1650. Traffickers – .com

Today we talk about traffickers. What are they? What are your competencies? What exactly does it do? What tools do you use? How far do your responsibilities go?

But first, let’s remember that today ends the , with a couple of classes in which we will see what Social Listening is and how the events of this social network work.

And now yes, let’s go for the monographic, the traffickers. What is a trafficker exactly? In short, we could say that he is the person who gets traffic (visits) to a website, but that would be an understatement, since his skills go further.

Although on many occasions this traffic comes through paid advertising (on platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads), it can also come from networks, campaigns with influencers, or email marketing, among others.

So let’s see what your responsibility is, and how you can capture that traffic. Here is the rundown of the program:

As you can see, a trafficker should do much more than drive visits to a page, and that is why they should have a transversal knowledge of various tools, techniques and strategies. With what I would advise you these courses, to cover the basic knowledge that we should have:

We could add a few more, depending on the specialization we wanted to take, but in the end we would end up putting the entire home page, because after all, what we are looking for in the online marketing world is to get traffic to get branding or conversions, what a trafficker looks for 🙂 I hope you find it useful!

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As always, thank you all so much for your five-star ratings on , on , and , subscribing to and for being there, on the other side. Without you this would not be what it is, without you this simply… It would not be!

Gentlemen, here is the program! It’s Friday, so you already know what it’s about: Rest, relax and recharge your batteries, because we return on Monday with more and better: Your questions, the protagonists of the day. Until then… Very good weekend!

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