【Set User Password Windows 8】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

If there is something that characterizes microsoft operating system are their , which have become one of the best alternatives for all those people who have to share a computersince it is a very simple and practical way to be able to manage system resources, either for computers at home, companies or work offices.

Basically, this type of account allows different people who use the same Windows PC can have their own section where they have own folders and options of Custom settings. In addition, each user can set your own access passwordwhich will ensure that third parties do not access your information without prior authorization.

Therefore, if you have a Windows 8 computer and you want to put one password to your account As a user you will be able to do it in a very easy way. Keep in mind that this will help you increase privacy in all your information, Therefore, it is a very valuable procedure. To do this, follow each of the steps that we are going to teach you in detail in the post.

Learn step by step how to set a password for a Windows 8 user from scratch

It must be borne in mind that this procedure is very simple to carry out, this will allow you to start having a password to access your user accountso any person other than you who makes use of that computer must know your access password to be able to access your information, otherwise you will not be able to access the equipment unless there is another count of guests.

In this way, here we teach you how to perform this procedure in an easy and fast way:

  • The first thing you should do is enter the “” or press the key combination “Windows + C”.
  • Once there you must access “User accounts and child protection”.
  • The next thing will be to select again “User account” and then “Change Password”.
  • Here a new window will open where you must enter your new password and repeat it to verify itas well as a indication of it in case you have forgotten. Once this is done, you must click on “Following”.
  • Subsequently, a new window will appear where you must add your email and then click on “Following”.
  • In this case, a code will be sent to your email to verify your identity, so you must access it open the message that has been sent to you and copy the code that has arrived there to enter it in the new window that has appeared in system settings. When you have added it you can click on “Following”.
  • To finish, in the new window that appears on the screen you must write the password in the different boxes so that it is established. In this way you will be placing a password to your user account and thus you will be able to increase your privacy to 100%, especially if you have to share the computer with other people.
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Tips for creating stronger passwords for your user accounts

Can Create a password secure enough can be quite a problem for the vast majority, although for other people this can be extremely easy. Luckily, today you can find different alternatives available on the web that will help you with this, such as the step by step internet password generator that will help you create secure access keys for your different accounts.

Therefore, here we are going to show you some tips so that you can create access codes like a true professional:

With the you will have the opportunity to create 100% secure keyswhich becomes a great alternative for all those users who constantly have trouble generating these passwords to access their different accounts.

It can be used both for your social networks, emails, user accounts and for many other platforms where you consider that you have a weak access code and easy to crack by third parties. It is important to remember that passwords are the main security measure of any profile, so it is worth using a good service for this.

Therefore, with this generator you will have the opportunity to create safe and strong keys, which can be completely numerical, alphanumeric, only letters, easy or difficult to remember, among other. Finally, it should be mentioned that it is a fairly complete program that you can use for both Windows and Mac operating systemas well as for your Android and iOS mobile devices. It will allow you to generate a large number of secure passwords using different encryption methods.

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Apply the keyboard trick

A good technique for creating strong passwords is use the keyboard method, in this case it is about replacingbut for this you must choose a sequence of figures that is easy for you to remember, either 233445. After this you must look for each of those numbers on your keyboard and enter them again but this time with the letter below, which would be as follows: 2w3e3e4r4r5t.

In the case that you want your password to be a bit more complicated, then you can change some numbers to symbolseither using the same symbol that has the key of your number and if you want you can include a capital letter, but it is important that you take note of the resulting key to avoid forgetting it.

combine two words

When you want to create a security key, it is important do not include words or personal data in it, since if someone tries to discover your password, they will surely start trying with said data. Therefore, in this case we recommend you to use any two words that can mean something to you, as it can be Internet and entertainment. If you already have your two words defined, the next and most important step is to intercalate each of the letters of both words until they form a single one.

In this case, you will work with internet and entertainmentso it will be as follows: Ienntterrentetenimiento. As you can see is a word enough hard to guess and even pronounce. Therefore, it is considered to be a very good technique to create really difficult passwords, although it must be mentioned that it can be somewhat tedious to write. However, you can use whatever words you want for it.

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