10 ways to make money doing what you love [GUÍA COMPLETA]

Have you ever thought that it is possible to earn money with your talents and skills and, with it, manage to live from your passions?

This is a very tempting question and, for most people, it is an impossible scenario.

Despite being a desire of many, (and, in addition, having flexibility and freedom in work schedules and places) it seems to be something utopian for those who are already in the traditional market.

The good news is that we are here to tell you that this model of activity is more possible than you imagine. In addition, we also want to help you find a way where you can earn money with your talents and skills.

Join us in this post until the end. From now on we are going to tell you different ways to earn money with your passions.

Are you curious? So let’s go to what interests us!

How to discover your talents?

Talent is when you have a natural ability to learn and do something. We often have such intrinsic talents that we don’t even realize it’s a skill. Can be anything!

Learn how to take care of plants, be able to socialize more easily, be good at practicing certain sports, draw and much more.

Some people have explicit talents, others haven’t figured out what they’re really good at yet, but we know we all have some skill!

To discover some of your talents, you need to answer the following questions honestly. If possible, write them down on a piece of paper so you can refer to them later:

  • What are your main activities outside of work?
  • What activities have you always liked, but have you stopped practicing due to lack of time?
  • When was the last time you lost track of time doing an activity? What activity was it?
  • What are the activities that you do not need help to carry out?
  • What do you like to talk about?
  • If money didn’t exist, what would you like to do for pleasure?
  • What kind of activity do you really want to start developing?
  • What are your favorite reading topics?
  • What do people ask you to teach them?
  • What are your strengths?

After answering them you will have a real inventory about yourself, with which you can discover some of your talents, which will be a good start to find ways to earn money with what you like.

Ready to see how to turn them into a source of income?

How to find ways to make money with what you know how to do?

With the inventory you’ve written about your skills in hand, it’s possible to figure out which ones you’re most proficient with. With this, you can now think about creating a strategy to start making money with your talents.

Create a list of actions you can take with your talents for. It is important to think like this because you will be able to imagine who your potential client will be, which will help you think of well-targeted actions.

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Thinking about that, we have selected some items that can guide you on your way to living from what you like to do:

1. Teach classes

Every day, thousands of people seek to gain knowledge. So why not think if you can help them in some way?

Do you remember the inventory in which you wrote down things that you read about, understand well, and that people around you look to you to teach them?

These topics can be great for you to start teaching, but not. You can offer your classes to the maximum number of people interested in a subject you like, with private or group classes.

And don’t think that you need to teach only foreign languages ​​or school subjects. It is possible to teach sewing, crafts, music and any other subject that you master.

Once you achieve the loyalty of your students you will be able to predict how much you can get out of your classes. This is without a doubt one of the best ways to earn money doing what you love!

2. Offer consulting services

Do you like to dress well and always get praised for it? So you can provide consulting services and help people improve their appearance.

Do you know how to organize a house like nobody else? Why don’t you offer your service to organize environments in a more functional and practical way?

Do you know how to manage money well? An excellent idea is to help people to fully manage their finances and learn how to invest money.

The ideas for consulting are endless. In addition, some companies hire professionals who have in-depth and technical knowledge on specific topics to provide consulting services and improve the performance of a certain industry. If you have a good track record and have generated good results with your work, you can become a great consultant!

Still talking about consulting, it is very common to hear about coaching. A little different from an image or business consultant, the role of the coach is to help the professional in decision-making and to improve individual performance in their career. If you fit this profile, look for more information about it, study coaching and start earning money with your talents as a consultant!

Speaking about new professions… Don’t miss Digital Makers with the story of Enrique Delgadillo, who chose to go his own way and follow his goals, overcoming all difficulties:

3. Work as a freelancer

If you know how to write or edit videos, for example, one of the ways to earn money with your talents is to work independently, dedicating yourself to other people and companies in your spare time.

This is a very sought after niche mainly for those who do not want to leave their conventional job, but still want to.

In addition, many people choose to work as a freelancer to be able to control their own time, generate income by traveling the world, and have more autonomy in general.

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You can offer your skills to people you know who need what you do. But if you do not have contact with an audience that needs freelance jobs, there are many sites that provide communication between freelancers and companies that need sporadic jobs, such as and.

As you complete projects, you gain more reputation on these sites and guarantee more jobs. In addition, you become better known and you manage to put together a portfolio to offer to people who are not on those platforms.


4. Sell your artwork

Do you have a good photographic eye and take amazing photos?

In addition to working as a freelance photographer, which fits into the previous tip, people may be interested in your work, but you have to know where to expose it.

Websites like, and buy professional photos to compose their image banks and you can be one of those providers. In addition, you can also go to physical stores and present your work, be it photography, illustration or painting, and offer it to be exhibited in exchange for a commission.

And this advice is not only for photographers, designers and painters. If you have any manual skills you can work selling your products. Handmade soaps, personalized gifts, homemade sweets… There are many options you can explore!

5. Offer your services at home

Another way to earn money with what you like to do is offering your services at home.

For example, if you love to cook and have a talent for gourmet cuisine, how about offering your job as a chef? Today many people hire cooks to prepare dinner on nights with family and friends.

If your hobby is singing, how about offering your job to entertain people at parties and other types of events?

Do you love children or pets? How about taking care of them at home on weekends?

Think about the skills you have that could be useful to people at home. You will surely find something very interesting!

6. Create a blog

Do you like to write?

So one of the ways to make money can be.

The secret is to build a blog that deals with topics that people are really looking for on the Internet, clarifying their doubts about the subject in a complete, clear and entertaining way. In this way, your site will have many visits and, consequently, more authority.

Think about the interests of your audience and create content that can help people solve everyday problems in their area of ​​activity.

This strategy is also very interesting for those who have created or want to sell an online course. This happens because with blog posts, you can generate value to your potential customers who, little by little, will understand that your product is the best solution for them.

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It is also possible to make your blog profitable with the program, a tool that will allow you to open space on your blog to advertise and start earning money for each click on the banners displayed on your site.

Did you like the idea? Then it’s time to start writing and!

7. Create a channel on YouTube

This idea is very similar to the previous one, but focused on videos. Offering useful or funny content on YouTube can be a great opportunity to generate income while doing something you love.

There are many market niches and topics that can be explored online, such as gastronomy, fashion, languages, humor, video games, finances and much more.

The most famous youtubers get . And the most interesting thing is that you can earn money with ads and also like , recommending brand products or participating in events, for example.

But it is necessary to clarify that to be successful on the platform you must, first, .

8. Create an online course

Do you have a talent that you can teach other people? So an excellent option is , because you can do it from home, without investing money and, in addition, sell it to people from all over the world.

Studying online has been the option of thousands of people in recent years, because they can learn with more flexibility, at the times they want and from anywhere.

Therefore, take advantage of all the technology that the online universe offers and create your own. Look at Ramón’s advice on this type of profitable business on the Internet:

9. Create an ebook

The ebook is a different type of info product than the online course, but it also has many advantages.

Creating an ebook is an excellent option for those who know and want to teach content in a practical, easy and fast way.

If you have a lot of talent for cooking, for example, you can create a recipe book. Or if you love to travel, you can create ebooks with travel tips from different tourist cities.

Creating a digital book is easy and you can do it using Internet tools. Here in the blog, for example, we have to mount your ebook.

See Ana’s advice on this topic:

10. Work as an Affiliate

Have you heard the term “Affiliate”?

This is one of several. In any case, and to help you better understand who this person is, we offer you a brief explanation:

An Affiliate is someone who promotes other people’s/sites’ products, with the goal of generating sales. For each successful sale, the…

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