Gravity Forms Course #8: Create tests with WordPress – .com

Welcome to the eighth installment of the GravityForms course, the forms plugin for wordpress that allows us to do fancy things with any type of form.

Today we will see how to create tests with WordPress with Gravity Forms, and even how to show the results (or the grade) automatically when it is submitted for review. Remember that if you can download the plugin, and you will also have access to everybody the .

Create quizzes in WordPress

The possibilities that the tests give us are many, and the use that you give them depends basically on your situation. Perhaps some of you will want to do an aptitude test for people you are going to hire, some exams for students, other tests for fun, or sometimes even to deliver certificates.

Gravity Forms allows us to ask questions, and give several types of answer options: Multiple selection boxes (checkboxes)single option buttons (radio buttons) and option selectors (dropdowns). Each one has its peculiarities.

On the other hand, we have the results. These can be instant (it tells you if you got it right at the time of selecting the answer)immediate (shows you the result when submitting the form)or nonexistent (doesn’t show you). Obviously, in the control panel we have the aggregated results, as well as several useful reports and filters. Let’s see it!

Powerful right? That a simple addon can add such interesting functionality to Gravity Forms is great, since we don’t have to learn a completely new plugin, but knowing Gravity Forms we are already able to do all the tests we want, without having to learn again.

See also  Advanced WordPress plugin development course #9. Create a plugin with another plugin - .com

And let’s not forget that everything we’ve learned in previous lessons applies here as well. All the fields, conditional logic, attributes, styles… everything we’ve seen from lessons 1 to 7 is applicable here too. And all that remains to be seen!

In the next class we will see how we can do studies. That is, collect data in a structured way to make statistics with the results. Do not miss it! 🙂

Remember that if you will have access to everybody the courses and you can also enjoy everything from .

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