【Format Windows Without Losing Anything】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

It is common install that due to some failure in its development makes the operating system begins to crash, causing the computer to slow down or hang when processing data. To solve this, windows designed a tool called “System Restore”.

But this is not the only thing you can do with your computer when it malfunctions, you can also make a hard disk. Which is a similar process to the previous one, but generates very different results.

If you want to know how you can save your team, you will have to know how to use one of these tools. That is why we have prepared this post, you will learn in a simple way to turn your PC into one of the fastest equipment you have ever known.

What are the differences between a hard reset and a system restore?

Hard reset or hard reset, is a procedure by which all components of a computer are reset to zero. In this way, everything can be erased, allowing you to restart the operating system so that the equipment remains as if you had just bought it. Instead, a system restoreis a native tool of windows for which the computer is achieved to return to a previous state. That is, to an instance that is prior to a failure for which the user uses this tool.

In this way, certain information that was stored in the system can be collected and then reloaded. This is done manually, as the user chooses the restore point, to get rid of everything after that change. It is a less deep process than the hard resetdue to the fact that the user does not have to reload some applications, since the OS saved the information of the drivers and supported the operations log.

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Steps to format my Windows 10 PC without losing important programs and files by resetting to factory settings

We will show you below the steps that you must follow so that you can easily and safely format your Windows 10 computer without losing important programs:

Keep important documents

The first thing you should try is to save all the information you consider necessary, since you will use it in the future. For example, photos, videos and any other files related to your usual tasks. For this, you will need to connect a usb stick.

Then you will have to go to File Browserselect “In this team” and search for all the files that you consider necessary, which may be in “Desk”, “Documents” or the location that you chose at the time. When you know what you are going to save, you will have to select each one by clicking on them without releasing the key Ctrl. Then, you will have to drag this group to the name of the USB that you have connected

Create a restore point

What you are doing in this step is informing windows that this is the point you want to have when you restore the whole system. To do this, you will need to go to “Control Panel”, typing this name in the search bar. Then you will select “System properties”you will press the tab “System Protection” and you will search “To create”. If you want, you can write some description to help you identify in the future the point you are creating. To finish you must click on “To accept”.

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Enter system settings

To access the application “Windows Settings”you will have to do the same thing you did with the File Browser. You will have to write what you are looking for in the search bar, located next to the icon Windows. When you have the results, you must click on the first option within that list. This will open a window with different functions between titles and subtitles.

Click on Update and security

In this section you will find everything related to the version of Windows that is availableplus the system that has the OS. You will have on your screen a panel with two columns in which the one on the left has the different functions.

Check the affected software

What will remain is to check which programs will be altered with the restore point. You must not forget that you told windows that you need to have the equipment as you had it at a certain time. This is why all the programs and actions you installed afterwards will be lost. In order to complete this task, you will need to click on the “Detect affected programs” option. This will be useful to save any file or information that you did not take into account in the first step.

Click on Recovery

You can find this tool in the left panel. You must click on it and thus you will know all the necessary data of your team. You will have to click on “Open and restore system”. After a new window opens, you must choose the restore point to recover that you have previously created. When you click on “Following”your computer will take a few minutes to complete the process.

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What to do when you don’t have any restore points?

In this case you can reset a computer from settings of system.

For this, you must follow these steps:

  • go to “Setting” SO.
  • Choose “Update and security”.
  • press “Recovery”.
  • Look for the option “Reset this PC” and click “Begin”.
  • Choose if you want to keep the files or remove everything.

Will I lose my Windows 10 activation license if I restore my computer?

Having the operating system Windows 10 a native factory data recovery tool you will not lose your license. You can recover it through the email that your seller sent you or through a label that is attached to the box of your computer or PC cabinet. If you make a hard disk, it will be necessary to use this process. On the other hand, if what you did was restore from a certain point, it will not be necessary to enter the 5 series of 5 numbers or letters issued by Microsoft.

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