Analytics Course – .com

In this introductory course to Google Analytics we are going to get to know the best free analytical tool on the market from the inside.

Analytics is an absolutely essential discipline in the world of digital business. Although there are many aspects in which we can deepen, the knowledge of Google Analytics is the first step of this whole journey.

Analytics has become a de facto standard and is used in the vast majority of projects. If we are professionals in the digital sector, we must have advanced training in this field.

But even if you are only responsible for your own web project, Analytics has so much to offer us that it can mean the difference between choosing the path of business growth or getting stuck without knowing at all what mechanisms to activate in order to grow.

Throughout this basic Analytics course we are going to discover all the reports that the tool offers us as standard. To understand them, we will describe key concepts such as metrics and dimensions and what they can contribute to us at the business analysis level.

This means that we will be able to know in a very deep way the users who come to our website: how many there are, how often they visit us, where they live, what language they speak, what topics interest them and even what type of products they buy.

We will also find out how they found out about us and what path they took to get to our website. This will allow us to know the performance of our actions to capture traffic in social networks, advertising, SEO, etc.

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Thirdly, we will see if our site satisfies the visitors, if a satisfactory relationship and commitment is created between the users and the web.

As it could not be otherwise, we will also be able to assess the business performance of the site. We will know the sales, income and business objectives that are being met, understanding the value of each link in the chain of actions responsible for those sales.

Finally, we will learn how to create our own data panels to summarize the most relevant information and not have to navigate endless reports full of metrics. We will also learn to automate the sending of these panels in pdf format so that no one in our organization is left without knowing the most relevant information in their area of ​​responsibility.

And in case we have little time to monitor the data, we will see how to create an alert system that warns us of any relevant event that happens on our site: content that has gone viral, a problem on the web or a product that is being sold for above (or below, ouch!) than expected.

We will see all this on a real example. We will create our report from scratch but we will also work with a real e-commerce that receives thousands of visits every day.

Exciting right? Google Analytics is going to radically change the way we make decisions on our websites. Jump into the first lesson and find out!

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