【Interact with Instagram Followers】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

create links with the people who give you a little of their time every time you do It is a reward that should not be underestimated. Generating empathy can significantly influence the growth of your brand.

The duration of the emotional bonds that you build with your Instagram, they depend on the commitment you maintain to show yourself close to them in a genuine way. Considering them as real people, rather than just digital users, is important.

We recommend some actions that you can carry out to interact in an affective and positive way with your Instagram followers.

Why is it important to have a good interaction with all your Instagram followers?

Responding to the comments on the posts helps to create a bond with the followers, with an exchange of opinions and impressions. It’s can be translated into a solid interest in the contentand in turn, opens the probability of attracting new followers. The commitment to followers, expressed through the consistency and quality of the content to publish, and paying attention to their comments, is not only rewarded with brand loyalty by people.

The Instagram algorithmRealizing that the interactions are being recurring through the publications made, it grants preferences when placing the posts. And that is extremely convenient for enhance brand presence up to the limit. Normally the visibility of the publications will only reach the 10% of the established audienceexcept for specific cases or gifts from the algorithm that you enjoy for constantly striving.

That’s why, the interactions have a power of perception, strategy and benefit, quite strong. Because at the end of the day, if you recognize the potential that you can take advantage of, focusing on the particular niche that is compatible with your brandthe recurrence of interactions is capable of causing a much more convenient result than having thousands of followers.

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Learn step by step how to interact correctly with your followers

Sometimes creative indecisions or blocked ideas prevent our work from reaching the goals we set for ourselves. But on social media there are tools to evaluate the elements that impede the growth of our accounts and make the appropriate decisions to interact correctly with our followers.

Here are some things you can do to increase engagement on your posts:

Generate discussion

One of the characteristics of social networks is the ability to comment on any topic. A good way to achieve effective interaction is to take an event, express your opinion about it, and then submit it for discussion with your followers. It can even be a good option to generate a debate on a really important social issue, and reach conclusions with the feedback of opinions.

Use the stickers created to generate interaction

In Instagram there are several options to generate interaction with the audienceand also work to refresh published content. Interactive stickers like the question box, the questionnaires, the surveys, or share music, are extremely convenient to strengthen the connection with users through a story. Thus, you are trying to exchange opinions and perspectives on specific topics, or even on the products and content offered.

Optimize what you want to express

Extending too much the point you want to reach when giving indications about a, or giving opinions on various topics, it can be inconvenient. Attention on social networks is characterized by being fleeting so, preferably, it is best to summarize what you want to express to give to your followers a perception of security and also deliver the message effectively.

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Create creative giveaways

Do dynamic activities, with contests and promotions. A more direct and effective way to keep the statistics in good condition is through interactive sweepstakes that offer quality prizes and engage followers with the brand. Invite your followers to be part of your creativity, emotional with desired prizes. Take into account that you can include interesting facts as part of the dynamic, and even inspire them to publish their own content.

Know your followers

Plan some time in your diary to be interested in the creative preferences of your followers. It is not about investigating his entire life, nor necessarily playing a role of friendship. You simply have to develop a compatibility between your experiences, ideas and reflections with theirs.

Treat them with closeness

Treat users with friendly approaches And trustworthy. This could even be a differential factor in your brand, since they will value you more than accounts that do not normally interact with their audience. To the reply to commentspeople will be able to notice a commitment on your part, to interact and pay attention to the things they have to say.

Monitor your activity constantly

Measure the impact and reach of your publicationsit will allow you to add new elements or modify some things that did not work in the tactics to optimize the interactions with your audience.

Analyze which posts did better, look at the number of comments and the percentage of likes, or how many new followers you got and how many you lost. Do not miss out on the beneficial possibility it offers instagram to measure success or failure. ORUsing this option will definitely influence the creation of your dynamics and the strengthening of your publications.

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