How to configure Stripe with WooCommerce – .com

In this tutorial we see how to configure WooCommerce with Stripe, an extremely recommended payment gateway in every way.

Stripe as a payment gateway

Stripe is a great payment gateway that offers our customers the possibility of paying by card, be it credit, debit, prepaid, etc.

The particularity of this gateway is that it allows the customer to make the payment within our own website, , as do the rest of the payment gateways. That makes the user experience much smoother and more optimal.

In fact, Stripe as such it doesn’t even show up in the list of payment methods, but it only says “Pay with card”. The end user doesn’t even see it.

Stripe’s commissions are currently as follows:

As we can see, they have a much simpler scaling system than PayPal, and their commission is much lower. You have more information in the article and the PayPal rates in the tutorial.

So Stripe charges a 1.4% + €0.25, compared to 3.4% + €0.35 for PayPal. Be careful because that is 2 points less, and at the end of the month it is very noticeable.

Once again, and unlike PayPal, Stripe does issue monthly invoices for its commissions, and it is an extremely easy document to download from the control panel:

So, both for price, for user experience, and for convenience, I personally prefer to use Stripe over PayPal, which also allows us recurring or .

Install Stripe in WooCommerce

To configure Stripe in WooCommerce, the first thing we have to do is install an extension, since this payment gateway does not come by default. If you are installing WooCommerce for the first time, the wizard already offers you that option:

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And if for some reason we skip it, we can do it from WordPress, since it has been free for a few months.

This step only installs and activates the plugin, but does not configure it. It’s just a quick way to get it ready, but now we’ll have to configure it.

Configuring Stripe in WooCommerce

Now that we have it installed and active, we must configure it. For that we will go to Woocommerce / Settings / Checkout / Stripe, where we will see the following options:

As you can see, there are 11 fields to fill in, all of them very easy. Let’s do a quick review:

  • Title: Name of the payment method that will appear to the user.
  • Description: Description of the payment method that will appear once the user selects it.
  • Test mode: This is used for testing, with card 4242424242424242, any CVC code and a valid date (future) of expiration. It’s a way to make sure the system works, without having to pay every time we do a test.
  • secret keys: There are four secret keys that we find in our Stripe account, which we must place in these four fields:
    • secret production key (Live Secret Key)
    • Publishable production key (Live Publishable Key)
    • Evidence Secret Key (Test Secret Key)
    • Publishable evidence key (Test Publishable Key)
  • Capture: Always leave it selected so that it is charged instantly. If it is NOT selected, it will would approve payment but would not be made. This is usually done in the case of crowdfunding.
  • Payment with Stripe: This activates the so-called “Stripe checkout”, so that instead of showing the payment fields of the form, the entire screen is darkened, and a modal window appears with a small Stripe form.
  • Saved cards: Stripe offers the ability to save user cards (as the App Store or the Play Store do), so that the user does not have to insert the card every time, but only identifies himself with a PIN. All information is stored on Stripe’s servers, we do not store anything.
  • Record: The debugging log is a file that will remain in our hosting with the possible errors of each operation, in case an error occurs, so that the programmers can see what it is about.
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And ready! With this we will already have Stripe configured for both one-off and recurring charges.

Summary and conclusion

Stripe is a payment gateway that allows your customers to pay with a card without leaving your website. His commission is 1.4% + €0.25.

To configure it, we will only need the 4 secret keys that Stripe provides us, but we have some extras to customize the user experience.

If you want to know more about WooCommerce, take a look at the online marketing courses, at your disposal!

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