6 tips to undertake and work at the same time

“I want to have something of my own”, “I want to be my own boss”, “I am an enterprising person”, are some of the things you say to yourself when you want to start your own business.

But what if you work all day and you can’t quit because your venture hasn’t borne fruit yet?

Don’t worry, our message today is, relaxeverything comes, do not get frustrated and take it as a opportunity to grow personally and professionally. “How is it possible?” You may be thinking, if all you do is work, you come home very tired and just want to have dinner, take a shower and go to sleep.

Calm! It’s all about organization. That is why today we will give you some tips so that you can balance your life as a worker by day with your life as an entrepreneur at night.

1. Get in the habit of using a calendar.

If you are not clear about what you will do in the day, in the week or in the month, it will be very difficult to reach the goals you have in mind.

write down macro lenses (they can be monthly) such as “Define the company that will send my products”, and define other micro lenses (they can be weekly), for example “Call X shipping company to find out costs” or “Make a comparative table of costs of shipping companies to understand which one suits me.”

We also recommend that you always have the calendar at your fingertips.
You have two ways:

1) Always have near your home desk a calendar big enough for you to write down goals on each grid. You can hang it on the wall or you can use the ones that come in display format to support on the desk.

two) Have your calendar online. For this case, if you have a cell phone with an internet connection (it is also something that we strongly recommend to manage your business) you can use the application Calendar having an account in . If not, you have hundreds of calendar apps to download and use offline.

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2. Define clear schedules

try not interrupt your working hours to achieve the objectives of your entrepreneurship since that defocuses you from the daily tasks that correspond to your work, and the best thing is always invest energy and effort at the right times.

But when is the right time if I never have time? Tranquility above all, if you are in a more relaxed environment where you can take 15 minutes, take advantage of them to advance with small tasks, such as answering e-mails, making a call to a supplier or client.

On the other hand, you don’t want to work on a Saturday night or Sunday morning. Sometime you should rest, but how will you replenish energy? This is why you must make clear your attention schedule and force yourself to work the hours you have predefined.

If you get home from work at 6 pm, a good working time is two hours so that you can have time for your things later and not end up totally exhausted. If you want to achieve it, you will have to make this extra effort.

If you have to dispatch products or buy materials to make them, you can take advantage of lunch hours, as long as you do not always sacrifice this moment since, as we always say in Tiendanube “You have to sharpen the ax to continue felling”. This means that it is useless to work all the time if there is no rest.

3. Your work is your source of capital

Surely you hear from other sources “leave your job to have full time and dedicate yourself to what you really want”. Although it is completely valid, it is likely that if you are just starting out there are many costs that you still cannot cover with the money that comes in from your sales.

Your work at this time is your source of investment for your own enterprise. It is what will give you the economic boost so that you can start and advance little by little in your business.

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The reality is that the only way for you to dedicate yourself full time is if you are in a comfortable financial position and can cover all the costs that a business requires without having any initial profit.

4. Take advantage of the work environment to market your products.

We always give advice so that you can promote your products online, and although the online channel is a very powerful source for getting customers, word of mouth is still a valid way to sell your products. In addition, after your home, your work is the second place where you spend the most time and that is why you must exploit this space to sell your products.

Your co-workers will be potential buyers but they will also be the voice of those buyers that you will get through other channels. Why? Because the trust you have with them will allow you to test promotions, your visual identity, among other things. They will be your beta customerstake advantage of it and remember that it is an opportunity.

5. Do not lose sight of your goals.

Now, you already have your calendar, you have a place to start promoting your products offline, you have a source that will give you money to invest in your own business but time will run out.

That is why we thought it important to highlight that growing your business if you do not have the chance to make a large investment it takes timedo not get frustrated, there will be roller coastersups and downs, lefts and rights.
find your way and don’t lose sight of your goals.

If you get lost, do something that relaxes you, that moves your ideas, that gets you out of the routine.
Take a walk, spend time with loved ones, travel, go eat somewhere you like, read a book, there are many things you can do!

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6. Bonus track: I have a partner but he has more time than me

If your business is made up for two or more people It is important that all the members understand well the times available to each one to avoid frustrations and unnecessary future proposals. The teamwork, respect, and understanding many times they are difficult but sometimes you have to leave pride, frustration and tiredness aside to listen to the other.

A good idea to divide the tasks is to understand which ones take more or less time and that each member of the team takes that task according to the amount of time they have.

Another way is to divide them according to taste or what each one does. If you like the administrative or customer service part better and your colleague likes the design and marketing part better, so be it! Both will be happy and satisfied with their goals.

In conclusion

It is important that you define your objectives well and above all your expectations, starting a business is not a piece of cake.

Remember what is advised, write down your goals and meet them, take advantage of your work environment for your economic well-being and to get your first clients, and last but not least, make an effort, it will be what will ultimately achieve your success.

If you are reading these tips and you don’t have an online store yet, you can and we will help you with these tips and much more too.

Do you have any tips that you have not seen in this article and want to share? We want to know!

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