7 pages to sell clothes online in Mexico

Selling clothes online can be a very profitable business. Take advantage of the fact that there is a mainly young audience, since more than half of Internet users – 51% to be exact – who bought a product on a page are under 35 years of age, throws .

When opening your online clothing store, consider dedicating yourself to a young group and offering fashion for this group that ranges from 18 to 35 years old.

But before launching into , know everything about how a page works to sell clothes on the internet. From what are the marketplaces Y pages to sell used or new clothes in Mexicohow much commission they charge, even which site is best for you to open your store according to your type of business.

✨ There are more options than you imagine and after reading this article you will learn that there is a world of possibilities, come on!

How does a page to sell clothes work?

There are different types of pages to sell clothes in Mexico. It all depends on what kind of clothes you want to sell, be it used clothes or new clothes, how much time you want to spend on it and how much money you have to invest. There are sites that manage everything for you, such as fashion marketplaces, products in general, or semi-new clothing, which take a commission for each sale.

On the other hand, there are online stores or e-commerce, where you can design your own online page with the benefit that it will be the official store of your brand where you will not have competition and the payment of commission for sales or monthly service depends on the type of platform you choose.

Learn here the four types of pages to sell clothes online. We also have a list of names of pages to sell used or new clothes, where you can start today.

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Where can I sell my clothes online?

You can sell clothes in your own virtual store, in a more austere way through social networks, or in marketplaces such as Facebook or Mercado Libre and Amazon, as well as specialized in fashion such as GoTrendier, Vopero and others.

Types of pages to sell clothes

1. Social networks

Selling on social networks like Instagram and Facebook is a good option if your business is small. You can reply to direct messages and comments at your own pace and make yourself known as you gain followers. But beware, you have to invest time and effort in creating a strategy that promotes your profile with ads without becoming invasive, and increase reach.

In the case of promotion, consider that advertising on social networks always has a cost and this varies depending on the social network. Once you increase your sales and followers in this sales channel, you will surely have to look for another option. Since it is unlikely that you will have the ability to answer every message you receive and you will neglect the quality of customer service, which will cause you a bad reputation and lost sales.

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On the other hand, if you have an online page or you promote in a marketplace, the customer makes the purchase automatically. Therefore, it is more convenient to use social networks as a showcase.

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2. Own page or online store

Having your own page online is like the source of all possibilities. If you have a site, in addition to generating more trust in the public as a formal company, you will be able to link your store with social networks and marketplaces.

This way your business will have the most exposure to generate more sales. You can create a store regardless of the type of clothing you will offer. Whether selling used clothes in good condition, new clothes, bales, vintage or luxury brands. In addition, you design it to your liking. 😉

Another great advantage of having your own online clothing store is avoiding paying commissions that exist in stores that manage the sale for you and in some marketplaces. These charges are subject to rising costs, so they will be out of your control.

If you need more motivation or information about selling clothes, I recommend that you click on the link and get to know our super guide to create your own online space.

📌 To know everything about the costs of a page to sell clothes, click on this .

3. Marketplaces

We already talked about the possibility of linking your online store with a marketplace. Now let’s talk about how these sites work to sell clothes. Think of a marketplace as if it were a digital mall, where all kinds of items are sold. It is a platform that manages everything related to sales and works as an intermediary between the buyer and the seller.

It serves as a showcase for brands. One of the benefits that they offer to potential clients is the guarantee of being a reliable and serious site. In addition, they help you access more traffic.

Being in a marketplace implies some costs. From the outset, the seller must cover a monthly fee in order to open their official store. Additionally, the platform keeps a percentage of each sale.

📌Some of the most popular marketplaces in Mexico to sell clothes are Amazon, Mercado Libre, eBay, Linio and Facebook Marketplace.

🤑 If you have your own page to sell clothes, you can connect it with Amazon, Mercado Libre and Claro Shop to increase your exposure and sales. If you have your online page with Tiendanube, it is even simpler. Head to to connect the platforms.

4. Thrift stores

It has grown so much that there are online stores that are specifically dedicated to selling this type of clothing. Buying second-hand clothes is a movement that seeks to reuse existing clothes to reduce the sale of clothing and its polluting effect on the environment.

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On the other hand, we have fashion lovers looking for archive pieces – from luxury brands – from past seasons. Second-hand online stores bridge these two worlds.

There are two types of platforms: those that manage the entire sale and send a commission in return, and others where you do the whole process yourself.

  • Online stores that manage the sale: In Mexico there are platforms such as Vopero, Troquer, Sale ChopChop and Verde Permuta. They have a model where you only need to prepare the clothes you want to sell, deliver them or schedule the collection of the bag and they will select the clothes that meet their standards. In addition, they establish a profit table that you will obtain according to the price of each garment. If they are sold, they keep a commission.
  • Online stores where you do the process: On pages like GoTrendier, the platform does not store the clothes, but rather each seller uploads the photos, keeps the clothes in their possession and, if sold, sends them to the customer by parcel. They also have a set commission for the sale of each item.

Take note:


7 pages where you can sell clothes in Mexico


In Vopero the process is so easy that they themselves send a bag to your home where you will put all the clothes from your closet that you want to sell. They accept women’s and men’s clothing and accessories from low-cost brands like Zara, mid-range, and even luxury brands like Gucci. Once you have selected and prepared all the clothes, schedule the collection of the bag.

🚚 They are in charge of collecting, inspecting, listing, photographing and storing the items. They confirm the garments that passed the filter and you can approve and edit the prices yourself. The Vopero team then uploads the products to the online page which also has its own apps for mobile devices.

👚From the mobile app you can monitor your sales in real time and transfer the money to your account, or use it to buy other Vopero items.

Chop Chop out

Like Vopero, Sale ChopChop is also in charge of selecting, photographing, storing and selling the items. The disadvantage is that they only accept luxury items and do not accept products with low demand.

This platform is dedicated to selling used and new luxury items. They guarantee that the garments they select are 100% original, through the guarantee card, authenticity number and other security mechanisms. They have bags, clothes, shoes and accessories from brands like Fendi, Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Bottega Veneta, Louis Vuitton, Dior, etc.

own page

For total control of your sales, profits and prices, opening your own online page is second to none. First of all, here you are not limited to selling only used clothing like on other platforms. By having your own e-commerce you can offer new clothes and all kinds of items you want. It even means being in control of design, aesthetics, and .

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In addition, you will not be subject to the payment of commissions per transaction, your garments will not be held in a warehouse and you will be able to dispose of them at all times.

Having the clothes in your possession also opens the possibility of selling on different channels. You will be able to promote your brand and articles to your liking to bring more traffic and consequently, more sales.

Go Trendier

The advantage of GoTrendier is that you can sell used clothes of all kinds. They do not have a filter of exclusive brands. You can start without investing, selling the clothes you have in your closet. It is a good option for those who want to start a microenterprise, such as , a term used to discover a group of women who engage in informal commerce through social networks.

One disadvantage is that they only allow the sale of women’s clothing, footwear and accessories. Also, you have to manage the entire process and pay a commission for each sale.

Free market

It is one of the largest marketplaces in Mexico, as they have various types of item categories. You have the possibility of selling both new and second-hand clothes.

Opening an account is free, but consider that in Mercado Libre there are quite a few commissions. For example, if you don’t pay for advertising, your item won’t get exposure in the listings. In such a way that you need to advertise constantly to reach a larger audience. In addition to paying a commission to the platform for each sale you make.

In this marketplace there are thousands of sellers and official brand stores that pay to appear on the initial pages. So you must invest money to gain space and not go unnoticed by users. Consider within your budget the cost of the advertising pattern in your publications to prevent them from becoming an ant expense.

📌 Also, Mercado Libre asks you to offer free shipping on new products from $299 MXN. In such a way that you as a seller must bear the cost of shipping.


It is an online second-hand clothing store that also takes care of everything. It has a very similar system to that of Vopero and Sale ChopChop. The first step is to schedule an appointment by video call with a curator who will review your garments. In Troquer they accept clothing from brands of fast fashion and luxury brands.

From the selection, they are responsible for collecting the items. If you live outside of Mexico City, you can send the clothes…

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