【Install Arduino on Raspberry Pi】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Although it is about two different platformsthe truth is that both technologies are excellent options for It is that these devices share many positive aspects, they are of low cost and easy to program.

But it doesn’t make sense to always place them on opposite paths. This is because they can be used together, which optimizes the operation of both, using the best aspects of each.

Although the and are quite simple to use with some experienceusing them together requires a guide like the one we will offer you below.

What are the benefits of combining Arduino and Raspberry Pi?

The benefits of combining Arduino with Raspberry Pi are several. It is only necessary to name the positive aspects of each of them, since they do not counteract each other.

Which we show you below:

  • the two cards share portability of its dimensions. That is, they are much smaller and lighter than any laptop.
  • If only Arduino has open hardware both projects have a to check the plates.
  • From the combination of both we can obtain greater computing power, offered by the microcomputers of Raspberry, with a great versatility of uses such as microcontrollers Arduino.
  • Using both platforms together, it is possible to do without a laptop or desktop. This is because current Raspberry boards have enough connections for peripherals like keyboards and monitors. In addition to the possibility of connecting to a WiFi network in an integrated way.
  • Another advantage of using both plates in a complementary way is the number of tools available in terms of programming codes. This is due to the great support and members of the community that use them together. Added to this is the number of accessories and projects already created to practice and imagine your own ideas.
  • For his part, Arduino boards provide better and more varied use of sensors and chips. But most of allif you are just starting in the world of programming, Arduino IDE This is a great first step, as it is easier to use than Linux.

Learn step by step how to install Arduino on a Raspberry Pi from scratch

The main items you will need to start installing Arduino IDE in a raspberry plate are exactly these. But it is also necessary to have a usb data cable and one Internet connection. Note that the latter can be replaced with the Arduino driver installer downloaded to an external storage device.

The necessary software is found on the official Arduino page, so you will have to do this step by step:

  • Open your browser and type in the URL address bar https://www.arduino.cc/en/software. Then look for the download option for Linux operating systems version processor-based ARM 32-bit.
  • After downloading the programming environmentyou will have to connect both boards via the USB cable and do the same with the power supplies.
  • Later, already from the Raspberry interface unzip the file in a new folder.
  • Run the file in the terminal “install.sh”.
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In the case of using a remote connection to raspberrygenerally if you don’t have a dedicated monitor, you need to connect the board through the SSH terminal or with VNC Viewer.

Whatever the case, you run the following commands to update the list of programs in the repository:

  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get upgrade

Next, install Arduino through the command and wait for the process to finish, for this, you will have to write:

  • sudo apt-get install arduino arduino-core

Once this is done, you can find the software through the menu Programming. It’s time to verify if the installation of both software and hardware they were correct.

To do this you will use the command:

If yes, you should get the answer:

It only remains to check the operation of both boards with any project available on the network, for example, you can use these programming codes for an Internet access point:

-apt-get install lshw lshw -C network configuration Supported interface modes: IBSS managed AP AP/VLAN WDS monitor mesh point apt-get install hostapd iface wlan0 inet static address netmask DAEMON_CONF=”/etc/hostapd/ hostapd.conf” # First we configure the interface we’ll be listening on interface=wlan0 # The interface to listen on driver=nl80211 # The driver that is being used by the WiFi adapter, this could be different for everyone ctrl_interface=/var /run/hostapd ctrl_interface_group=0 # These 2 are just parameters so that the hostap daemon runs. # Now onto the important WiFi configuration ssid=RaspAP # First up, the SSID or Network name. This is what other devices will see when they try to connect. hw_mode=g # I’m setting this to Wireless G mode. A, B, and G are available here. channel=8 # This is setting the channel that the WiFi is on, valid channels are from 1-11, or 1-14 depending on location. # Wifi Security Settings wpa=2 # This sets the security settings to WPA2 wpa_psk=928519398acf811e96f5dcac68a11d6aa876140599be3dd49612e760a2aaac0e # The line above sets the wpa passphrase to “raspiwlan”, this is obtained via the wpa com_passphrase. # However, you can also set a passphrase like the line below. #wpa_passphrase=raspiwlan wpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK wpa_pairwise=CCMP rsn_pairwise=CCMP # I’ve set these to WPA-PSK to indicate that we are using a Pre-Shared Key with CCMP encryption. # Otherwise, hostapd also has a built in RADIUS server that we can use for authentcation # But I’ll leave that to another post. # Other settings beacon_int=100 # This sets how often the WiFi will send a beacon out. auth_algs=3 wmm_enabled=1

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List of the best projects with Arduino and Raspberry Pi that you should know

With these projects you will achieve independence from a computer and take portability to another level, let’s see some of the projects you can work on:


It is an open source software that is mainly used to control 3D printers. By the way, most of them are built on or based on Arduino boards. However, the most expensive commercial machines have tools such as remote management and wireless connection that the most basic ones do not. That is why adding a Raspberry Pi board to the control system is one of the most used projects by makers.

This allows manage printouts wirelessly via web. In addition to this, it is possible to control a printer farm (several machines in one place) from a single computer. Raspberry offers the possibility of connect web cameras that monitor the work of the manufacturing line. You can find the codes and all the necessary additional information on the official OctoPrint site.

Surveillance camera with motion sensor

Home security systems are often very expensive to purchase. We must add to this the monthly maintenance costs. But Thanks to Arduino and Raspberry it is possible to create your own low cost circuit.

We have seen that it is possible connect a webcam to a raspberry board. Also that there are additional adapters to use several of them at the same time. But this is very basic. What happens if you add an element that will enhance the security circuit even more? For example, motion sensors connected to an Arduino. In this way you can tell a specific camera to activate when it detects movement in a certain place. At the same time, it sends an alert signal to your mobile when you are not at home.

Look at these codes that you can practice:

rom picamera import PiCamera import time import cv2 # We initialize the camera with a resolution of 640×480 camera = PiCamera() resolution = (640, 480) framerate = 32 rawCapture = PiRGBArray(camera, size=(640, 480)) # Waiting time for camera boot sleep(0.5) # Initialize the first frame to empty. # It will help us to obtain the background background = None # We capture frame by frame from the camera for frame in camera.capture_continuous(rawCapture, format=”bgr”, use_video_port=True): # We obtain the array in NumPy format image = frame.array # Convert to grayscale gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Apply smoothing to remove gray noise = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (21, 21), 0) # If we haven’t gotten the background yet, we will we get # It will be the first frame we get if background is None: background = gray # Calculate the difference between the background and the current frame subtract = cv2.absdiff(background, gray) # We apply a threshold threshold = cv2.threshold(subtract, 25, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # We dilate the threshold to cover holes threshold = cv2.dilate(threshold, None, iterations=2) # We copy the threshold to detect the contours contoursimg = threshold.copy() # We look for contour in the image contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(imgcontours,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # We walk all contours found for c in contours: # Remove the smallest contours if cv2.contourArea(c) < 500: continue # Get the bounds of the contour, the largest rectangle that encompasses the contour (x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(c) # Draw the rectangle bounds rectangle(image, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2) # Show the different screenshots imshow(" Image Movement", image) imshow("Threshold", threshold) imshow("Subtraction", subtraction) imshow("Contours", contoursimg) key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF # Reset the raw file for the next capture truncate (0) # With the letter s we exit the application if key == ord("s"): break

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Arduino Jostick to play on Raspberry Pi via Scratch

Is about a very playful way to practice your programming and put it to the test, especially if you are interested in video games. Thanks to scratch which is a programming language designed for the development of skills in this aspect in children and adolescents who are just starting out.

Via a more didactic and visual interfaceit’s possible create simple codes and even complete games. Using Raspberry Pi as the physical platform where the game will run connected to a. Due to the low cost of accessories such as modules, it is a great alternative to start in this world.

Type these codes:

f#include #define Joystick_ joystick; void setup() { pinMode(2,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(3,INPUT_PULLUP); begin(); // To use the joystick, Joystick analog X and Y axis pins and via Joystick.h void loop() { joystickRight = analogRead(A0); joystick setRxAxis(joystickRightX); joystickRightY = analogRead(A1); joystick setRyAxis(joystickRightY); } for(int i = 2; i<=buttons; i++) { if(digitalRead(i) == LOW) { pressButton(i-2); } else { releaseButton(i-2); } delay(10); }

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