Basic concepts and definitions of programming

A list of common terms, with their definitions, that you should know to start your learning in the world of programming-

With this article we begin an article that we hope will clarify some basic knowledge to start dealing with code and not get lost in the attempt.

It is a beautiful path that will offer us many possibilities, personal and professional, in which you will surely be able to have a lot of fun, learn and feel that you are advancing day after day. Please note that programming is a whole professionwhich people have mastered for years, so do not despair at first if you encounter difficulties, since little by little you will get a better idea and clear up doubts.

Definitions that you should know if you start in the world of programming

We will start with some slightly technical definitions, but they are essential for learning, simply to clarify some points that we are going to refer to throughout the manual and of course in your day-to-day programming.


Within the field that interests us, technology aims to eliminate repetitive tasks, facilitating work and making it more efficient as well as increasing the productivity and profits of the company.


Scheduling is one of the most important stages of a project’s life cycle (we will explain what this term is later), and it requires a work method. Programming is the result of such work.

Programming is the instrument that allows the execution of automated tasks of a computer system.

The tools that we will use to program are the programming languagesthrough which we will code the programs.

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Set of instructions understandable by the computer that allows to carry out a job or solve a problem.

A program must be finite, that is, it must have a start and an end. It has to be well prepared so that, when entering data, a solution comes out and if the same data is entered again, the same solution comes out again.

development methodology

Development methodology, also called programming methodology, is understood as the set of rules, methods and annotations that indicate how to develop a program.

Within the development methodology, programming is only one part, since there are many stages to make an application work, maintain it over time, etc.

Anyway, focused on the programming itself, we can say that each programming language follows a different methodology.

Programming language

It is a set of semantic as well as syntactic rules that programmers use to code instructions for a program or programming algorithm.

There are dozens of programming languages ​​with different characteristics and which are designed to solve specific sets of problems, sometimes more general and other times more specific.

Programming environment or development environment

It is the set of tools used to develop a program.


Set of hardware components that we will use to create a program (cpu, hard drive…).


Once the basic concepts necessary for learning programming are known, we can begin to see the different ones.

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