of the information you store in the cloud. Since, you can enter them in a matter of seconds and the same happens when you want to modify them.
  • They are very used to save storage space on your computer. In this way, you will prevent the computer from slowing down when saving a large number of documents.
  • Safety provided by cloud storage services is also relevant. Because it is more likely that you will lose files stored on the hard drive, than that they will be lost in the cloud.
  • It is easy to access. Thanks to this, if your computer is damaged, for example, you will be able to recover all the data and access it from other devices.
  • In the field of maintenance, it provides a lot of simplicity because users do not have to do anything. This, because the same system and/or charging company to do it and also to keep it fully updated.
  • They provide flexible storageas cloud-based backup can scale up or down very quickly.
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But, since not everything can be perfect, the cloud also contains certain risks that must be taken into account when using it to store all your information. Here, we indicate the most significant disadvantages:

  • Unlike local storage, the cloud requires internet at all times. Consequently, if you do not have it, you will not be able to do anything with your information stored there.
  • In reference to security, it is solely the responsibility of the service and in the event of an error, it could cause serious problems and even the documents could end up in the hands of third parties.
  • The legal coverage of this type of storage can be very confusing. Since, although, some countries do not have data protection laws.
  • When making use of the cloud, there is no complete access control to the data. Therefore, in terms of privacy, may provide certain risks.
  • In addition to the above, cloud storage facilitates intellectual property disputes.
  • In case many users are accessing the storage service simultaneously, it is likely that you can suffer from slow connections.

List of the best online cloud storage services to store information

In general, many users choose to use online services in order to avoid downloading software on their computer or applications on their mobile or tablet and thus not occupy more storage space.

For this reason, when it comes to hosting information in the cloud, online services are the best alternatives and here, we show you a List with a total of 10 of this type of services, detailing their most relevant characteristics:

Google Drive

Undoubtedly, this is one of the most widely used online services today to store any kind of information and, thus, it is managed both by individual users and by large companies that prefer to use Google’s tool to store it in the cloud. Among its main advantages, we highlight that it’s completely free and thus, it provides you 15GB of space (or even more).

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For its part, Google Drive offers remarkable accessibility and synchronization, which facilitate these processes. Additionally, it has full compatibility with the newer versions of Word, Excel and Power Point. Among other details, the size of the files that this service allows you to upload is highly variable and it is absolutely simple to use.

One Drive

This is Microsoft’s cloud storage service that, today, comes integrated with Windows 10. It offers a free and/or basic account that allows you to use 5GB of storage as you like.

However, for those users who need a larger amount, One Drive provides 50 GB of storage in its paid version. Thus offering different cancellation plans and the cheapest is 2 euros per month. But, if you sign up with 69 euros a year, the service provides you 1TB space.

In this sense, for those who want to manage their personal files, it is ideal to use the free version because it is more than enough. On the other hand, in terms of its main advantages, we highlight that One Drive has great accessibility and synchronization just using your Microsoft account. In addition, it works perfectly with the programs of this computer company.


Although it is not as recognized as the previous two, this free cloud storage service is a very interesting alternative that you can use to save different files, taking into account that it allows you to make use of up to 10GB. Added to this, access is universal and a very important feature that it has is that it makes it easy to share documents. quickly and safely.

Among other details, HiDrive accepts that your friends upload files to your account, as long as you authorize them. In addition to this, the service ensures that shared files they erase themselvesif you want it that way and thanks to that, it is a very oriented platform for those who seek share data anonymously. However, it is necessary to note that it lacks advanced encryption.


This is one of the classics when it comes to saving information in the cloud, which can be used from various operating systems, including Linux. As for its free account, it offers only 2 GB of space. Therefore, it can be very useful for individual users, but for those companies that handle a greater flow of information, it is not the most affordable solution.

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However, Dropbox has a paid account with which you can increase storage capacity up to 1TBwith a subscription to 9.99 euros monthly. Now, referring to the benefits it provides, the best of all is that it accepts all kinds of formats and you can upload files of the size you want.

flip drive

In this list, it is also important to mention Flipdrive, which is considered another of the cloud backup services with the best features, even though it is not so famous today. starting because provides 10 GB of storage completely free and added to that, it allows you to share files with anyone, even if they don’t have an active account on the service.

In reference to its interface, it is minimalist and very simple to use, and you can also access it from a computer or mobile. But, unlike other services, this one does not have a mobile application, so it must be via the web. Additionally, it allows view more than 100 file types (including photos, videos, music and files in various formats), you can share large documents with a single link without attaching them.


This option is hitting very hard today, thanks to the fact that it provides 50 GB of storage without paying anything. If you want or need it, you can manage Mega from any device, be it a mobile or a computer; this, because it is compatible with both Windows, Mac and Linux as well as Android, Windows Phone and iOS.

Highlighting its main characteristics, we indicate that Mega accepts .zip folders, unlike other storage services that do not support them. Added to this, it contains excellent sharing options and has no way to access your information, since the password is encrypted tooto guarantee much more advanced security to users.


Free of charge, it is a service that provides you with a number of 10 GB of free storage, that is, five times more than the basic Dropbox account. For this reason, despite the fact that it is not such a famous storage service, it is considered an excellent option to manage files of all kinds. However, it has a free version with which it provides 500GB for only 3.99 euros during the month.

For its part, it also has a Premium Plus plan that consists of 2 TB of capacity for 7.99 euros per month. Regarding its advantages, we highlight that…

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