【Change Graph Type in Word】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Microsoft Word is one of the most popular word processing programs ever.. This is largely due to the number of tools you ownupdate and add with each release.

In this way, it is no longer a writing software. Rather, it has become a fundamental pillar when it comes to compose documents with textual elements, , and .

With respect to the latterwe can say that it is one of the most used, especially when it is needed make a presentation. There are several models to choose from. In this post we will deal with discovering what happens if we want to change it.

What are the different types of charts that can be inserted in Word?

You will surely know that they exist. various ways to represent data in a graph. This is because there are different types of values. For example, if we wanted display information about percentages of a totalIdeally, we would use a pie chart.

And in this way many more can appear. Fortunately, Within Word, we can find more than sixty different designs to choose from. In this sense, it is important to mention that sorted into categories that make it easy for us to choose.

Within the same variations between designs are minor.

So we will name the most important sections:

  • The first to appear is “” and is characterized by arrange the data in horizontal boxes positioned on a horizontal axisthe categories are placed there, while the values ​​do it in the horizontal. Among its variants we find the frontal ones in 2D and 3D with perspective.
  • Next on the list is “Lines”which are conducive to plot data trends over time. So it is recommended in case of have different data series. These are continuous lines that cross the horizontal axis and that form curves according to the values ​​of the vertical axis.
  • Next, we find “Circular”. As we mentioned at the beginning, is ideal for percentage data, in which their sum represents the entire circle. As for the individual values, they are divided into the corresponding percentage angles. Regarding this category, it is important to mention two things. Not recommended if you have more than one data series. And the second is that within this category find models with subgraph. Ideal if you want to expose a sample segment.
  • Fourth, we find the graphics of “Bars”What are they similar to those of columnswith the main difference that categories are located vertically and the values ​​in horizontal. This is quite a useful option when we have very long axis labels. Like the first ones, they have versions in two and three dimensions.
  • Followed by the latter is the category “Areas” which has similarities with “Lines”. However, the end is different, since the impact offered by one area over another, will favor us if we want to expose the full value of one trend over another.
  • “XY type”. this category offers us a timely display of values in the XY plane, so that we can recognize sectors and groups through small circles. It is often used for scientific, statistical, or engineering purposes.
  • If you need to carry out a study that covers values ​​from different countriesyou must try the category “Map”. The same will be represented in a planisphere together with a monochrome scale which will account for the values. You can also use different colors per category instead.
  • The next section is called “Quotes” and it is directed to that very thing. It can be indicated through this graph the highs, lows and closes of a temporary period. It is important that the table from which the values ​​will be taken has these parameters as headers.
  • Halfway we find the graphs of “Surface” and just like a topographical map shows us a variable surface area. It is separated into colors that indicate similar values ​​between categories and variables. As long as these last be numerical.
  • “Radial”. It is widely used when needed compare several data series at the same time. They do so on a flat surface with edges representing the values.
  • The category “Rectangles” resembles the “Circular” in its function, with the obvious difference in forms. Nevertheless, best expresses the data when one of the variables is zero.
  • The next kind of graphic is called “sun projection” and although it sounds very mystical, it is a logical way of ranking series of values. Those of the central ring being the most important and going down in category as they extend to the outside.
  • “Histogram”. This way of data graphis recommended when we want represent a sampling of frequencies within a distribution. In such a way that each column (class) can be edited to analyze in depth the data it contains.
  • The category “Boxes and Whiskers” this is a graph for a more complex data type. and is used when we have several sets of information related to each other. At the same time, factors such as “Half”, “Atypical values” either “minimums and maximums”.
  • The financial professionals are familiar with the category “Waterfall”. This type of schema is used to understand how an initial value is changed by a series of positive and negative arguments.
  • The form and representationgo hand in hand with the category “Funnel” since it is generally used for decant values ​​through processes or a segment of time.
  • Finally, we find “Combined” which are graphics that use elements of two types. in general of columns and lines. They function primarily to display the relationship between two data series.
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What should we keep in mind before changing the chart type?

By having such a variety of graph shapes and functions present at Microsoft Word, It is normal that we decide to change the representation. And with this certain doubts arise, such as if data will be lost or if can be recovered. For this reason, we present some considerations.

The most important thing of all is to tell you that when replacing one graphic model with another, no data will be lost. In the worst case, will be rendered incorrectly. Which brings us to the next clarification.

Always you can go back to the previous model. For this you can use “Ctrl+Z”. Doing this, you will return in the steps to the original form of the graph.

The values What do the models represent? are in an Excel table. To access it, right-click on the diagram and choose “Modify data”.

In some cases, it is advisable to create the graph first and then the table. For example, with the category “Map”. By doing it this way, the Excel spreadsheet will already provide us with an established order to enter the data. Doing it in reverse could give unwanted results..

Steps to change the chart type in a Microsoft Word document

Taking the above considerations into account, the time has come to show you how to switch from one chart model to another.

To do this you just have to follow these steps:

  • Select the chart that you want to change
  • You will notice that a new tab appears on the ribbon called “Charts Tool”. Choose “Design”.
  • In the section “Guy” press the only button “Change chart type”.
  • will present a new window, with all the categories and models that we named before. You should know that, depending on the shape and content of the corresponding table, some layouts will not be supported.
  • Choose the new shape and press “To accept”.
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Within this tab, you can also customize the colors of bars backgrounds and other elements. Although more important, it is possible to modify the layout of the scheme through the dropdown “Quick Design” which is in the section “Chart Designs”.

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