Google Analytics Course 4 #7. Metrics in Google Analytics 4 – .com

In the seventh class of the Google Analytics 4 basic course we are going to review the concept of metrics and how to work with them.

In essence, a metric is a number, but not only that is valid for defining a metric in Google Analytics. We will talk about a number that is covered by a defined scale and in a period of time.

So we can say that a metric is, for example, 10 conversions in the last week or 6 visits from Google searches, compared to things that would not be metrics such as a handful of visits, or if the form objective was met. Let’s see it!

You have already seen, there are multiple metrics in GA4, each one associated with a category. Obviously, the metrics are linked to the dimensions, one could not exist without the other. And, just like these, there are a multitude of metrics in Analytics.

Thus, we can see how the metrics allow us to have a quick view of the key indicators of our business. How many sales have we had? What has been the increase in billing? How many visits have we received from social networks? That is why we will usually associate them with our KPIs.

As homework for this class, I suggest you review the explorations section in the GA4 interface and see what metrics are available. Or do the same in the link that we leave you under the video.

As always, you can ask us all the questions that arise regarding this class, through the support tab of the intranet.

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