【PHUBBING or NO PHONEING】What is it? + Consequences ▷ 2022

There is no doubt that mobile devices, especially smartphones, have been becoming essential companions for billions of the planet’s inhabitants, who see their possibilities of use expand with each advance made in this area. However, you should know that through them also you may be connecting to phenomena such as phubbing.

The degree of affectation that this phenomenon reaches in the behavior of some people, you can see for yourself when, for example, you see that in the transmissions of public events there is always someone more aware of their cell phone than what is happening around them.

Throughout this article you will find the best information on the subject, which will help you become aware of what is phubbing aboutsome of its consequences and at the end we give you some tips to try to avoid it.

What is ningufoneo or phubbing and what does this behavior consist of?

The phubbing, which in Spanish is designated as no phoneserves to refer to the fact that someone pay more attention to your smartphone or to any other mobile device that you have at hand, than to those who are your interlocutors in meetings of a different nature.

To explain what exactly this practice consists of, let’s take as an example those occasions when you are chatting with someone and suddenly you hear their cell phone ring. Of course, the correct thing is that he or she excuses himself for a moment to take the call. But if you see that he is always more attentive to looking at the cell phone than what you say, always answering with monosyllables and without looking directly into your eyes, then you are facing a clear case of shaming against you. Yes, you read that right, you are being ignored.

If you already know someone who often falls into this type of behavior, but you don’t know how to classify them, from now on you can start calling them phubberwhich are neologisms accepted by the common people in Spanish and English, respectively. The term phubbing first used in Australiabeing the product of combining the words telephone (phone) and snubbing (which depending on the context comes to mean to ignore, despise or ignore).

How does Phubbing affect our social relationships?

The Phubbing involves a series of conflicts on a psychological and emotional level. These problems affect social relationships; especially in adolescence. For children and young people, smartphones are very attractive. In fact, for many of them, it is their main source of entertainment. The addiction is so great that it leads them to ignore family and friends.

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However, the ningufoneo not only occurs in minors. is also a behavior that young and older adults can exhibit. The mere presence of a mobile phone at the work desk, in a meeting with friends, in a relationship with a partner or in a family environment, is already a sufficient sign to begin to suspect the effects of phubbing.

Numerous studies indicate that the 60% of conflicts caused at home, are due to the excessive use of technological devices. The loss of trust, closeness and mainly communication are just some of the ills that ningufoneo generates.

Among its other consequences, the following stand out:

  • Drastic reduction in school performance.
  • Shyness or the inability to cope with intimidating social situations.
  • Attention and concentration deficit.
  • Instability in the psychological state.
  • Complications coping with emotions.
  • Misalignment of the determined hours to eat and sleep.
  • Lack of social skills (Even with family).
  • Significant increase in depression and anxiety.

Is nudging a kind of technology addiction?

Although at first the nymphophone was seen as a simple rudeness of the nymphophone towards his interlocutors, nowadays there are many voices who call for the phenomenon to be studied as a kind of addiction to technology. To do so, they are based on the fact that the majority of those who fall into this practice are people belonging to the generation of digital nativeswhich as you know are the most likely to make compulsive use of the Internet, especially through their smartphones.

The matter usually becomes even more worrisome when the phubber falls into what is known as a nomophobia picturea state of anxiety that leads you to feel afraid of situations such as running out of battery, or even at the mere suspicion that at any moment you could run out of your smartphone.

Causes of Ningufoneo Why does a person engage in this behavior?

In the first place, the cause of phubbing can be mentioned as the fascination with mobile devices. To be more specific, to the world of social networks. By spending so much time on it, you end up isolating yourself from the rest of the people around you. This is due to the feeling they generate the multiple notifications of belonging to a group, and also because of the immediate satisfaction generated by getting interactions on the Internet.

Another cause of ningufoneo is the fear of exclusion. Product of missing some trending event or conversation. Said fear has the last cause: Lack of self-control. A person without self-control is more likely to fall into addiction to technology.

What are the main consequences of phubbing?

There is no doubt that phubbing is a behavior that affects whoever practices it in various ways. Keep in mind that if you fall into this practice, that is to say, keep yourself hooked on mobile and pay no attention to anything else, It can cause you problems like these that we name below:

  • couple problems: Being aware of the mobile instead of paying attention to your partner, especially in certain places and times, has been the cause of more breakups than you can imagine
  • family problems: You have no idea how helpless a child can feel when they feel that answering your phone is more important to you than their concerns
  • labor problem: It’s hard to imagine anyone doing well at work if they only live to keep an eye on their smartphone
  • Reduced circle of friends: None of your friends will be provoked to be with you when they notice that you put them aside in relation to the mobile
  • Psychological problems: There may come a time when the phubber feels that it is impossible for him to detach himself from his cell phone, which translates into a case of clinical attention
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Ningufoneo vs Nomofobia What are the differences between the two?

Meanwhile he ningufoneo refers to the act of ignoring the environment to pay more attention to mobile devices, the nomophobia represents the irrational fear of staying away from the mobile for a period of time.

both behaviors are based on addiction to technology, given that the mobile phone becomes the social center of the person. The terms complement each other, since an individual who presents ningufoneo is prone to also suffer from nomophobia. Facing social situations without your mobile device, such as leaving the house, can cause you stress and mild despair.

People prefer to stay socially isolated, so they forget about their social skills.

Learn to avoid Phubbing so it doesn’t destroy your friendships

Getting rid of addiction to technological devices is not an easy thing. However, with a few small changes in your routine, you can improve your social relationships. Small actions like turning off the mobile really make a difference. Especially if you are a father or mother, and you need to set a good example for your children. Learn to avoid Phubbing so you don’t destroy your friendships.

Take good note of this:

Disconnect on vacation

During the holidays, look for recreational activities to do with your family or friends. Go for a walk, visit a park, take a trip. Of course, without the mobile. In any case, you can silence the notifications and leave only the essential ones. The important is reconnect with your environment.

Resolve conflicts head on

Do not try to solve a problem through mobile. Look for ways to deal with emotional situations face to face. In this way, your social skills will be strengthened.

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teach your children

Children, at a very young age, must learn to deal with their emotions. encourage them to talk your concerns so that they are not lost through the mobile screen. This way you will be able to develop emotionally stable adults.

Create a mobile parking

When meeting with your family or friends, use a small basket for all the guests to place their mobile there. In this way, during the meeting, no one will be able to use the phone. In this way, you will be promoting direct communication between people.

Do not phubbing who does it to you

If you meet your partner, a co-worker or friend, and they start interacting with their phone, don’t do the same to them. You would be giving him to understand that using the mobile during a meeting is normal behavior. Wait for it to finish andlet him know that you prefer to have a fluent conversation and without interruptions.

Tips to enjoy life more and forget about your mobile for a while

Now we just need to help you with some tips, which we are sure will help you free yourself from the tyranny of the smartphonewhich as you have seen can lead you to engage in somewhat inappropriate behaviors for the good health of your relationships at different levels:

take up the challenge

This in the sense of becoming aware of all the negative aspects of the phubbing practice. A good way would be stay away from the device every time using it is not essential. Going out without your cell phone from time to time can be a good start.

Set time and limits

This can be part of a plan to implement it couple and family level, where everyone must agree not to bring their cell phones to the table at mealtimes. Very effective for everyone to pay attention.

Humanize your activities

It may seem like a joke, but it is not if you take into account that the smartphone has become the main way to exchange views with your friends on any subject. You can arrange meetings with them to talk about everything face to face.

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