23 memes of entrepreneurs that only those who have a business will understand

Let’s face it, memes have earned their place on the internet and they don’t stay in the digital environment, but are part of our daily lives, partly because they apply to many of the moments of our lives. In business, they are not far behind. The entrepreneurial meme is present in Facebook groups, in Instagram accounts and if you have a business, perhaps even your clients have shared one or another with you.

Here is a compilation of the best memes of entrepreneurs that have come into our hands and that have earned a little star for exemplifying so well what it is to have a company in Mexico. For you to laugh a little!

How to use memes in your business?

Using memes for your business strategy can be a great idea as it can improve the engagement in your social networks, gaining followers, likes Y shareshowever there are certain elements that you should consider before using them to make the best use of these tools.

1. Be timely ⏰

Memes are not eternal. They have a life cycle that can be measured in days or weeks. Therefore, if you are going to use memes for your marketing or content strategy, it is vital to jump on the bandwagon at the right time, so that it is relevant to your audience. Avoid posting memes months or weeks after they have gone viral.

2. Learn about the context 🔍

This point is vital. You need to understand the context behind the meme to know what it is about, if you are using it correctly and above all to avoid being played against you. You can rely on pages like or to know the context of the meme and know if it suits your business.

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3. Know your audience 💕

Before venturing into meme marketing, you should know if your audience is likely to consume this type of content. I advise you to review the demographics of your social media accounts to find out what age range your users fall into. Memes can be very popular with a young audience, while with a larger demographic, they may not achieve the results you expect.

4. Post it on the right channels 📢

Where do you plan to post your memes? Not all channels are best suited for memes. Plan which channels you will use for memes and which ones will be for brand materials, you might limit the feed of Instagram for postings exclusively of product photos and the memes go for the stories. All this depends on your audience and the management you make of your networks.

5. Be original 💡

Plagiarism is never good, not even in memes. Avoid copying or publishing memes that you have seen on networks or published by your competition. There are tons of apps to create memes that you can use to create them in a matter of minutes. In the end, your creativity will be rewarded by the gratitude and loyalty of your users.

Do not miss it…


Before moving on to entrepreneurial memes, . There, in addition to seeing the memes that we share, we have useful entrepreneurship tips, invitations to workshops, conferences, and much more. I assure you that it will become one of your favorite accounts. Now, without further ado, let’s move on to entrepreneurship memes! 🎉

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Entrepreneurship memes that you will apply at some point

Having your own business is not easy and these memes of entrepreneurs will make you better understand what an entrepreneur in Mexico suffers. What is your favorite? 😅

Memes of entrepreneurs and finances

Many entrepreneurs are terrified of numbers, and these business memes exemplify for us what it feels like to be a novice in managing finances, budgets, taxes, and electronic invoices. You may identify with one of them. 🤑

Memes of entrepreneurs in a pandemic

Yes, the pandemic was the perfect excuse for many to start their own business, however, starting a business in the midst of such an eventuality had its challenges and also its comical side. Hey, but the laughs were not lacking! 😷

Memes of entrepreneurs and customers

No client is the same as the previous one. Whoever undertakes knows that there are buyers who are easier to deal with than others and sometimes patience does not help. It’s worth laughing at these business memes, because after all, entrepreneurship is also human. 😓

Memes of multitasking entrepreneurs

It seems that being an entrepreneur is synonymous with being an expert in a little bit of a million things. If you are one of these almost superheroes, you will probably identify with this entrepreneurial meme of bosses, employees, partners, all in one! 😵

Entrepreneurship memes that will encourage you to keep trying

Let’s face it, undertaking is one of the best decisions you can make in your life. Few things are as satisfying as knowing that you are building your dream and working for what you love. Let the memes of inspirational entrepreneurs pass! 😍

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In conclusion

After laughing and being inspired by these entrepreneurial memes, keep fighting for your dream. In Tiendanube we form the number one community for entrepreneurs in Mexico and Latin America, in addition to the best entrepreneurship newsletter in Aztec lands we can help you materialize your business idea by helping you create your online store in a matter of minutes. The best of all? and fall in love with all the functionalities. Get on the cloud! 🚀

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