this page is trying to load scripts from non-authentic sources…

Hello Jose,

You should not do it only with the url of your domain but with urls like the one you indicate in your query, there you would have observed that you distribute mixed content that does not travel over HTTPS, such as:

Content only visible to registered users

Problems with mixed content after enabling SSL?

When your website is loaded with the https protocol, there may be additional elements that are loaded with the insecure http protocol, such as css files, js (javascript) or images. This causes, on the one hand, that instead of showing the padlock icon to the left of the browser’s address bar, a warning is displayed and, on the other hand, it can cause the web to not be seen correctly, due to Because the browser blocks unsafe content.

To correct this problem it is necessary to locate the insecure elements that are being loaded. You can use the element inspector that comes with most browsers or use an additional browser extension like Firebug. By clicking on the “Console” tab and reloading the page, the insecure elements that are being loaded should be displayed here.

Normally this unsafe content is usually loaded from a widget, if it is about images. By editing the widget, you could correct the upload path of the image, so that instead of loading with http:// it loads with https:// or, even better, simply putting // (for example, //www.webname. com/images/imagename.jpg).

Other elements, such as css or js files, are usually loaded from the theme that you are using in your WordPress, so it would be necessary to apply changes to the theme’s code, locating the files from where these calls are made, and changing them. to start with https:// or //

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Another issue that you should check is the following: in the WordPress administration go to Settings->General. In the fields “WordPress address (URL)” and “Site address (URL)” put the url of the web with https (it may be set with http). In this way, WordPress will be told that the url of the web loads with https protocol.

There is a plugin that can help you in this task of fixing problems with loading insecure content, called “SSL Insecure Content Fixer”, and it can be downloaded from the link or installed directly from the WordPress administration. It is intended to detect content upload via http and apply the change in the upload link to https.

Once the plugin is installed and activated you must go to Settings, “SL Insecure Content”. In the “Fix insecure content” parameter, select the revision level that the plugin will apply, from least to most strict. You can try the various levels from top to bottom, reloading the front panel after each change, until you find the one that corrects the problem, although the “Widgets” option will be recommended or, if this still does not solve the problem, the “Widgets” option. Capture”. The “HTTPS detection” parameter can be left with the “standard WordPress function” option.



Answered : 09/24/2017 12:56 am

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