5 ways to fix Google Chrome white screen error ⇨

If you are frequently facing white screen error in Chrome, what should you do? Discover 5 ways to fix Google Chrome white screen error

Lately, several users have reported unresponsive white screen errors when using Google Chrome. This is a type of white screen of death error, commonly called us (WSOD) that can appear on Windows or macOS.

Although this may seem like a serious problem, the reality is quite the opposite. solve this WSOD error is pretty straight forward and you just need to make some adjustments in the browser settings and more.

5 ways to fix Google Chrome white screen error

How to fix Google Chrome white screen error on Windows 10

A better idea: If you don’t want to troubleshoot Chrome, you can try a Batter browser! use Brave Browser, provides a full browsing experience and certainly faster than its competitors and popular web browsers for Windows 10. Brave helps block invasive ads and trackers to offer a Experience of faster, safer and more private browsing never.

#1 Clear caches, cookies, history and other chrome junk files

If the Google Chrome blank screen error keeps appearing on your screen, it might be caused by corrupted browser caches, cookies, junk files, and other debris. So removing all the unwanted residue might fix the problem. There are two methods to Clear caches, cookies, history, and other junk from Chrome: manual and automatic!

Follow the instructions below to clear browsing caches manually:

Press the hotkeys = CTRL + SHIFT + CLEAR to open the Clear browsing data window.

Navigate to the Advanced tab and check all the items you want to remove, along with the Time Range.

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Hit the Clear Data button to get rid of all cached images, cookies, browsing history, and AutoFill checkboxes.

This is how you can remove all potential junk that could hamper performance and cause Google Chrome white screen error.

In case you want to perform a deep clean of hidden caches and debris that may be missed during manual cleanup. Therefore, we recommend using a dedicated PC cleanup tool to completely clean all your browser and other accumulated junk files.

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#2 Reset Browser

In certain scenarios, resetting the browser to its default settings can be helpful in clearing the Needles browser data and disabling all plugins that might be responsible for causing the WSOD error in Google Chrome. To reset the browser, follow the steps below:

Launch Chrome browser and tap Settings.

Navigate to the Advanced heading and scroll down to find the Reset and Clean option.

Under the header, select the Restore settings to their original defaults option and click Reset Settings.

Restart your browser and hopefully the WSOD error will have been resolved by now.

#3 Disable hardware acceleration

Unfortunately, hardware acceleration doesn’t work as well as it should. Often the settings cause the browser to run less stable and cause performance-related issues. So, consider disabling Google Chrome Hardware Acceleration setting to resolve the white screen error. To do it:

Launch Google Chrome and hit the three-dot icon, located in the top right corner of the screen.

Select Settings from the menu and in the new window, scroll down to the System section.

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Find the option, use hardware acceleration when available, and disable the option.

Now restart your browser and you are good to go. You probably won’t have WSOD errors appearing in the Google Chrome browser.

#4 Disable Chrome Extensions

they play a vital role in the browser ecosystem. But sometimes, incompatibilities with the Chrome build can hamper the overall browser experience and also cause the Chrome white screen error. Therefore, disable all problematic extensions or plug-ins that you no longer use in your browser.

Launch the Chrome browser and open the Menu by clicking (three dots icon in the upper left corner of the screen).

Hit the More Tools option, followed by Extensions.

From the Extensions window, check all added plugins in Google Chrome and hit the Remove button on the extension you no longer need or don’t remember adding to your web browser.

Restart your browser. Hopefully, you will no longer witness Chrome white screen error.

#5 Use the built-in Google Chrome cleanup tool

Several of us consider trusting Windows Defender or in a anti virus software Good reputation for detecting and removing malicious content and problematic applications. But you may not realize that Google Chrome has a built-in malware remover, which helps users locate and delete potentially harmful browser files.

Launch the Chrome browser and navigate to Settings.

From the new window that appears on your screen, scroll down and go to the Advanced section.

Navigate to the Reset and Cleanup menu and click on the Cleanup Computer option.

As soon as you click the Search option, Chrome will run a scan and find all the harmful software and other files that could cause the option.

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So, were you able to fix the annoying WSOD error in your Chrome browser? If not, then the last resort is to reinstall the web browser and start your web browsing experience all over again.

In the end, don’t panic, it’s just a software glitch, you can solve the white screen error in Google Chrome by following the solutions mentioned above!

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