10 famous phrases of the most famous writers in the world

Yesterday, October 19, the Day of the Writers was celebrated. An event that takes place every year on the Monday closest to October 15. This commemoration has been celebrated in Spain since 2016 with the aim of making visible the work of women in literature and combating the discrimination they have suffered throughout history. Thus, to celebrate the talent and genius of some of the most recognized writers in history, we offer a review of some of their most famous phrases.

10 famous phrases

“There is no barrier, lock or bolt that you can impose on the freedom of my mind” Virginia Woolf.

“Only after women begin to feel at home on this earth, do you see a Luxemburg Rose appear, a Madame Curie. They dazzlingly demonstrate that it is not the inferiority of women that has determined their insignificance”, Simeone de Beauvoir.

“Royal and solemn history, they cannot interest me… The disputes of popes and kings, with wars and pestilences on every page; all the men are so good for nothing, and hardly any women appear”, Jane Austen.

“I learned that you cannot go backwards, that the essence of life is to go forward. Life, in fact, is a one-way street”, Agatha Christie.

“In my opinion, words are our greatest source of magic and are capable of harming and healing someone” JK Rowling.

“The mother superior repeated it every few minutes, you have to pull out the branches before they become trunks”, Almudena Grandes.

“Don’t go up so high, crazy thought, that the one who goes higher falls deeper”, Rosalia de Castro.

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“I don’t believe in fear. Fear has been invented by men to take away all the money and the best jobs”, Marian Keyes.

“The tyrant oppresses his slaves, and these, instead of turning against him, take revenge on those below”, Emily Brontë.

“We can all change, but no one can force us to do so. Change usually occurs when we face an unquestionable truth, something that forces us to review our beliefs”, Isabel Allende.

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